Tuesday, October 30, 2007


I think I have come up with a really good list this year for what I want for me Birf-Day. Its the best one ive ever made....

My List

1- The new IPOD waterproof belt

Its awesome I swear! You can wrap this band around your waist, and buy this IPOD holder, and buy IPOD waterproof earphones and go in the water with it. I am a sucker for anything that is for IPOD.

See, I wouldnt normally ask for such ridiculous things but, i have been actually working out for the past two weeks, and yesterday when i was finally able to use my IPOD i didnt have an arm band thing, so i put in in my sports bra....at the end of the work out it was soaked! This will save me from it frying up. Also, its been raining lately and i cant go out and run with it and pray to the lord that the rain doesnt come and fuck up my IPOD.

2. A job

Seriously, I need one, im not kidding anymore - or my Fiance will leave my ass....I think this one is something i need to get myself...

3. Payment of all my Credit Cards...

Especially, the cruel Victoria Secret card...

4. To be taken out to wine and dine...

impossible my fiance is always working. and my friends are broke poeple

5. An IPOD jack in the car

that holds my IPOD so i can hear the damn thing in the car already...everyone has one but me!

6. All the Seinfeld box sets.

My Birfdays on the 25th of this month. And i feel so old and like i havent accomplished anything. I know things will soon change...ughh

Friday, October 26, 2007

I just saw the News....

WTF!!!?? Has American football hit a new low? I just saw the news. The Dolphins (0-5) are in London playing the NY Giants. Why the Fuck are we in London in the first place? If the Us didnt think that pushing around country's wasnt enough, why the hell would they place an American sport in the city of London? Especially when Rugby and soccor are the sports of the land...besides cricket...anyways - is it really that bad? ReallY?
All the business classes i took only direct me to the fact that marketing is trying to think of a scheme to get football more viewers.

I am seriously upset about the NFL's actions. Its totally uncalled for.

p.s. prayers to the ones who have lost their lives in Cali ,,,

# 89 - Seems likes posts are getting better....

Who'da ever thought that I would be on my 89th post eh?
Anyways, im just sitting here upset, while jamming to Barbara Streisand's - Poppa Can you Hear Me? I love that movie, Yentl, gets me crying everytime. Thank god for Ipods cause my brother would not appreciate this music.

Anyways, I was going through Netflix movies, and was curious to see that there was Superman IV. I was crazy right? Everyone knows theres like 4 of them right ? Now, remember Im talking about Christopher Reeve's Superman - you know the REAL Ones. Anyways, i couldnt get past the fact that I hadnt seen part three. It totally blew my mind. Then I started reading what other people who actually saw it had to say. Heres what i read:


Inhabitants of the Planet Houston: After the end of Superman II: Triumph of Zod, the son of our jailer, “Superman”, became our slave forever. To further humiliate him, we decided to force him to partake in the worst "movie" we could think of, Superman III. Unbeknownst to us, the movie wound up being worse than even I, General Zod, your Rightful Ruler, had planned. It is so bad, Zod cannot even stand to watch it. The movie even has a silly message, namely, technology is dangerous and you must be careful with it. Yet, as all of you know, the only message you need is this: General Zod is dangerous, and therefore you must KNEEL BEFORE ZOD!

DT 958819

Even if you love the Superman genre, there is no compelling reason to waste your time with this film. Poorly written, bad campy acting, without even the bit of chemistry between Reeves and Kidder of the original film (her role is basically non-existent in this one). This one is really an embarrassment from 1983. We hope this one is deleted from the resumes of Robert Vaughn and Richard Prior. Only item of interest, Annette OĆ½Tool, who currently portrays Martha Kent in the Smallville television show, has the role of Laura Lang in Superman III.

nxp 301540

One of the worst films ever produced, directed, lensed, or dreamed up. Destroyed what could have been a decent franchise in my opinion. Every time I see Richard Pryor on the cover I wince. Tragic!


In reading the reviews, i kept hearing one thing, and I just had to retaliate. SUPERMAN is NOT a COMEDY. Ever. The fact that this is even being concidered an addition to a Superman collection is as rediculous as Richard Lester directing it. Lester lacks what Donnar had: Magic. When you see the first two films, they are like flying through the air with Superman. You feel loved, appreciated, and that your intelligence hasn't been compromised. Watching Superman Three, however, is like having that same feeling shot out of the sky, rolled into the mud, and spat on. The only saving quality this movie has is Annette O'Toole who did a fantastic job as Lana Lang. However, she played a small part in the film, and what was left for the rest of us fans was complete campy crap.

