Anyways, today started out to be really funny. A friend of mine called me to tell me that I am too funny an too mean....but still funny. She kinda already knows about the people I write about sooo reading my thoughts on the blog are just a barrel o' laughs ....which she brought up a good point that on my myspace sight I need to remove the link to this blog - people will get hurt and angered by the comments I make - it may be too much sometimes, but still.... you know? Whats better consideration about another person ? I should just write about them nbehindthier backs than have them read this and get mad at me lol . Oh well....
Anyways, after laughin about that I went with my man to deposit some checks of mine at the bank. When we were waiting in the drive - thru, we noticed this guy... I must say before I go on that I have really created a monster. My poor, innocent, friendly, happy - go -lucky, boyfriend has turned a bit cynnical within the 5 years of our union, and he goes :
Boyfriend: "Dammmn babe, look at that guy over there! Its the Notre dame of Miami"
ME, Sailor Moon : "What....? Oh my, what are you talkin about his back?"
BF: "Yeah... He lookin all crazy with that hump on his back...that's huge! Fuckin EEEGOOOORRRRRR!!!!! YESSS MAAASTTERRRRRR"
Sailor Moon: "BABE! Oh my god you gonna burn in hell, buahahhahaha He does look crazy...damn EGOR lookin mother fucker"
BF: "hahhahahaha, Im so bad"
SAilor Moon: "Damn, what have I done to you used to be soo nice"
BF: " Oh no he didn't. THat tall ass Egor is gettin in that tiny ass car...HHAHAHAH"
That poor crazy, bastard. Its not his fault that he was tall and had a football protection gear lookin back on him. Or that he ended up driving this crazy ass tiny clown car - with his big ass in it.. Hmm.....oh well. Like I have said before crazy lookin people out there. Oh yeah, then after the bank we went to " La Perla" its this Peruvian Restaurant that I found wth my mom, and My man looooves Peruvian food. (By the way, I am Nicaraguan and he is Cuban-American...If ya'll dont know where these places are get a fucking map on - not all Latins are Mexicans you racist bastards....)
So we go to this place and usually, in Miami when you go to like an "ethnic" restaurant you dont really find the people that are from there, not all the time anyways. But this place, is one of those hole-in-a-wall places, that you really gotta find in the shopping centers - that end up being awesome restaurants, and your own personal secret-type-of-joints. Like I was saying, this place is filled with Peruvians...and if you know what Peruvians look like you will be as shocked as I am to walk in. Its like the brought them in luggage bacgs all roled up on the 4 hour flight to miami and dropped the bags at this REstaurant. They are some crazy lookin Indians. And there are all types of "Indians" in Latin American coutries, but these fuckers are funny...
check this out was pretty shocking to see them there ...all they were missing was their straw skirts from the realllllll indiginous folk that live in the mountains and Pueblos and outskirts of society ---like these folk :
Anyways, the lil bastard that attended me (dont get me wrong, it was great service but he insulted me!!)
The facker asked me if I was Peruvian....which is where I spit out my drink in laughter...and my boyfriend preceded to cover his face and stuff his mouth with food to avoid my reaction...and I told the lil gay dude that I wasn't that I was Nica, and he said " Ohhh". Fucker...The major difference between their indians n my countries indians is that they are more flat faced, or have really slanted and angled foreheads, and our indans are more round faced, and because of the whole chinese - slavery that went on over there in Peru they have mixed indians with chinese people, so their people are more chinise lookin...
anyways i found his question insulting....Here is some culture for ya'll ...
This guys a trip, where else you gonna find people being carried off into the sunset by 2 bulls? (those are male cows...bulls) I actually saw shit like this the last time I went in Dec. It was funny.
I thought I should represent and put one of our pretty Nicas up in here...We are not all Indian looking.... lol
And this is just some funny shit I found. People don't realize how many tourist we have. This is one of the white people that come over and get tours of our Volcanoes and shit and hes hangin out with a fellow "indio" from Nicaville. Don't my people look funny?? lol
This is my homie Sandino, the man that led the resistance revolutionary back in the day...This is a man who fought for freedom and fought oppression against those who did not want to value the Nicaraguan working man "campesinos". He was great and stood for honesty n truth and then the white people killed him. ... Or atleast they helped to. Anyways, his statues are all over Nicaville.
Heres a more detailed version of the history of this great man : thanks to
Augusto César Sandino (May 18, 1895 – February 21, 1934) was a Nicaraguan revolutionary and leader of a rebellion against the U.S. military presence in Nicaragua between 1927 and 1933. Labeled as a bandit by the U.S. government, his exploits made him a hero throughout much of Latin America, where he became a symbol of resistance to U.S. domination. Drawing the U.S. Marines into an undeclared guerilla war, he successfully evaded capture, eventually forcing the United States to withdraw its troops and securing significant concessions from the Nicaraguan government. However, he was murdered by General Anastasio Somoza García, who went on to seize power in a coup d'etat two years later, establishing a family dynasty that would rule Nicaragua for almost fifty years. Sandino's legacy was claimed by the Sandinista National Liberation Front, which overthrew the Somoza dictatorship in 1979.
WEll thats enough about my poor country. Maybe I wil be able to enlighten you all with this new course I am taking, its called Business in Latin America.. Its a greeat class so far...theres so much history to it...
see ya'll later!
I liked the publicity shout out...BTW I was knocked out when u called me...I liked the cultural blog u had going on today but... the only thing that I didn't like was the fact that you are degrading the people that have the deepest roots. Its a shame how society brainwashes people to think the whiter you look the better it is and the more ethnic you look the worse it is. U shoulda put a pic of a true Indigeneous Nicaraguan instead of putting sum dang bleached blonde who's lighter than the average Nicaraguan....Just a thought...Btw Does Manolo Blahnik know u showing ur little ass on da net bwuahahaha
Hey creack, I did putmy lil Indian friend on there, hes the one with the tourist. That guy right there represents all the people from Nica...thats what the farm people look like.
duuuhhh = square
Love the photos... it's always good to get a quick history lesson.
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