While he was training me i was just imagining his beach body all natural the way God intended it to be, but with underwear ...
Example of my minds beautiful imagination:
These fascinating men come from Brazil, apparently there were having a muscle man competition..
Oh the sweetness that is my life right now. At first i was kind of worried about getting a guy to train me because im not use to it. But then i saw who i got. And DAyum he has a great body...His face is okay decent enough to look at, but his body is what is driving me wild. I was never into the whole bulky guy look. But when a man is lean and muscular it just drives me insane.
I really got flustered when he got behind me to help me with my 'form' on a machine. It drove my mind wild. I was really enjoying him back there. I made sure to not be so winy. I did worn him though that I am a full fledged complainer and that he musnt be lean on me. And he wasnt.
He worked my arms today, like crazy. I am in so much pain. Its amazing how many parts of ur arm you must use to actually be typing....
So, i got to do my half hour with Mr Rob and then i did 30 mins of cardio. I dont see any change as of yet...then again, its only been two weeks. Monday will be my third week. I go 4-5 times a week and im eating better. Plus, i look forward to that eye candy.
I got to inquire about the tent rental for my wedding. Its at a good price so im happy about that. what seems to be a greater cost will be the actual caterer....JOy.... Im really looking forward to having latin food. I want it to be my culture, not this Americana culture, with fake Italian food and foo foo food ive never heard of that is always listed in the hotels and banquet halls. It seems like things are looking up for this wedding.
I am having problems with the Church, they tend not to call, its like i have to kiss their ass. Fuckers, i bet they will ask for a $1500 "donation" fee. Why is it such a mission with these Catholic Churches?
We got to go house hunting yesterday, my fiance and I. I have a friend in real estate and she got to show us like 6 houses. Its definitely a buyers market, cause the sellers are getting raped by my cheap prices. Im so happy about that. Cause i do no want to live in an apartment. Apartments feel like jail cells; no grass, no room to move away from the loved one, and no space to escape when theres a fire. Theres the window - but im not gonna jump.
As a guy who fluctuates from totally Ripped, to kind of a fatass, I get the struggle... just keep on keepin on, and I always think about the Midget reference you made a few posts ago... right now I am in dwarf mode. Not a full on midgett, but not cut and ripped either... Keep bustin ass and make it a lifestyle change... Me, I just drink to damn much, and am convinced if i was a teetotaler I would shed the pounds...
hahaha, you like that midget reference huh?
A dwarf....interesting is this more like a gnome? Or a pygmy? ahhaahah
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