AV 1609224

Having Richard Pryor be the star of the film was a BIG mistake. Having him be this goof ball computer wiz was redicilous. I thought that the opening sequence credits were funny to a degree, but I think they kinda went overboard. I thought the scens with the chemical plant was decent and the chemistry between Christopher Reeve and Annette O'Toole was good stuff.I also like the Superman splitting in two idea. I thought that scene in the junkyard where bad Sups fights good Clark was the highlight of the movie. The major problem with this film was that the villians and the whole plot about the computer that could control/make weather was just flat out stupid. The end where Superman "fights' the "Ultimate Computer" that was a fricking giant sized arcade game was completely idiotic! It seemed like whoever wrote this film tried to make it both a comedy and an action adventure, so they tried both and the result was a mixed bag. Sure it was hard to top Superman 2, which was easily the best of the 4 films, but common, they dould put more effort into it. If they wanted a computer to be the villan they should have had it be Brainiac. If you haven't seen this movie and are curious, watch the scenes Reeve and O'Toole and the Clark vs. bad Superman scene. Skip the rest!


Seriously, these are real reviews. So of course instead of heading the advice that is pretty much leading to the same reaction of most people who saw it, I had to watch it to see how bad it was....Man, am i disappointed about this fucking movie. I loved part 1, and 2, and 4.....after watching 3 very painfully, and with many breaks in between, i have to so that it sucks serious ass man. Im talking about, it just really sucked badddd.....Its possibly the worst movie i have ever seen,.....ever.....ever...ever...ever... i think you get the point. I warn you...do not ever watch that movie. EVER....

Its just funny that only Richard Pryor could nick name Super Man "Sup"....i mean seriously....

The only cool revelation about that movie is that in this movie - i found out that Lana Lang is actually Clark Kents mother in the tv series Smallville, I was so blown away when i saw that. It was awesome, the awesome feeling that a Superman comic friek could enjoy...narf....

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

TV Links Shut Down

This is worse than not having job. Why? Because all I use to do was go on Tv-Links (because I didnt have a job) in order to watch tv shows and cartoons & movies that are no longer played and pretty much hate myself for not bringing in money while laughing histarically at the old Alf episodes, and wondering what the hell went wrong with the movie I loved as a little girl : Howard the Duck. And if you never saw it - it was better as a kid! TRust me, its so campy and terrible that its those movies you dont realize suck until you watch them grown.

Anyways, the past few weeks Ive been trying to locate the site - maybe wondering if it was my ISP that didnt allow me to log in because it was with a glitch (Comcast - because its so cheap always loses its signal for liek an hour or two)

So today, I finally start googling it (like everyone else does because google is now the Internet super power - they buy everthing) and this article came out:


And there you will read what happened to our dear Tv-Links people. I dont understand why people are so shocked that people pirate all these tv shows, maybe if the sets werent so fucking expensive people would actually go out of their way to buy them and not sit on their ass, log into a site, smoke a dooby, and scratch their ass in private to a free watch-a-thon of Grey's Anatomy.

I mean seriously!! Make it cheaper and we will actually go out of our way of spending our hard earned money and wasting our precious and depleting gas to drive to the frieken Best Buy to actually buy it!

I would like to thank Federation Against Copyright Theft for disallowing the improperiety of people like Tv-Links and thanking them in advance for the Entertainment Execs that will be pocketing millions in the next few months - oh lucky for them - Holiday season is right around the corner - oh me oh my.

Good thing they dont know about SSUpload.com because that would suck -wink wink....

Oh well - how bout a round of applause to Ronald McDonald....


Um, i was looking up a funny pic for an arrested cartoon and look what came out! A guy that looks like Beavis from Beavis and Butthead hahahahah enjoy and good night ya'll!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Trying on Dresses was the best!

<---- See that , thats me!!!

I loved it so much. I have to say that trying on the dresses is truely the best part of the whole wedding process. I got to try on quite a few dresses and i was able to take 4 of my brides maids too to look at what dresses they would like. Im actually being pretty good about it too. I am letting them see what kind of dress they like and IF I APPROve i pick it. Luckily at the end of the day we found a store that had the answer to our questions. We found a perfect bridesmaids dress with the perfect color. And atleast it is not too far from my original color scheme. I was going for a gold yellow. But since my cousin decided to steal my color - i had to change it. It was looking grim for a minute - from brown, to doo doo grey, and then navy blue. But thankfully i found a champagne color that mactched my dress and that way it will all tie in together and at the same time - it will match with my wedding theme.

The theme - hahahah that i will keep to myself until after the wedding. Sorry ladies, but one lesson that you need to learn in order to have the wedding of your dreams is to keep your wedding designs and schemes a secret. I might have told you the color but you dont know that the color looks like. I might have told you that it matches my dress, but it doesnt mean you know what the dress looks like, aaaaaaannndd i might have put a clip up of me trying ona dress but that doesnt mean that IS the dress.

