Hah! how bout that!? I love it....oh man..im so cracking up.. I need it after having a bad day yesterday... See I left ya'll with a post about how I was gonna go return some merchandise...but really i was gonna exchange it and then i almost died AGAIn. Its odd, ive been having some bad ass luck - like a streak of bad luck. Its like someone put some bad Ju-Ju or bad santeria on my ass. Well I need them to knock that crap off. Sad part is that i know people who do that shit...imma have to fight back... maybe i do need a chicken with out a head and get a cleaning.
So this was me yesterday....stranded and scared outta my mind. Except i was in the bad neighborhood mall (its cheaper! More sales go figure...) and i wasnt in a business suite...and my car wasnt smokey...Anyways, I was driving on my merry way over there braggin to my broke friends on how imma spend my money that i dont have when suddenly i was at the light (its green) and im waiting to make my left turn when my car starts stalling. Problem? My car isnt stick shift and im stepping on the gas and my car doesnt budge....WTF!! I yell...loudly, then i tell my friend peace out cause cars are coming and im going to die.
So, I keep jammin my foot on the gas enough to avoid oncoming traffic and enough to slowly roll into the shopping center into the lonely parking lot. (Good thing it was daylight!) As i put it on park it dies. It wont start and im pissed. Good news? Well, my dads a mechanic! Other good news? He was off of work in 15 mins and on his way. Bad news? The neighborhood gangsta's and predators are driving by slowly watching me....so i call my sister n law and she was luckily just getting off the exit that is next to the mall (she was getting home from work ...and we live 2.6 miles of each other). So she hung out with me till my daddy came. And he tried to see if it was the battery---no it was the alternator.
So, $180 dollars later and driving home with my foot on the break and simultaneously pressing the gas, driving at 30 miles an hour in rush hour traffic...not good. But i made it home with a high-five from my dad. He knows im a chicken shit for that kinda stuff. But we made it. And so i had to drive my mothers death trap of a Mini Cooper.....to my substitute training course this morning from 9am to 2:30pm.
Got home and took my monkey
Anyways, better news, I got a message while in my course and it was from a job place i had applied for early last week. I got an interview tomorrow, and honestly i think im going to get it. Afterwards im thinking about applying at some card store. Yeah, like a part time after i get outta my other job. I figure their gonna pay me dirt...so i wanna have two jobs. Plus, i cannot stand being home for too long. Then i think im going to take a few more education courses...maybe diversity populations and classroom management. Hmmpph who knows...
Lets see what happens tomorrow.
1 comment:
Sounds kinda scary, glad you got out of it alright.
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