OMG, im so sick people. I could not sleep last night. I ate a stupid twinkie and i got nauseous and had a headache all night, and my tummy hurt....I took Excedrin and it made it worse. Then i read the bottle and it said it had caffeine.. :(
I woke up this morning with strep throat. And i have a test tomorrow on this stupid substitute teaching seminar. If i dont pass the exam i have to take this crap again...
The lady about the job offer hasnt called me all week. She said she would call me to tell me when to start. Maybe she found someone better?
Oh what does the twinkie have to do with me feeling bad? Well, the last time i felt that sick was when i ate four strawberry frosted donuts and the sugar rush gave me the same sideeffects and i was sick for a long time. I cant eat too much sugar because it makes me sick. Thats why i dont eat candy, cake, cookies, or sweets period. The only sweet thing i do intake is Coke Cola...and that hasnt helped my figure nore my cavaties...ewww the dentist appointment is on 9/11 :(
Hpmh.... hope i feel better cause i gotta be in that seminar from 9 - 4pm tomorrow :(
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Running Like a Chicken W/out a Head
Hah! how bout that!? I love it....oh so cracking up.. I need it after having a bad day yesterday... See I left ya'll with a post about how I was gonna go return some merchandise...but really i was gonna exchange it and then i almost died AGAIn. Its odd, ive been having some bad ass luck - like a streak of bad luck. Its like someone put some bad Ju-Ju or bad santeria on my ass. Well I need them to knock that crap off. Sad part is that i know people who do that shit...imma have to fight back... maybe i do need a chicken with out a head and get a cleaning.
So this was me yesterday....stranded and scared outta my mind. Except i was in the bad neighborhood mall (its cheaper! More sales go figure...) and i wasnt in a business suite...and my car wasnt smokey...Anyways, I was driving on my merry way over there braggin to my broke friends on how imma spend my money that i dont have when suddenly i was at the light (its green) and im waiting to make my left turn when my car starts stalling. Problem? My car isnt stick shift and im stepping on the gas and my car doesnt budge....WTF!! I yell...loudly, then i tell my friend peace out cause cars are coming and im going to die.
So, I keep jammin my foot on the gas enough to avoid oncoming traffic and enough to slowly roll into the shopping center into the lonely parking lot. (Good thing it was daylight!) As i put it on park it dies. It wont start and im pissed. Good news? Well, my dads a mechanic! Other good news? He was off of work in 15 mins and on his way. Bad news? The neighborhood gangsta's and predators are driving by slowly watching i call my sister n law and she was luckily just getting off the exit that is next to the mall (she was getting home from work ...and we live 2.6 miles of each other). So she hung out with me till my daddy came. And he tried to see if it was the battery---no it was the alternator.
So, $180 dollars later and driving home with my foot on the break and simultaneously pressing the gas, driving at 30 miles an hour in rush hour traffic...not good. But i made it home with a high-five from my dad. He knows im a chicken shit for that kinda stuff. But we made it. And so i had to drive my mothers death trap of a Mini my substitute training course this morning from 9am to 2:30pm.
Got home and took my monkey
Anyways, better news, I got a message while in my course and it was from a job place i had applied for early last week. I got an interview tomorrow, and honestly i think im going to get it. Afterwards im thinking about applying at some card store. Yeah, like a part time after i get outta my other job. I figure their gonna pay me i wanna have two jobs. Plus, i cannot stand being home for too long. Then i think im going to take a few more education courses...maybe diversity populations and classroom management. Hmmpph who knows...
Lets see what happens tomorrow.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Funny Picture of the Week
If you want to see funnier shit and laugh a bit. you can click on this web site.
Thats a web site i like to frequent on those days that i run out of things to do online.
I cant wait to get another president. I preferably would like to have Mrs. Clinton as our new leader, so that we can knock some sense into the system. But i'd rather stay out of the whole political talk.
Religion and politics - man those two will seriously get you into trouble when you talking to people. Especially if you are at odds. I just think that its hilarious that I veer toward democrats and my fiance veers towards republicans. Its gonna be a very very funny household. I can imagine our political discussions ending in me calling him a moron and a plate being thrown at this head. And him closing the door just in time to catch the hit. Ohh....i cant wait for those days lol.
big Love
Has anyone else been following this show? I tried hard for some reason to fight it. But it just started to intrigue me more when i saw a HBO special call it a polygamy Sopranos...and I lovvvvvvvvee the Sopranos so i figured id give it a try. plus HBO usually gets it right with their series. so i did and now i love the show - and i cant wait to see the new season.
If no one knows about this than i suggest you watch it. Drama is the only word that comes to mind when you have three wives sharing one man. Where jealousy and anger have to be kept secret...but when it shows...oh boy. Sex is only supposed to be for breeding not pleasure...pleaaaaaase if i were a man - id be hitting up all my bitches lol
I am sure many of them do...anyways the polygamy people are supposed to stay in their "compound" because its against the law to be married to more than one woman in the real world. So there is this family that leaves that compound and tries to live a normal life, without getting caught.
Big Love revolves around modern-day Utah polygamist Bill Henrickson and his three wives: Barb (the legal wife/first wife), Nicki (the second wife) and Margene (the third wife), and their extended family of seven children. As the owner of a growing chain of home improvement stores, Bill struggles to meet the financial and emotional needs of his three wives, while trying to keep their family arrangement a secret. Big Love looks at marriage through a typical atypical family.
Can you imagine dealing with three women's shit? I don't know why a man would want to voluntarily put himself through that torture.
