Anyways, I also wanted to apologize about the past few posts being on the negative side. I dont want to make this all about venting my girly emotions about my sucky situation in this fucked up world.
I got to see the Reaping yeterday. I just want to say that the movie was absolutely terrible. It sucked official ass and was boring as all hell. Dont know which movie the Reaping is because it was such a bad movie and didnt even have enough money to market it? Well let me enlighten you.
In the wake of a devastating tragedy that killed every member of her family, Christian missionary Katherine Morrissey (Hilary Swank) loses her faith in God, devoting the rest of her life to debunking religious phenomena with the principles of science. But when she's called to a small Southern town to investigate a series of strange occurrences that appear to be biblical plagues, she runs out of logical explanations.
NETFLIXER's Hate quotes:
P. Murray
The first 30 minutes of this film are very promising, but thereafter begins to rapidly disintergrate. What could have been a great film turns into nothing more than a visual joke, and you're left with the feeling that the director gave up just under half way through.
i am nothing (Funniest and most original review that i have found yet.)
Oddly enough, during and after watching this movie, I couldn't help but think that I had seen it before. Was it because the best scenes in the movie were included in the trailer that's been running on repeat since last fall? Perhaps it's because there was absolutely nothing original about this movie's plot or it's execution. Probably some of both, but also given that everything was so damned predictable that it made me feel telepathic. This film suffers from a case of the four U's: unbelievable, uninteresting, unoriginal and unacceptable! 1 star
Movie I want to see:
Sounds pretty good eh? I hope it is..
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