Yeah, it is a definite Eeyore day.. If you don't know about 'em, then here you go. He is a character from Winnie the Pooh and he is described as:
Eeyore is everyone's favorite delightfully dismal donkey. But Eeyore doesn't see himself as gloomy -- he just has low expectations. He expects nothing from anybody, so whenever his friends do come to his aid his expectations of the worst are overthrown, and he is sincerely grateful. Eeyore's tiny bright pink bow on his tail, the one hint of color against his gray, is a perfect symbol of the kernel of joy that occasionally surfaces in Eeyore. Though he may pretend he's helping because there's nothing better to do -- make no mistake, Eeyore is always there for his friends.
Anyways, I got my hair done and you'd think that'd make me feel better? Well, it did up until I paid for my own God Damn hair...$110... that really was a waste of money from my drowining bank account. I wish it was actually drowning in money but its actually drowning in SORROW. I am sure all of you are feeling the effects of the holidays.
Sometimes I wish I was a Jehova and that way I didn't have to worry about holidays, birthdays, presents- period.... Buuuuuuuuuuuut I am not. I am a somewhat-washed Catholic..."guilt" -n-all...
I am working on this Year in review of 2006, but it is getting kinda wack. I am just going to post it anyways. It is mostly filled with morbid information. Deaths and disease and such...oh well, what else is there to look forward to?
I am gonna quit now before I get worse on here.
Happy New Years Ya'll...
PS -
My interview went well, but I don't like the job - if I get it I will say HELL NO. I can find soemthing A LOT better for me. I am young - intelligent - educated - and professional - and really dont want to be driving fucking far!!
I want to add a section of Eeyore quotes. They are perfect life quotes of people always letting you down. LONG LIVE PESSIMISM!
"A mostly sunny day, to some, can look a lot like partly gray."
It Was There...Now It's Gone
You think you can
Depend on tails.
You don't expect tails
To go wrong.
The last time I looked
It was right there.
Now when I look there,
It's gone.
It was always
Just behind me,
Always tagging along.
A little something at the back...
I thought it was there,
And it's gone.
I assumed it was
Attached to me,
That it actually
Hung true.
I'd hoped it was stuck
Very firmly on.
Maybe we needed some glue.
It used to trail right behind me,
Always tailing along.
My little extra
At the back...I thought it was there,
Now it's gone.
The old grey donkey, Eeyore stood by himself in a thistly corner of the Forest, his front feet well apart, his head on one side, and thought about things. Sometimes he thought sadly to himself, "Why?" and sometimes he thought, "Wherefore?" and sometimes he thought, "Inasmuch as which?" and sometimes he didn't quite know what he was thinking about.
This is a great quote:
"After all, what are birthdays? Here today and gone tomorrow."
"When stuck in the river, it is best to dive and swim to the bank yourself before someone drops a large stone on your chest in an attempt to hoosh you there."
Thanks ya'll!
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