Saturday, January 27, 2007


I am not sure if you all know - but I am the most pessimistic person in the world. I am totally and completely negative and I think about the consequences of too many actions at too many times of the day. Now, saying that, I must say to you and admit that being pessimistic - does nothing positive for me when I am boarded on a fucking plane.

I tell you that I never am afraid of flying, but this time at the age of 23 was flying alone and thinking the worst.

My mother abandoned me and left me to fend for myself on the way back to my country that is my home - the U. S. of A.
While on the plane, things to this theme ran through my head:

But there through the horrid turbulence that was coach, I remembered something that part of my cynicism was able to ease me. It was that fact that I was flying back to Miami. What kind of an asshole would want to harm Miami?
There is nothing but partying, useless towers filled with rich aprtments for rich people from drug money, that had been smuggled into the country - usually by immigrants - and there was more partying, and a bunch of clubs, nothing special, that could possibly hurt the ecomonies---just you know...toasted alligator. So yeah, after I thought that, I remembered that nobody has real business in Miami and there no idiot Paki- would want to terrorize us.

If anything, they'd come for the cool weather (compared to their 165 heat waves) and they would relax on our ditry watered beaches that make you forget about the sea lice jumping into your crotch - especially when all the burnt women are exposing their tittties and bitties all over the place.

No, we would surely be safe and so would I on this horrible American Airlines flight.

Once getting on Miami land and walking the three miles with my luggage dragging to get to the immigration lines/visitor lines I was appalled at the service I received in my own country. I was detained for a whole hour in this tiny room with a shit load of immigrants that looked very indiginous I might add - including Ali-ba-bas that were being detained due to "RANDOM" checks. ( I m sure that that was serious downright racial profiling like a motherfucker) Anyways, Homeland Security thought they do their 'JOBS' are a bunch of assholes. Because if they did their job they would have known that I have been in this country since I was 9 months old and that I simply went to renew my fucking card and they sat me in a room locked up, without using a cell phone, with no being allowed to speak to anyone, told to shut up and do as they say, because "i am usually a nice guy, you no answer to me I show you my Bad Guy" Thats actually what I was told by a fucking fat fuck. I could have sworn I had rights in this fucking country, up until the day they think you are a threat at 23 yrs old, with big eyes that tell you "i honestly went only to renew my card...why dont you believe me?"

So while I waited in this room filled with people to the max, and everyone was being interrogated I felt that I was being dealt a hand of shit. I was meant to be feeling like shit, that all my education, and my years living here meant nothing because I was merely in a category that was less than the "honest Americano".

I found this headline found it to be appropriate - not the article reads interesting...

I would really like to hear the excuse for holing me away from my loved ones.

Anyways, during this time of silence and scared looks in the room withheld my tears and fears adn remembered the millions of Jewish people,(and many others) that were slaughtered a la Hitler. And I remembered myself thinking when I was in school and being told about the terrible history as to why so many people allowed themselves to be offed. And I came to the conclusion that it was for the same reason for me being held against my will in this tiny room with scared looks everywhere, with nothing to defend myself, not even a word being allowed to be said, with men/women in uniform that expected you out of mere reliance to obey as we were told that I understood what happened not so many years ago.

These people, that were slaughtered were told to wear crossed yellow patched upon their bosoms and were told that they were nothing, and were told to go here and there, and were basically led to their death. I got sda about this and couldnt imagine what went through their minds - besides the book that we were made to read in highschool of Anne Frank and her diary entries... That is was I had as a reference in my tender mind... That and other history lessons given to me.
So there I was ...staring at President Bush's picture that was layed upon a dirty gret wall, I realized that he will never know what it is that we immigrants feel when kept in a room like this. And there I began to think hard about how much I want to become a citizen. If not for my own sake, then for the sake of all people in this country so that I may make a difference with a democratic vote for the next year.

A penny for your thoughts I thought....

In memorium to all of WWII

And I remember the name of the lost souls that are found in the memorial in Miami Beach to all the Jewish..

