It's about that time again. What I am referring to is a fucking smackdown. There has been shit about my job and my boss that has had me erkked for a while - and because i have kept it to myself - or atleast under control it is finally starting to turn into a terrible
the hulk type shit.
No not sexy she hulk shit. INcreDible ANgry CRazy Hulk:
Yeahhh, like this pic...
Imma turn gangsta on this ignorant bastard...maybe i should just let you in on some of my pet peeves that have turned into impossible-to-deal-with-stupid-daily-occurrences-shit:
1 - moa-fucka dont got a car, i gotta take his ass home after work - which is away from my crib all b.c. of my coworker - i did it once outta pitty, apparently its routine now.
2- tellin me "eli, im hungrrrrrrrryy, i want to eat"
Man, i dont give a fuck - eat your arm for all i care! So when i go get food, i gotta bring his ass food- moa-fucka, you better belive i dont pay for his shit.
3- asks me to bring him cigerettes too, mother fucker better start buying that shit befoooooore he comes to work, im not nobodys nana the last time i checked....again shit this other girl got him used to.
4 - callin my name out to walk to his office evvveerrryyyy 3 minnnnssss foorr stttuuupppiiiddddd shhhiiitttttttt. Its not like theres walls that go up to the ceilings he could have told me this with my ass sitting down on the chair as i surfed myspace, or reading my fav blogs...
5 - makin me count shit for the inventory in the hot ass warehouse. mOa fucker better stop beaing a cheap ass and get a fuckin owork horse to go do that shit - im not a workhorse im an office rat dammit. I dont do sweat. He can hire an individual for that shit, buutt nooooooooooo he pays me shit to do all other types of shit...
I need to get another job - something formal, pprofessional, and where i can speak English not spanish all fuckin day - last time i checked i was llivin in USA not Dominican Republic (thats where hes from and the company is from, our office is transnational)
So yea, i need a new job - and i dont know in im in the dark. I was thinking of doing the broker license and maybe workin part time for now at a real estate office and gettin my foot in the door that way. SO maybe i will pursue that forreall.
We will see, Eli hasnt made up her mind yet...oops did i just 3rd person me? BLah !
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