Funny eh?
Yeah, I am going to officially stop worrying about shit, and stop worrying enough to pay some $25.00 on some fake ass Santeria Babalao telling me my worst enemy is me. I already know that shit - im a pessimist i can live with it. If i happen to walk down one road, and see only danger, and the negative what ifs, atleast im prepared mentally when it happens...right?
Anyways, im not sick anymore though----i still have a dry cough...anyways back to what i was saying before i got all sidetracked in my mental notes....Okay, so i figured i shouldnt worry and overanalyze everything so much on how much of a bad streak of bad luck ive been running on.
What was the last straw? Well, the day my car broke down and just a few days before i had gotten notice that it was only a month away from paying off my car. The first car (ive ever bought on my own) ive ever paid off. You dont understand...i got that car before i even had a license...literally - in high school i thought it was a waste a time to learn how to drive...anyways its better being passenger when all illegal substances* are running through your veins.. I got that car and worked part time for $6.00 an hour at a communicty college and had to go to school full talking about a time when i held on to my beeper cause i couldnt afford a cell talking about a time i would rather buy a pack of cigs and a dimebag of bud** than to pay for a toll....... sigh
ANYWHO - i got that notice in the mail and then my car's starter or doo-da thing dies and my parents had to replace it...cause i dont got a job...and then today, lol i love this part. I left my house at 6 AM because my fiance was coming outta work at that time and i couldnt sleep, and i didnt feel like sleeping alone - so i drove over to his house. We go out (in his car cause im not allowed to drive in his car nor mine...machista! Guys whats up with that? ) we get some drinks with some of his friends, we go to the mall, and i get pampered. Get back to his house...around 1:45AM im ready to go back home, when my car doesnt start...its aint the battery, its the stupid starter thingy doo-da. So my mans gotta drive me back home...and now im pissed. Cause i didnt expect to be worrying about my car when i just finished paying it off... Plus, i usually dont worry about my daddy does...hes the mechanic...(oh yeah, its not the starter doo-da its the alternator, my dad bought a new alternator for it..i wonder whats wrong with it then? ) So now my car "PEPE" is his name, cause his I see my KIA sportage for some reason as a MExican thug from California...hmmm dotn ask cause the cars Korean... lol
Anyways, because of so many roadblocks ive been having to a financial/career success i decided to live up to the "college years" i missed while actually in college cause i was working full time and paying my own schooling that seems to be worthless to the realistic job world....So i have engaged in maxing some credit cards, partying late until the wee hours of the morning, drinking to get stupified, and sleeping all day to wake up to Oprah at 4pm...
Im sinking now...and i plan to get back up my getting rid of my car and leasing some cheapo one till i gets my job-on... and in the middle of all this i gotta plan a wedding, a honeymoon, purchase a house to live in and wait to get call backs on jobs or getting my teaching gig...
Oh poo is all i can say...
* ignore lol i was 16 anyways, cant people go on wild streak?
Anyways robin Williams was talking about how his teachers in highschool were on acid... im not doing that ! And thats worse
** i do not condone this anymore...ignore :) shhhhh...
Yeah I've had that mood before. I was bitter for years about how no employers seemed to care about my degree. Eventually I got into the kind of work I wanted. I just had to become less picky and move somewhere with a better job market in order to do it.
I betcha I was a worse pessimist than you, too. Not that it's something to brag about.
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