My goodness what a total fresh of breath air. I don't know what to say or to expect. What i do know is that i am coming to another chaper.
See, tomorrow is my graduation for my bachelors - some people dont see it as a big deal, some others go to school to get a degree and dont see it as an accomplishment, others are just retards with degrees. The point im making is that i do care. Its a big deal to my family and they proved it to me this weekend. Yesterday was what i labeled the "Graduation Celebration". It was my graduation party and my family and a close friends showed their love. And i couldn't have asked for anything more. I will put some of the ignorant pictures up later. Like the ones where i could kodak of poeple being sick lol.
I got so fucked up, its not even fuuny.
Party started at 8:30 -9:00pm and quit at 4:30, and my brother mom and i stayed up until 6:30am. We saw the sun rise and talked beautifully and were emotional. My dad was passed out drunk and my other brother was lights out at 4am. It was cool and it was fun and I couldnt be more happy. I was so stressed from the party buying and planning that i dont feel the joy for the commencement tomorrow. Its going to be weird. Maybe tomorrow i will be able to get nervous.
But for now i am excited and i feel free. Even though later on i will be doing my masters - i try not to think of that.
Till then I feel like a butterfly....
Congratulations. Glad ya had fun.
congratulations...I'm excited for you!!!
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