Oh lord, I know I am gonna go to hell for this one. I have been going to several hospitals for the past month or so because my father-in-law has an illness ( I will update you all later, its too upsetting to discuss openly to strangers for now). Anyways, I realized and noticed more in depth the high degree of vanity that runs through me... well see this is the thing. Whenever you leave your regular and normal surroundings you notice certain things. I tend to notice people. People who are facked up and jacked up looking. I am talking about people who do not deserve to walk around in public and should be kept in plastic bubbles inside caves. I am talkin about those people you look at and are like, "Damn! Did they just fall off the ugly tree and hit every branch on their way down" people.
I don't know where these people are from and I like to keep it that way. It's the same way whenever you go to the local state or county fair and there are all these monster and goblin lookin people around, but they are not in custume---they are regular people...The freaks come out at the damn fairs here in Miami lol i swear to God!
But I mean damn... it just makes you think about how many others there are alllll over the world....
Anyways, I have a really funny example of this one guy who is a man-nurse there at the hospital that my father-in-law is currently at. He looks like he is in his 40s and he is such a funny lookin fack. It is amazing to me the strength and amount of courage and ability to convince himself of his daily dilemma. See the thing is that hes a guy who is obviously bald okay...and he uses hair plugs and on top of that he sprays his scalp. You know what that is. For those of you who don't. There is a spray (kinda like a spray paint - in a spray paint bottle or aerosole bottle) that you are supposed to spray on your head to make the illusion that you are not hairless - just you know - you have a naturally BLACK SCALP. And theres different colors: black, brown, grey, and even white! Well this poor man-nurse walks around all day seeing patients who can obviously see his balding head and fake "tape job" done on his hairline on his forehead. He has reconstructed a new hairline for his forehead. It really is the funniest shit you have ever seen in the world. I can understand you got like a lil tiny swirl and you spray it and maybe comb some hair over it...and it can give off that illusion... But if you're full blown bald and have 4 hair plugs that stick out like sore thumbs and on top of that spray black paint on your bald head and we can all see the black scalp with the dripping-paint-from sweat- forehead hair line ....we know its not real. Not only that...its been raining crazy in Miami...and that shit was tore up today lol And to just top it really all off...he be short....Yea, the man is short....EVERYONE CAN SEE THE DAMN HEAD.... Even if you didn't want to look at his head that the only thing that you see...Oh yea...you all know how bright those lights be at the hospital and the nursing stations... lol ohhhh it is too funny. If I have the audacity I will try to take a picture of the "phenominally bald-spray-painted man-nurse" lol heheh
peace out,