Why you even bother writing about it then>? Because i feel like. Thats why lol. Anyways, the first thing you need to know is that you cannot share your wedding stuff with anyone because people have no shame in stealing it from you. I told my cousin about my color schemes and thems, and he blatantly stole them. Thats why God punished him with a wack wedding.

I told one of my bf's friends my colors and scheme and she went to JAmaica to steal my colors. THats why God punished her with a bad body. Im just saying, stealing never pays, keep your ideas to yourself! And never ever ever, do something that someone else has done before. Its truely tacky.


Why O Why?

Why was i seeing people try on things without losing 200 lbs or so. I know im not no skinny minney, but holy shit. What was the deal with the 400lbs whales that went to the beauty stores uninvited mind you. I say uninvited because nobody likes to voluntarily invite fat people to parties. I know i know, im going to hell for half the shit imma say up in here, and who am i to say them? But somebodys got to. And you all think the same shit when things like that happen to you too.

For example, my sister-in-law was trying to shut my face when in the middle of Coral Gables, Miracle Mile a tardy started walking down the street. I think he was just physically handicapped but he was all over the place. Like he had a ship up his ass and everything.

I felt a little bad cause you never really know what might have happened to these individuals. But hell, my mind cant help getting all mean n synical about things. HE kinda looked like he was walking like this picture up above....I know I know...I'll stop while im ahead.


Anywho, next, on my list is getting a J-O-B on Monday. Im going to try to get this financial rep gig at one of the hospitals around here. Hopefully it'll work out. I cant wait to see if i can actually get it. Maybe my degree will help me out for once. I was so desperate that i even applied at a circuitcity. If you dont know what that is , then laugh at my expense please by clicking here CITYFURNITURE.COM
Yeah, thats right i applied to be a sales person for CityFurniture. Im sure there must be money in it. The commission must be really good actually.

Thursday, October 18, 2007


Having been unemployed now for about 4 months, I should really have been on top of my game for the wedding plans. But unfortunately I havent done diddily squat.
So I figured that if I actually wrote about the steps i've actually taken, it will be better to organize myself and at the same time help someone else out there that needs to plan a wedding of their own.

Today is officially a year for my wedding. And there are several things on a list that I need to get done! The following:

1. Envisioning set up for wedding, colors, decor, dresses, theme...

So far I have changed colors twice...now im in between silver, and chocolate.

2. Budget...my original budget was 10,000 but ive moved to range from 12,000-15,000.
Whos paying out? groom n bride, and possible others..need to find out who..

3. Still have not ensured my engagement ring!! Yikes

4. Wedding date - OCT 18,2008 :)

5. Styles for wedding gown, I know what I want - the first wedding dress that that chick Donna had in real life from 90210...

6. Need to start finding venues, churches, caterers, reception sites..

7. need to find an officiant - possibly my hubby 2 b's friend lol

8. noooo engagement party, dont need one!

9. booling the reception site :(

So i need to get on the ball with these must dos!!

Friday, October 12, 2007

I cant get no..sleeepppp

I am currently in a mansion in Orlando that my fiance's family has rented for our family trip to Halloween Horror Nights. Its got 6 rooms a game room, two dining tables, a huge family room, and a heated pool, with a jacuzzi. Of course, my fiance and I have the biggest master bedroom with the king size bed, and his sister and the three babies have the 2nd master bedroom. But for some ungodly reason we both have been tossing and turning the whole time. Finally my hubby-to-b called me and said "babe? Can you sleep" And im like "no motherfucker i keep thinking of foooooooooooood".

So we are both up now. But we went to go check if anyone else was up like us....OUt of 14 people we are the only fools awake with insomnia. The plan for tomorrow night? SLEEPING PILLS!!!

Its 5:46am now. And we need to get on the road by 7am to eat breakfast and hit Sea World. Few of us have gone. And my mother in law wants to go. We wanna keep her happy, she deserves it.

Its been a great time that we've had jsut getting over here and everything. Even though it seemed liked forever - which is odd considering ORlando is only like 3 1/2 hours away. Thats not that long at all..

But with six kids two old ladys and my sissy of a bladder - it will seem long !

So here i am, in this lovely crib - i will try to post up some pics of it. It beats any hotel in any area of Orlando. Suggestion to people who come on vaca to Orlando? Rent a HOUSE. Its so worth it. Its clean and its sanitary and its cheaper and worth it.

Ok....imma go get breakfast now. CAuse my hubbe-to-b is reading over my shoulder and I cannot stand that shit....