I tell you that I never am afraid of flying, but this time at the age of 23 was flying alone and thinking the worst.
My mother abandoned me and left me to fend for myself on the way back to my country that is my home - the U. S. of A.
While on the plane, things to this theme ran through my head:
There is nothing but partying, useless towers filled with rich aprtments for rich people from drug money, that had been smuggled into the country - usually by immigrants - and there was more partying, and a bunch of clubs, nothing special, that could possibly hurt the ecomonies---just you know...toasted alligator. So yeah, after I thought that, I remembered that nobody has real business in Miami and there no idiot Paki- would want to terrorize us.
If anything, they'd come for the cool weather (compared to their 165 heat waves) and they would relax on our ditry watered beaches that make you forget about the sea lice jumping into your crotch - especially when all the burnt women are exposing their tittties and bitties all over the place.
No, we would surely be safe and so would I on this horrible American Airlines flight.
Once getting on Miami land and walking the three miles with my luggage dragging to get to the immigration lines/visitor lines I was appalled at the service I received in my own country. I was detained for a whole hour in this tiny room with a shit load of immigrants that looked very indiginous I might add - including Ali-ba-bas that were being detained due to "RANDOM" checks. ( I m sure that that was serious downright racial profiling like a motherfucker) Anyways, Homeland Security thought they do their 'JOBS' are a bunch of assholes. Because if they did their job they would have known that I have been in this country since I was 9 months old and that I simply went to renew my fucking card and they sat me in a room locked up, without using a cell phone, with no being allowed to speak to anyone, told to shut up and do as they say, because "i am usually a nice guy, you no answer to me I show you my Bad Guy" Thats actually what I was told by a fucking fat fuck. I could have sworn I had rights in this fucking country, up until the day they think you are a threat at 23 yrs old, with big eyes that tell you "i honestly went only to renew my card...why dont you believe me?"
So while I waited in this room filled with people to the max, and everyone was being interrogated I felt that I was being dealt a hand of shit. I was meant to be feeling like shit, that all my education, and my years living here meant nothing because I was merely in a category that was less than the "honest Americano".
I found this headline found it to be appropriate - not the article though...it reads interesting...
I would really like to hear the excuse for holing me away from my loved ones.
Anyways, during this time of silence and scared looks in the room withheld my tears and fears adn remembered the millions of Jewish people,(and many others) that were slaughtered a la Hitler. And I remembered myself thinking when I was in school and being told about the terrible history as to why so many people allowed themselves to be offed. And I came to the conclusion that it was for the same reason for me being held against my will in this tiny room with scared looks everywhere, with nothing to defend myself, not even a word being allowed to be said, with men/women in uniform that expected you out of mere reliance to obey as we were told that I understood what happened not so many years ago.
These people, that were slaughtered were told to wear crossed yellow patched upon their bosoms and were told that they were nothing, and were told to go here and there, and were basically led to their death. I got sda about this and couldnt imagine what went through their minds - besides the book that we were made to read in highschool of Anne Frank and her diary entries... That is was I had as a reference in my tender mind... That and other history lessons given to me.
So there I was ...staring at President Bush's picture that was layed upon a dirty gret wall, I realized that he will never know what it is that we immigrants feel when kept in a room like this. And there I began to think hard about how much I want to become a citizen. If not for my own sake, then for the sake of all people in this country so that I may make a difference with a democratic vote for the next year.
A penny for your thoughts I thought....
In memorium to all of WWII
And I remember the name of the lost souls that are found in the memorial in Miami Beach to all the Jewish..
Where are the pics of the innocent ppl in the Middle East being killed by the Americans on a daily basis? I wonder what must go through their minds when they are being terrorized in their own homes in their own country?
ANON, I was in there for an hour - so that time spent only reflected on the basis of something that came to mind at that time...maybe if I had been in there longer than I am sure I would have thought of more horrible things.
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