There are many things we should all be thankful of. For instance, my family has been blessed to be healthy, funny, and in extremely important situations reliable. (for the most part anyway)
Then there's world peace, oops thats not one of them. Well we have a great president...oops thats not one of them either... ok so just thing of something yourself that will satisfy you...
Anyways, I want to start complaining about what I saw yesterday.
Isn't there a statue of limitations on how far women will got to have their baby's breast fed in public. Well I think i damn near take the cake on my account.
It happened at 10:00am in the local post office where I work by. My boss told me to get a money order and drop some shit at the post office, and there it was a lady and her baby. I thought it was weird that she kept holding the baby in the line when the baby was dead asleep, and from the manner she held the baby, you can tell it was her first baby ever.
Anyways, the painful wait took an hour long standing in line watching the sinlge register guy work with the crowd - making the stupidist jokes ever was pure entertainment for his sanity...and then the day came for him where God blessed him with some boob action.
The mother of one child was at his countertop and in mid sale she begins to open her shirt and have the baby suck on her teet. Yes people, there were 15 others in the room - i counted because i knew i was going to write about it..who wouldnt?
Anyways, like all newborns they have to be smothered in the nipple and the momma was smothering her child with the nipple - everyone watching, some in disgust (thats me!!!) others in awe (the older women) and others with a carrot popping outta their pants..The Mailman countertop-register-worker on the other hand was in a trance... it was classic, if only i wasnt so poor and could afford a god damn camera phone...i gotta get me one of those! So after the unsettling 2mins of my life - it was over because the baby apparently was not hungry - or maybe she knew better than to suck on her moms teet in front of 15 strangers that arent relatives or her daddy...
It might have been funnier if it was something like when Jim Carry sucked on a womans teet that was breastfeeding her child on a park pench - (the movie - which is a classic of his is Me,Myself, and Irene - before Rene Zellweger was famous)
Next thought, is what the hell is the deal with people workin at stores with the Christmas cheer of santa hats and with a miserable face? It reminds me of the grinch..
dang, even the Grinch has a smirk...its spooky and scary but its still a smile !
Oh yeah, this semester I kicked ass in my four courses. I got 3 A's and 1 B. That shot up my GPA and now I am ready for the end. Its this new semester in the Spring and I take my last three courses before I get my Bachelors in Management. IM SO EXCITED!
I got a job interview at a local University. If I get the job as a full time staff, I will be able to get my Master's degree paid for!!! WOO HOO Crossing my fingers!
Happy Holidays people and enjoy the new year...unless something interesting happens, I wont write until the new year!
Love YOU!
ooh yeah before I go, what the hell is wrong with people leaving racist remarks on blogs. My friend got called the N-word on a comment in her blog. What the fuck. Her response is a master piece of an intelligent woman who surpasses his ignorance. Right on Jen! See for yourself.
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