So if you've seen this movie, you know that its not the greatest movie in the world. In fact it sucks a lotta Peter. Well, since i couldnt find the movie Bats in netflix (that movie is just free material on hilarious netflix reviews - how these bad movies get made i will never know!)i decided to go for a more action film. Its like the director didnt know how to write a script adn direct. This was a movie that was not thought out at all. Lets see what other NetFlixers think about the movie...Too Funnny.
Review by: Idge888
I laughed when I read the critics' reviews of this movie because I think they missed it entirely. My review can be summed up in one scene - when Maria Bello's character finds out her husband is not who she thought he was - she becomes violently ill; emphasis on the 'violently'. You see, there is a natural flow to life - and the way people respond to certain situations is pretty predictable - but not in this movie - the response of these characters is so off the charts you can't help but be turned off by it. Initially, we are introduced to the Stall family - who are so touchy-feely sweet you just want to slap them. The son is overly sensitive, the wife is lovey-dovey and the daughter is one "God bless us, everyone" from being Tiny Tim. It's just too much to swallow. This movie starts out Little House On The Prairie and moves to Texas Chainsaw Massacre. It loses touch with reality and in doing so, loses its audience.
Review by: AK from Seattle, WA
How did this movie gets so much critical acclaim is beyond me. Ive never seen such bad directing, acting or dialog. The concept was pretty good, but it was butchered in the end. So many good actors directed in such a way they look like robots. William Hurt in paricular. The movie starts out with a family that only exists in 1950s sit-coms ala Leave it to Beaver. They are so wholesom its almost sickening. I kept waiting for it to pick up... Get good... Something. A few scenes shine through, but they equate to about 3 minutes of the 90+ overall. David Cronenberg has a few good movies under his belt (Dead Zone and Naked Lunch in particular), but this one just had to be a bad day at the office or something, because faltering with such strong cast seems immposible. He did though. Congrats David you took what could have been good and turned it into a steaming pile...
Next we have the painful movie that i saw: My Super Ex Girlfriend
God this was such a bad movie. I love Luke Wilson and he usually plays odd-ball roles but this was just...too much too late. I am sick of these crap films. Lets see what Netflixers had to say:
REview by:DW from Dallas, TX 2
Super BAD! This movie had no redeeming qualities. Had I paid to see it in the theaters, I would have requested my movie back. The acting was dreadful. The dialogue was worse! I felt like I was watching one of the spoof movies!
REview By: Madeline Baia
An extremely over the top movie with lackluster performances. A nap was more entertaining.
Review By: Me from IL
This is crap. I think it was a good idea for a movie (a jealous superhero girlfriend), but it turned out to be very corny, especially the ending! And Luke Wilson's best friend in the movie is just a total pervert, which to me is a turn off, not even funny. I didn't laugh much.
So much for those movies....God they were just so bad!
I liked History of Violence. It started out as a graphic novel (like a comic book for adults). Anyway, I think why the story is interesting is that it's about what makes you who you are. Is it what you're born into, or what you make of yourself. He was born into violence, but does that mean that he's an animal with no control, or can he change? Also, what about when the son flips out in school? Is that because his dad was violent so violence is in his nature?
I mean, i can see where youre coming from. But i still didnt like it. And i like frustratingly mind blowing films... but for some reason this didnt "do it for me".
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