Well, as you all might know, and if you don't then i am glad I am the first to tell you about Nicole Richies new case. SHe got arrested for DUI and here is a lovely mugshot for you.
Apparently, she was taking Vikadin for her menstrual pains. Last time I checked NORMAL PEOPLE DONT TAKE VIKADIN for that.
By the way, people that skinny stop having periods. It was reported that when she was weighed in at the station she was about 85 pounds or so.
JEsus, no wonder she was driving on the wrong side of the road hahaha This girl is an idiot. How many more times will she be crying for help - rich spoiled kids let me tell you.
I love even more the quote provided ber her attorney Howard Weitzman that was given to TMZ, "this is a difficult time for Nicole but she is prepared to accept whatever responsibility is appropriate. She intends to continue with her career and will deal with any other issues that need to be addressed."
Wait a minute, what career? Bitch ain't got no real job! She don't got a career... Well thats that. WAy to go Nicole, another one bites the dust.
Anywho, there's more news. What the hell is up with Angelina Jolie? I know that she loves to help people all over the world and all but it doesn't mean she has to LOOK like she's from Africa. I mean, it's not like she doesn't have enough money to eat or anything. Look at the state of her anorexic ass:
Look at how crazy skinny she is. She is all bones. And seriously, I am done hearing about how "sexy" she is. She'es gross, she looks like a man, shes just skin and bones, and I am reallllllllly done with the "Elvira" look that she has going on for yearssssssssssss now. PLus, I may add I hate her for stealing Brad from Jen!
She is officially a SLOOT, no not slut - but a SLOOOT.
I would like to really hear some news on Will Smith's movie. Why is noone talking about it? Who the hell cares about 'Dream Girls' anyway, its played by people who sing about people who sang. Woopie....Now, Will Smith's movie : The pursuit of HAppiness, looks awesome, heartwarming, touching, and looks liek Will did some amazing work on it. I can't beilive my man is aging, check out his greys:
You know what? I know you are all ready for what seems to be an endless story. ROCKY BALBOA. I am going to support this movie - for the simple fact that it is a cult clsasic and because I love Sylvestor Stallone movies....shot I even like Judge Dredd...and that movie really was wack - but I loved it nonetheless...I will also give you the honor of knowing that it comes out on Dec 20th. Not only that - but I will provide you with the movie trailor.
You're Welcome!
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