Well, im off to go return $200 bucks worth of crap i bought while shopping online out of boredom from was like 3 am when i did it. Oh what to do what to fiance is gonna be pissed when he finds out that i ran my card through that....eeeeeeek lol
i only care cause hes paying my bills for now ** lol
Friday, August 17, 2007
Music Makes Life a music video
Sometimes, i get so into the music and what im doing i start spacing out - thinking im in a music video. Shooot if i could do some dancing like (So you Think You can Dance, dancers - you know people with natural dancing abilities) crazy breakdancing or something... I find myself moving to the beat .... i walk with a funk.. lol funky town in my ears - im in a music video...i start thinking if i had a camera and could place this song that im listening to people could understand what im talking about ....
Hmmm... I wonder if anyone else has this happen to them ? I think everyone goes thru this - if not they wouldnt have those trendy lil IPOD commercials that attracted so many of us to buy them lol
Apple Marketing staff was like : "Here watch this commercial of a shadow dancing and jamming to the hottest or oldest tracks of time, enjoy yourself at every moment of the it ,,,,now you want to be that person jamming to music so hard they start dancing erratically...come spend the $300 $200 bucks it costs...come one you can be the shadow too!"
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Call Me Teacher Lady
Besides helping to educate the future governors and deliquents of our nation I found that I need a steady paycheck. And the easiest and most sought after position now in Florida is teachers.
What I am doing to become this new educator? Well, I have already taken courses in the summer to learn more about being a teacher and I am currentyl enlisting to be a substitute. I want to get a little bit more experience with the kids. I decided on doing elementary education because it runs from grades K-6th grade and I want to concentrate on 2nd or 3rd graders because I will be dealing with less attitude and more healthy brain cells. I cannot wait its going to be great and easy.
Positives to being a teacher?
1 - EAsy Money : range of $30,000 - $60,000
2 - Benefits, Florida Retirement system
3 - Work with young kids 2 nd 3 rd graders - easier to manage
4 - Change of pace - something different and something new every day not a boring desk job.
5 - Paid days off for all holidays, Summers off!! And if I want more money then I work a summer term
6 - Lateral movement, bigger pay, even administrative postions ($70,000 to $90,000)
7 - Possible positions in local Colleges!! (thanks MOMMA!)
8 - Work less hours - days will end at 2 or 3 and the rest will be for leisure or for now making more money
9 - Because my major didnt offer me shit :(
10 - Will have time to juggle family and social life with out so much stress when i start having babies :)
Other than that i dont see why not to just do it. I mean I am only 23 and maybe better things will come from this!
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Anyways, it has been about 1 month that i havent had a job and it looks like its nearing to be 2 months....My Fiance is feeling the blow...hes been paying all my bills...shhiit he needs to get used to it! Right? Im just getting him use to what is coming in the near future.
Besides all that - Lets talk about this World Music Award show. I dont give a shit what anybody says about Michael Jackson - that man is a living legend and is the best mother fucking singer out there. He got the diamong award and also a guiness book of records plaque for being one of the most famous i dontknow what that is living. He wasnt even able to speak from all the cheering and love that he received. Why is it that AMericans are so adament about fucking his name up - what about all the amazing things that he has done for the world and its people? What about all those good things? The news never reveres him for all his good....
Oh my gaw...No they did not have Rihanna sing at this award show...why is she there? She cant sing for shit. Why is it that so many people are up and coming when that cant sing worth shit? I dont get it. What are your opinions on this nonsense we call music? Sometimes i cant even have the radio on anymore because theres so much crap on the radio being labled as "music". I find myself hanging around the oldies stations to catch real music. Not this rihanna and beyonce bull shit..
Oh wait wait... Micahel is on the mayhem when he went and threw his jacket into the crowd. You know someone is losing an eye tonight. Where are there people crying? What sensation and emotion are they going through that they are crying?
I like the way hes holding a mike in one hand and the award in another with the crumbled flag...what message is he secretly sending? Hmm...
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Being Engaged
Its been now 3 months now that ive been engaged and its hard work let me tell you. So i have complied a list of the ups n downs of being engaged...
1 - It is exciting for the first few weeks. The love is growing and the relationship takes a turn for the best. We are in a bliss as if though we first started dating again - totally Giddy n Extatic.
2 - Pressure mounts to new level of stress. Wedding plans need to be started, dates need to be arranged, and reality kicks in.
3 - Talking and making appointments with all kinds of wedding preparations suck ass.
4 - Quit talking about wedding stuff because you realize you cant afford the kind of wedding that you are dreaming of.
5 - Start fighting with lover because you need him to cut down his wedding praty list...its ridiculously long and you cant afford to invite so many people!
6 - Cry when you find out you need a better job in order to pay for all these future expenses: wedding, decorations, house, cars, house insurance, honey moon.....
7 - Glee with happiness when you start bridal gown shopping....cry again from joy...
8 - Get depressed when you leave your old job and cant find a new job for the 1...2.. 5 weeks.....narf...
9 - Get really excited when a house comes along that looks like its perfect.
10 - And the cycle begins all over again.
See, noone tells you how stressful it is to start a life with the one you love. Noone ever talks about the starting troubles that come with getting married or getting a house or getting the stupid wedding party started or any of that.... People need to be more open to it - because if i would have known i would have tried to be more prepared. But in the end its still fun and exciting i guess..
I will try to post more later. Its been a awhile since ive had internet and im getting back into the swing of things
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