Friday, January 19, 2007

I am gettin tha Fack OUtta HeRe!

Peace out ya'll I am going on a mini vacation to my homeland. NICARAGUA.

I so love the motherland. But for vacationing - I couldn't live there - Im too used to the States.

For all my ignorant people -- errrr geographically ignorant people - (I dont want hate mail now, but its not my fault ya dont know ya countries oookkkkaa kkk kkkkaaayyy) My beautiful indiginoeus filled country is in Central America - That's UNDER THE US in retarded.

From this map I can tell you where I have been, (we will vacation in Leon), to Leon, Managua (obviously its the capital everything is there - like civilization!),I passed by Granada(literally like drove by it), I was at Chinandega, MAsaya (this is where the Macas [in english their called hammocks] are made for 30 bucks, here in the states they are sold for 300 bucks!!! Guess where we get ours.), I been to Masachapa, drove by Jinotega...I think thats it really.

Here is a population/races chart and fun facts :
Official name: República de Nicaragua (Republic of Nicaragua). Form of government: unitary multiparty republic with one legislative house (National Assembly [93]). Head of state and government: President. Population (1998): 4,763,000. Population projection: (2000) 5,045,000; (2010) 6,429,000. Natural increase rate per 1,000 population (1996): 27.8 (world avg. 15.7). Gross national product (1996): U.S.$1,705,000,000 (U.S.$380 per capita). Land use (1994): forested 26.3%; meadows and pastures 45.3%; agricultural and under permanent cultivation 10.5%; other 17.9%.

lol soorry, I am just really excited and I havent even packed yet and I got so much shit that I gotta dooooooooo. I leave tomorrow. I gotta get to the airport 3 hours ahead since its international - annnnndddd the plane doesnt leave until 5 or 6 or something - who knows, the point is that I will be in Nicaville at 8pm, the party starts are 8:15pm, and I will be tore up from the floor up with all my cuzz'ins by 9:00 pm. And by 7am I will be up, hating life with the hangover I will never forget - from drinking this wonderful Nicaraguen liqour:

There is no other way of putting it rather than calling it "Nectar of the Gods", I found that in someone's blog. Funny, I liked it, apparently this couple was chugging it down in Costa Rica. I need to go there next. Maybe on a cruise, they say its looooooovelly there. I cant wait to go!

There is actually all kinds of FLor de Cana, and the one my pops tought me to drink was the Extra Light rum mixed with either water or some Canada Dry - Ginger ale. You will get f*****cked up and not even know it - well, up until you find your face on the concrete floor and are wondering why you cant seem to move,walk,speak without spitting and slurring. I tell you, it sure is a lovely experience.


Monday, January 15, 2007

Because It's Funny - LEWIS BLACK

My brother kept telling me about these crazy jokes he'd heard and had me falling on the floor laughin. A comedian he saw on HBO. His name, Lewis Black. This crazy old white guy, has got some good points and is funny enough to make you choke on a twizzler stick dipped in chocolate.
Here's a clip of his crazy show:

Wednesday, January 03, 2007


- Why do fat people sweat so much? And if its all water weight why don't they lose weight?
I managed to unglue my ass from the bed today and go eat out and noticed the fat people around me. Fat people apparently sweat while they eat! Aren't carbs burned during that arm lifting workout?
New years resolution: Lose 40 lbs and not end up a sweaty fat horse face cow. (that way I can be 110 lbs)

- Why do we insist on going to restaurants that make us wait hour to get a table - then when we sit at the table we wait another 35 minutes?
New years resolution: Stop going to packed restaurants that make me wait 1.5 hours to eat - when it only takes me 25 minutes to eat my meal and go. I give a shit about ambiance this year.

- I have noticed that my clues on what I "want" I got this year during present time - my birthday N x-mas.
New yeras resolution: Keep hinting significant others what I want to have - so that I can get them as presents later on.

