So, this weeks been pretty upsetting... I don't know what the hell..
It all really started out when one of my favorite bloggers decided to leave the blog world due to personal issues, I dont know if you've heard of him :
this dude, right here decided to leave....and let me tell you something - he had a way of saying shit that you think about or you have always wanted to say but you can never get the right words to saythem. You know when i t comes to sarcasm and "assholeism" that each and everyone of us has ?But he really knew how to express his shit out there and now he won't be able to write, and its really crazy.
I am really gonna miss him, and when you look at the amount of people who have posted to his farewell post, its just insane that we are all so loosely connected to one another personally and physically - yet we are able to hurt or feel some type of pain or whatever this is I am feeling, I guess its disappointment. when you can't go to something that gives you relief of the real world and its just gone......this relly sucks...
Then on top of losing my real world relief - I get wrapped up in my real world, and find that I have to deal with idiots and facking asses of people when it comes to my classes. I am currently taking four cases so that I can get the fuck out quicker from school, and each and every one of my classes I have to deal with stupid teachers that assign us or worst of all "have us find our own" groups, because we are "grown up seniors" and need to deal with "real life" situations at this point in our university levels...
blah blah blah - its just an easier way of them doing shit...and I have to deal with the stupid kids I end up with....Nowadays the decieving nerdy-glasses-wearing kids can fool you. Those lazy bastards....The damn, guys i end up with dont liek to work so I have to babysit their asses because I know their lazy, and you can totally tell that their mommas still baby them and do their laundry...
Yeah, I am venting ... and rambling... but whatever.. And I am not even going to mention work - thats like a whole other issue - I am gonna put up a picture of one of the ladies I work with so you can see what I have to put up with when shes there. She is a fucking whale - like seriously, if you were to make a sea whale human - shes the image of what that would look like. I am not even exaggerating, merely saying in words what she is - which is a fat ugly nasty whale bitch. The gross and worst part about this fat lady is that
1. I have to work with her
2. She must have some hormone problem because she grows a beard and has to shave it. I know this because of that shadow that men get when their facial hair grows --hers is a beard.
3. Because she is a woman the skin on her face is not made to withstand a razor so she gets like this reaction - pimples on her hair follicles, cause i guess they turn into ingrown hairs that infect the skin so her beard area is filled with pimples...
4. She is a miserable fat person. I thought all fat people were jolly? You know - like Santa. I have met plenty o' fat people who I am associated with and they are all Jolly ass folks - I see as a way of their "happiness" more of an outlet to forget about their roundness. Shit I know REally Funny FAT people.... lol they make jokes, so that people laugh at their jokes and not at know laugh with them not at them kinda thing...
Also, I am upset because I have been working out for the past 3 weeks and I havent had any results yet.. I had gained some weight - and since I make fun of fat people theres no way in hell Imma fall into THAT category because then that would mean making fun of myself and that would be pretty stupid. I mean think about it, a fat girl (and im not FAT, just getting chunky - where if i dont get careful i can end up fat) making fun of other fat girls that just ridiculous!! Which it really is, I know this one girl ...Lets call Her "Mindy" , she is one of those "jolly fat girls" she jokes around alll the time and shes a good person. Her problem is that she thinks shes not fat. Dont get me wrong - she knows shes "overweight" but she dont think she FAT and SHE IS FAT. LIKE A BLIMP. How can I explain her fatness......ok, when she exposes her stomache there are three bellies.
Three stomaches that overlap eachother. Yeah...well my point is that I dont want to be like her or end up like her...sooo I have been working out - Ive mainly done cardio and circuit training with weights and stuff and I havent lost 1 lb. I have cleaned up my fast food eating. The only thing I can think of that I need more time to wait for results or start eating more meals a day...or maybe even work out more days outta that week... But I thought that working out 3 days a week would be ok since I am just starting to work out again.
Maybe one of you could explain this to me....
Well, Im gonna post my "crack house" neighbor soon , I really wanna get him in that jumpsuit for you guys, but im scared hes gonna kill me...and I will make sure to post the picture of the whale that works with me. Night ya'll I gotta go to bed..
kikimia - Sailor MOOn
1 comment:
LOL ur wrong for that Mindy comment....I sooo know who u are talking about. I hope none of those ppl read ur blog because that comment of FAT ppl being funny is not nice but it was funny I must admit....
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