Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Being Engaged

Oh being engaged is bitter sweetttttt...

Its been now 3 months now that ive been engaged and its hard work let me tell you. So i have complied a list of the ups n downs of being engaged...

1 - It is exciting for the first few weeks. The love is growing and the relationship takes a turn for the best. We are in a bliss as if though we first started dating again - totally Giddy n Extatic.

2 - Pressure mounts to new level of stress. Wedding plans need to be started, dates need to be arranged, and reality kicks in.

3 - Talking and making appointments with all kinds of wedding preparations suck ass.

4 - Quit talking about wedding stuff because you realize you cant afford the kind of wedding that you are dreaming of.

5 - Start fighting with lover because you need him to cut down his wedding praty list...its ridiculously long and you cant afford to invite so many people!

6 - Cry when you find out you need a better job in order to pay for all these future expenses: wedding, decorations, house, cars, house insurance, honey moon.....

7 - Glee with happiness when you start bridal gown shopping....cry again from joy...

8 - Get depressed when you leave your old job and cant find a new job for the past....um 1...2.. 5 weeks.....narf...

9 - Get really excited when a house comes along that looks like its perfect.

10 - And the cycle begins all over again.

See, noone tells you how stressful it is to start a life with the one you love. Noone ever talks about the starting troubles that come with getting married or getting a house or getting the stupid wedding party started or any of that.... People need to be more open to it - because if i would have known i would have tried to be more prepared. But in the end its still fun and exciting i guess..

I will try to post more later. Its been a awhile since ive had internet and im getting back into the swing of things


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