Soooooo, I can't believe that I just did what I did?!!
I was sitting here in my house, like at 2AM when I went to Google documents and just started writing!! I cant believe this, I am actually trying to write a book!!
Of all things, a really funny book about how I got turned into a vampire. Its really funny so far - I have read it over and over like 15 times. I don't even know what happened, but like 30 minutes later I had all these notes/pages of all these ideas and words and stories about how in a fucked up way my character turned into a vampire. I still don't want to mess with all the details on here, cause duhhh someone will steal my hilarious idea, but I'm wondering where my character will go and how I will make it a full blown novel.
Ok, I have had this thing forever that I've always wanted to write a book. I never knew if to like make it biographical or a memoir, then again who wants to always read about teenage angst right? I know there's people like me that love to delve into the meanings of every aspect of my teenage years, so I twisted it with vampire shit and my character is in her thirties. I'm using real names so far, but I should change them...
Then again, I'm going to make her from here, Miami and I hope to entice people with it since there's going to be real fucking locations and hot spots and old clubs and places I used to do crazy shit it hahaaha. I would love to get it published and printed and see what other people think.
I am really getting ahead of myself here, but maybe one day I will have a web-site with a real fan base following my every thought like Stephanie Meyer does. Who knows, maybe someone is crazy enough to make it into a movie, Its really quite funny!! Omg who would I want to play me? She has to be short like me, sassy like me, possibly latina....yeah, or atleast latina looking because - I wouldn't want a white girl playing me.....hmmm I am getting ahead of myself. Maybe I stop writing this when I get a job...
By the way, I still havent been able to get hired. I say hired because I have been applying to every paralegal / legal / assistant/receptionist / law firms/.
I went to my library and got PAralegal Careers for dummies....and I am going over it now too. I dont know how much longer my husband is going to support this dream but we will see soon because I really need some chedddaaaa. Anyways, it's really late ... but I wanted to share my news..
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