I've been told that my name was a random name given to me by my father. Originally my mom wanted to call me Johana del Carmen, when my dad went to fill out the forms he came back, with my name now. Suffice to say that its completely different frm what she picked! She was pissed, and to this day proclaims that the name he gave me is from either an ex gf he fucked or a maid he used to bang lol Crazy jealous lady!!
2. When is the last time you cried, really cried?
Oh shit, this was on my husbands birthday in April. We got into a huge argument, he broke something, and I went crazy. I went to one of the rooms in my house and cried my big eye balls out. We worked it out, we always do, but that mutha fucka knows now not to be getting crazy. Its been a month and i still find glass in some places.
3.Do you like your handwriting?
Ohh.. I love my handwriting it can really pretty and creative. When I'm concentrating it gets really elegant, when I'm rushing its some kind of secret language, and when I write a check its fancy!
4.What is your favorite lunchmeat?
No doubt turkey thin sliced and pepperoni..
5. Do you have kids?
Not yet, but I am going crazy with all these baby thoughts...I am soooo ready.
6. If you were another person would you be friends with yourself?
Uhhh yeaaa. Right now, I know I would like me, Back in the day, before my husband, I was superficial and a total bitch. lol Then again, I was a total youngin'.
7. Do you use sarcasm?
Fo' sho!
8. Do you still have your tonsils?
9. Would you bungee jump?
I have thought about it. I think the only way I would do it, is if somebody volunteered to push me when I wasn't looking!
10. What is your favorite ice cream?
Man...this is hard but I do love Pulbix Neopolitan ice cream. And a snicker chocolate ice cream from Dairyqueen.
11. What is the first thing you notice about people?
Eyes, teeth, weight, attitude (i didn't say all my superficial shit went away!)
12. Red or Pink?
lately? Pink
13. What is your favorite thing about your self?
It used to be my fearlessness. Now? My reasoning and thoughtfulness.
14. What is the one thing you miss the most?
My fearlessness. I am such a worry wart now.
15. What is one thing you regret?
I have too many,,,,, at the top of my head... not finishing high school like everyone else and see my "natural" potentials, doing drugs, falling into the wrong crowds so young, having sex with certain partners, not going to college away from home or out of state, not taking enough risks during college, picking the wrong degree for my bachelors, being so closed minded in high school.
16. What color pants and shoes are you wearing?
seven jeans-blue -dark wash, barefoot
17. What are you listening to right now?
Red Hot Chilli Peppers - Can't Stop
18. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?
Green or Yellow
15. What is one thing you regret?
I have too many,,,,, at the top of my head... not finishing high school like everyone else and see my "natural" potentials, doing drugs, falling into the wrong crowds so young, having sex with certain partners, not going to college away from home or out of state, not taking enough risks during college, picking the wrong degree for my bachelors, being so closed minded in high school.
16. What color pants and shoes are you wearing?
seven jeans-blue -dark wash, barefoot
17. What are you listening to right now?
Red Hot Chilli Peppers - Can't Stop
18. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?
Green or Yellow
19.What is your favorite smell?
My mans scent. HE always smells so good.
20. Who is the last person you spoke to?
My brothers gf in Nicaragua - I was making her resume for her.
21. What is your favorite sport?
Tennis and basketball
22. Do you wear contacts?
yes, i am as blind as a bat
23. What is your favorite food?
Nicaraguan of course. My country makes amazing food!
24. Do you prefer scary movies or happy endings?
ahhhh I love both . But I will love a film just as much of it doesn't have the happy ending. Because its closer to reality. Life doesn't always have happy endings.
25. What color shirt do you have on?
a white under shirt that is my hubby's. Its soft and smells like him. It makes a great pj!
26. Daytime or nighttime?
hmmmm in betweennnn
27. Hugs or Kisses?
28. What is your favorite dessert?
cheese cake
29. One word to describe the person who sent you this questionnaire.
well, i copied it, no one sent it to me
30. What book are you reading now?
Omg i'm totally between books, my weight loss book- Dukan diet, and Alan Greenspan's The Age of Turbulence.
31. What type of mouse pad do you have?
hmm I don't its a lap top.
32. What did you watch on TV last night?
My thursday shows, greys anatomy, mentalist, results of the american idol...
33. What is your favorite sound?
my dog and husband snoring at the same time.
34. Jay Z or NAS?
back in the day both - now adays neither
35. Where is the farthest you’ve traveled away from home?
36. Do you have any special talents? What are they?
I possess non at all!
37. What did you want to be when you grew up as a child?
38. Who is the one person that knows you best?
My husband
39. What is your hobby?
I guess reading,,,,,
40. Dominoes or spades?
41. Kool Aid or Red juice drink?
neither too sweet
42. Light or Dark liquor?
43. Is the cup half empty or half full?
Half empty most of the time - i'm a pessimist
44. What do you wear when you sleep?
pjs, mine or my hubbys shirts lately naked :)
45. What is the weirdest thing you do?
Oh God, cleaning my bathroom floors on all fours by hand. Its really anal but I hate to see my grout get dirty! I can't bring myself to mop in there.
46. What would your ex boyfriend/girlfriend have to say about you?
Hmm they all told me at one point or another that they regret me not staying with them. I was always the best !
47. What is your greatest fear?
Not becoming accomplished with my career.
48. What is your greatest success (so far)?
my bachelors degree
49. What is your best childhood memory?
twirling in my ballet dress while my mom took pictures of me and talking with my grandfathers when I was little.
50. What's your favorite cereal?
Honey Nut Cherrios