- I am sick and tired of celebrities and the lives that I don't have.
New years resolution: Buy more celeb magz and get all the gossip possible.

- I have been watching the "crack house" in my neighborhood.
I am wondering whether or not to take pics of it. I wonder if the dealers are in jail cause nobody's been there for a while and the grass is growing....
New years resolution: Suck it up and take pics of the dang house already - I been stalling like a mufucka....

- Family members suck sometimes.
Any way to get "rid" of family members ?
New years resolution: Stop watching so much Soprano's. (After the last season coming up this year...)

I didn't want to have any resolutions this year... but I said what the hell!

Tuesday, January 02, 2007



There is nothing better than getting your family together on special holidays and watch them act the fool. I was able to get awesome footage with my new trendy X-mas present of a camera. I got PRICELESS VIDEO.
Suffice to say that I got them all on You Tube now. No - not for shits n giggles - but for shits n giggles !! Why wouldn't I take advantage of this opportunity? Shhiiiieeetttt....

Brother n friends dancing like drunken foo masters, father tore up from the floor up taking it back to 1969, in-laws' cousin breaking it down like a drunken salsa king that took his lessons from an Indian Tribe Bookaki, mother - who was sober - but was jamming to Selena's jams, watched my ex-sister-in-law(she still hangs with tha Fam b/c she a baby mama to my nephew) bitterly hang about talking random rantings of usual...

I was happily recording and laughing as I soberly wandered around the getty.


Yeah, I was catching up on some television. Last few days have been a blur - New years I had to stay up until 6 am babysitting and witnessing wonderful family fun. Party was poppoing at 11am and didnt finish the fun-drunken stupor until 5pm. Once everyone was home I was able to catch a movie - Idlewild, which I must say got me teary - and I enjoyed a lot, my mom really liked Andre 3000 and Big Boi - shes an OUkast fan now.. lol Whoda thought?

Then, I was watching some TV saw that Passenger 5 was on, and I say 'I like me some Wesley' - lets watch it. I gotta say, it brings back memories of all his movies watching that movie. He seriously kicks ass....literally in this movie (and almost every movie hes in) I fucking love him. He kicks ass with style. Hes no Charles Bronsnan! I am talkin about his smooth talking ass kickin.

I hope he brings back his 90's films. I mean, I enjoyed him as a black - vampire - hating life as a vampire slinger - so he kills all vampires - thing. I went to the theatres for all three, but I want his cop-slinging, smooth talkin, ass kickin, bad ass back!

I also was able to notive a few things. The lady in the movie Marty - she has a stunning resemblence to MIchael Jackson - Especially in the scenes where she seems to have a shit load of makeup in! I am talking REAL RESEMBLENCE> CHECK IT OUT.
I found this video that was made to be funny - some guy took some clips and put himself in it... i thought it was funny...


SNIPES: (talking to the terrorist of the 200 passenger Jumbo plane) Charlie, ever played roulette? Always bet on BLACK!"

I loveeeeeeeeeeee that part. He is a badass and not afraid to fuck over the crazy guy!

SNIPES: Heard a noise, went to go check on guy he tied up like a pig, leans over to him and says "Hey man, let me give you a hand" KAPOW! punches the shit outta the guy and makes unconscious!

Classic Wesley!

MArty: (M. Jackson lookalike - doesnt trust him - to save the plane and the people and asks him "Tell me that your the best"

SNIPE: "I am the best!"

Its jsut great.....


Usually, around 3 am - they give episodes of COPs. But not any recent one, the ones from the late 80's early 90's. And let me tell you, there was no real editing so those are bad ass. I hope to see more COPS - I watch it all the time, and its a great show. I do enjoy me some criminals getting caught!

I also have a thing for America's Most wanted - thats a feel good show. REminds me of the fact that I am really never safe no matter where I am - because criminals are essentially ingenious. If they wanna kill my ass, they will.
Doesn't that just suck ass? Because honestly - because I am a pessimist. It doesn't help to know that there are murders still out there.