Dumb ass of the day possibly of the year:
A lady by the name of Charmaine went to hold up a bank, (dont remember what city) she hand wrote a note to the teller and demanded money, she also showed her a gun to fully threaten the tellers life. She even got her money - $20,000 worth and walked right outta the bank with a clean escape....almost! THe idiot was scott free until the police turned the note over n found out that the note was written on the back of an old bill with her name n address on it!!!
I tell you, some people are facking retarded. I am not condoning any type of criminal activity but if you stupid dont rob people!!!
Anyways, I am two weekends fresh outta a vacation that I forgot to tell ya'll about. I went to Orlando for a weekend with my mans and we did the whole tourist thing lol. My baby even wore a fanny-pak...those things are really useful - you can put ANYTHING in there. Anyways I got some pics and I will post only 2 - the truist tourist pics - and to make it even better - it was takin by some Asian folks - who had thousand dollar hi-tech, super lensed cameras...they must be really cheap in ASian-ville, after all large companies pay $.50 to the little poor asian and indian children that make em in their own country... Im just sayin...
For your viewing pleasure:
Im surrounded by all of them!
I also wanted to mention the amount of white people I saw two counties out of Miami... Not that I am racist or anything...but ya gotta understand. Because the typical "minority" in the U.S. are hispanics (I dont get that since Hispanics were the ones who found this "New World" the Spaniards...but thats a whole other history lesson that I will get into later) in Miami the "minority" is white people. And GOD dammit I am not use to seeing them!!! My bf on the other hand thinks hes white cause he was born here, yet when he votes he checks off "hispanic"!! I wont get into that either..... Anyways, he was laughin at me cause I was so astonished at the amount of red necks I saw... and I found myself sayin the famous line from "the Sixth Sense" with a twist...."I SEEE WHHIITTEE PEOPPLEEE". It was a classic moment. REally it was...I even found a saloon that was named after them inthe city Kissimmee - thats right before Orlando, where we stayed at..called "The Cracker House". And you know what? I sho-nuff took a picture of it!! Oh yeah here you go for your viewing pleasure...
Also, I took some pics of all the different whities I saw...but decided not to use it...thought it might be too inappropriate. I swear... they are funny lookin lol I don't think I saw so many of them walkin around like that...it was like a zoo really.Ya got youre, big ones, small ones, tourist ones, light colored ones, dark colored ones, red ones, pink ones, ghost white ones.... ans so forth...
I did see more when I went to Tennessee....But there was more fun watching these in Florida...
I guess you can call it ignorance but in Miami theres just a latin american circle of people and everyone else is a minority... Aint that crazy?? After being raised here for so long I feel weird going outta state to other states...I know that in Tennessee I really felt the whole uncomfortable thing and noticed that I was being gawked at...they got their own dose of it from me, and I enjoyed it!!
Next post, I will write about the crazy-neo-nazi white chick in my class... I am glad I am taking that class though.. it makes me aware of my racial prejudices about white people which i am trying to get over - everyone else is cool with me.... lol I am just kidding people....no ....no Im not lol By the way, the class is called "management diversity". Oh one more tidbit, growing up i never saw color as a problem - everybody was the same to me...but once I got to middle school and learned about our history is when I learned about "race" being such a hot topic, or such an issue that can change the way you get treated in America...I still see everyone as the same...but....white people are just soooooooooooo well, white lol
PEace ya'll...
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