Tuesday, May 13, 2008

My Bad

Oh my goodness, whats happened? Ive totally abandoned my blog. I have been playing too much Ghost Recon on XBox live, lately, its my new internet addiction my bad!

I shall be back this week sometime, im running behind on writing and reading blogs!!!

I will also revamp my netflix movie choices and funnies. SEen any funny netflix funny comments? Post 'em up or email 'em to me. I would be glad to put it up on my blog. I am also gonna revamp my funny pictures of the week to the month, you know, just in case i dont get time in to do it weekly.

WEdding news? Oh so much too tell. Cant wait to talk about that. But to tell you the truth i am pretty much done with talking about it. Its completely consumed me, its getting on my nerves...im going crazy!!! I cant wait for the wedding, its only 6 months away :) whats the best part im waiting for?? The food tasting!! I get to try 5 different meals with my hubby, thats the funnest.

1 comment:

Bill From Gainesville said...

Damn straight, I thought you fell off the face of the earth. Like if you were columbus on your voyage and stuff, but then turns out the earth was flat afterall, and your boat just fell off, like that kind of falling off the face of the earth....