So my little children of the corn. I have not had Internet for well over a month now...and its caused me to get several problems emotionally. I have gone through a personal rehab and just now ive taken up the drug again lol
Internet crack is a serious problem. It causes you to not concentrate at work, forget or neglect friends and family members (your new friends & family come from the Internet world like local and foreign chat rooms as well as local and foreign blogs).
Your free time is consumed by the almighty speed of Internet connection. You check your 6 different e-mails, myspace, porn, dirty jokes, world news, educational technology sites, bank accounts, credit cards, department stores, ebay, weather nationally and internatinally, and celebrity news all at a touch of a few buttons.
Where else would anyone want to be almost 24/7?
Anyways I went through several withdrawals syndromes and it wasnt pleasant. It was much like a crack head i tell you. The first week I would get ancy and twitchy. I tended to roam and walk around my room and wander out to the house aimlessly. No matter the time, I would call up my mother in law and tell her i was coming over to use the computer for school. In reality i would surf the net.... One time i went and stayed at the house until 4 am...thats when i knew i had a problem...
I began to have sleepless nights wishing and thinking about who else i can use for their Internet connection....when i couldnt go to anyone elses house i would go back to my mother-in-laws and use my fiancee's laptop and sit in the dark in their backyard stealing wireless connection so that she wouldnt be walking in on me.
When that got old and my neck began to soar unbearablly i began to stay at home...thinking about all the sites i hadnt been to in such a long time, and i also remembered how annoying it is to call my bank & credit card #'s by phone with their stupid automative systems. The ease and swiftness was gone and the phone payment charges were unbearable.
Anyways, i resorted to depression after the 4th week and began to be lethargic. (not to mention the depression of not being able to find a better place of employment than where i am now...i have a degree and nothing to show for it...) I never used to take naps in the afternoon after work because i saw it as a waste of time....but it all changed. I started to sleep for hours on end.
At the same time i stopped eating, worst of all i started reaching out to all the loved ones i had left behind. My family and friends...they all seemed so surprised to hear from me....that sucked cause you had to seem like you hadnt skipped a beat...
I watched more television programs that sucked...i didnt miss out on award shows...because i watched so much tv i started to miss work to catch things that were on or to just not go ---since i hate my job it didnt hurt me ...only on my paycheck ...but i could bare the sting as long as i didnt have to see the face of the old hag that works with me...
I became more violent like a rabid animal....i was really testy with no patience.
My sisterinlaw works with me.....and she hogs the computer sooo now today for the first time she left early and i enjoyed the internet. and now im leaving cause my boss kicked me out.
Good bye---until next time.