Interesting, i was really excited about being at work, and now I'm just hating life. Starting new jobs means training, training means hours and hours of observing, formal training/non formal training, ass kissing, fake smiling when you re naturally a miserable individual (especially when you like it that way!), meeting the 'coworkers' and fake liking them, fake enjoying your new job, fake loving your boss/supervisor, fake wanting to really want to be a part of the 'team', fake envisioning the mission statement, fake laughing, fake smiling....did i mention that twice? Well its true...
I am a bank teller, and i do a million in one things at one beat of a drum, i have to fake like customers, and fake appreciate their business for the business i am getting my pay check from, i have to fake enjoy where i am...which is a cold cold room filled with bitches i might or might not have to invite to my possible upcoming wedding, and watch them fake enjoy themselves at my possible reception hall, and fake like their possible future gifts...
I think i am ready to change jobs....and its only been two days... oh my god.. does anyone know what im talking about?
I have to train at a far away place.... and actually learn, because if i dont, i will get fired, and then i wont get paid...
i have to go thru those stupid but sometimes insightful 60 day, 90 days, and yearly evaluations, and fake appreciate them for noticing my flaws and errors of my shitty - job - ways, and withhold from slapping the shit outta them... im kinda violent...well i have violent thoughts...a lot...for a lot of people....
I found this poster:
I wanna know what this is about, and i want to be a par tof it. I dont want a real job....rela jobs suck...i just started really thinking about all my jobs...and i never liked any of them...
Lets see what i used to do :
1 - pbx operator - listening to peoples bullshit and transfering them to the correct department/people, informing these people about the was horrible there were more thna 300 calls a DAY!!! In four hours!!
2 - security dispatcher - was actually fun bcause i got to flirt all day with my current fiance, he was my boss...god i love him and the stories he use to tell me about how he would love talking to me while i was sitting down cause he would look down my shirt and think of me and ...well you know ... other than that it sucked.
3 - campus services "agent"? - i dont even know what that title was, but i use to basically escape work and walk around the college campus looking for shit that was broken, vandalized, and needed maintenance, it was honestly the best job ever!!! Because i would smoke out with coworkers, say i was working and not really work, drink on the job, party like a rockstar, eat free food get laid, and still get paid for it !!! And flirt with my now fiance...
4 - "student retentionist" - or a mentor really, even though i didnt get to do a lot of that, i was really good at my job, i called up loser student who needed to return to the college to pass their math class cause they always failed them, attend to loser students who turned in petitions to repeat courses cause the 2nd third and fourth times they took it they failed....argue with them because the rape excuse they used wasnt good enough...even though my boss approved them, i knew it wasnt real...up until the copy of the police report proved was really good gossip conversations though...
5 - sales rep for home shopping network - the only good thing about this job was :
one, i got to see janet jacksons boob pop out on tv live,
two, that i got to buy jewelry with an employee discount
three, that i got to see actual hot coworkers and comingle...even though i was in a commited relationship, all my other jobs had fugly mufuckas....this time i had eye candy and a reason to show up hot
four, that it paid for the first 3 or 4 semesters of my Bachelors degree...i made so much money...
Other than that, i fucking hated this job with a motherfucking passion, it made me so frustrated with stupid ass old mother fuckers that tried my patience, but atleast i was able to make a sale and commission off of old hags and do it all under 2 minutes..i was that good !
6 - medical records clerk/front desk clerk, beginning transcriptionist - i did a lot at this place, it was for a doctors office, this stupid cardiologist office was hell, it was evil, but i got to meet three great people out of it, and i am glad to say i met a real friend there too... i love my Friend,,,, even if she is too emotional for me, shes the caring side of me that i dont my being.
Oh did i mention i got fired on my two weeks notice? whos ever heard of that...after my boss left, the two power freaks that hated me got rid of me...basically ridiculed me...i hope they choke when ever they are home alone, and their family members find them adn tell stories about how they choked on a pop corn kernel....then say to each other... "thats karma for you...they shouldn't have fired someone on their last week of their two weeks notice"
7 - bookkeeper, hated it, hated it hated it...listening to my sister n law, dealing with some whale of tale lady who was the size of a baby wale on cortisone, an old pervert of a boss, and a gay shrek looking mother fucker who i told off plenty of times, and some old fucking bitch that i had to tell off everyday, and be held back from once because i was going to seriously slash her throat....
The only plus, was that i got three parties, one for my bday, one for my graduation, and one for my leaving, i totally quit that job...
This was the job i left and couldnt find work for 5 months of because...
And now...a fucking bank teller...woop di fucking doo....
What a conversation starter... "Hi how are you, oh what do i do? Im a bank teller, noone else would hire me after 5 months of job hunting and about 100 million interviews"
"yes, i have a degree, no im not getting paid because i have one,,,i got what every starter gets"
"No i cant steal money!!"
"Hi i handle money all day and dont get to take it home, how bout u?"
Lets see how long i stay at this shitty place...maybe i am not looking at it the way i should... maybe i should be more optimistic....hahaah who am i kidding lol
Suffice to say that now i have something to write about now....enjoy the next few months of my blogging.