Sooooo, now I am having problems posting pictures ain't that some shit? Anyways, my weekend was pretty simple. My nephew came back from a trip from Colombia and we welcomed him home properly with balloons n banners n cake and all. I might wanna add that he's 6 and the only nephew of the family soooo we pretty much over did it. The best part was that it was a great excuse to drink at the house lol. I got nice and tipsy and had fun with the family.
I pretty much watched all my netflix movies and just so you know, I get three at a time. I think that netflix is one of the best inventions that was created for the REAL couch potatoes of America!! That and it saves you money on the gas you'd spend gettin to your local video store n back and then the unneccesary spending you end up doing buying chocolate, gummy worms, and the ohhh sooo fattening pop corn and soda! So, netflix is the best! I recommend them. I only had one problem and it wasn't even their fault. My local mail department stole one of my movies. But I didn't have to pay for it because they got a limit on "in case shit happens" type of deals.
Realllly didn't do much at all. Watched television and laughed my ass off at KEven Ferderline's performance on the Teen choice awards. I never watch this award show - but when I heard that he was going to make his "debut" lol I had to see it live! And I might tell you that that man is just as crazy as Paris Hilton thinking he can sing. I am sorry correction --- he thinks he can rap. The poor boy sucks soo much caca that it's not even funny. I was watching completly amazed of how big his ego is. In his rhyme he talks about how he is in another tax bracket cause of all the money hes got.....but its not his money.....oh and not to mention the cars and doe in his bank lol
I came to a conclusion to his money making schemes. His ex was an actrees - she had some money and when they divorced he got some money outta it. And you know that celeberties have a clause in their prenups that include more money for each child that a mate gives them. That explains why he keeps Britney prego so that he can get more doe in the end when her splits from her cracker ass. That's what he's really talkin about in his rhymes@@!!!! So yeah, I caught that K-FED!!! Damn, that guy really sucks ass....
My drug neighbors were at it again this Sunday. Yeah, i saw them parked all sideways as usual, and they had their jumpsuits nad painter masks....They even mowed their lawn this weekend. Once I get off my lazy ass and buy batteries for my camera, you all will see what I am talking about!!! I must say they always have it kept up. I guess it is to hide any "suspicion of the drug trafficking, making, packing, and distributing" lol hahaha I wonder how long they have been at it. I have been in the neighborhood for 4 I can't believe nobody says shit.. Oh well, "see no evil speak no evil " eh? Plus, I wouldn't tattle, I'm not trying to get killed !!!
Did anybody else see that wack ass performance?
1 comment:
I didn't see it but I heard him talking about how "dope" he is and how "tight" he thinks he is on the morning radio station out here on Monday. The dj on the radio station has been playing snipetts from the interview all week...
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