If you want to see funnier shit and laugh a bit. you can click on this web site. wayodd.com
Thats a web site i like to frequent on those days that i run out of things to do online.
I cant wait to get another president. I preferably would like to have Mrs. Clinton as our new leader, so that we can knock some sense into the system. But i'd rather stay out of the whole political talk.
Religion and politics - man those two will seriously get you into trouble when you talking to people. Especially if you are at odds. I just think that its hilarious that I veer toward democrats and my fiance veers towards republicans. Its gonna be a very very funny household. I can imagine our political discussions ending in me calling him a moron and a plate being thrown at this head. And him closing the door just in time to catch the hit. Ohh....i cant wait for those days lol.
big Love
Has anyone else been following this show? I tried hard for some reason to fight it. But it just started to intrigue me more when i saw a HBO special call it a polygamy Sopranos...and I lovvvvvvvvee the Sopranos so i figured id give it a try. plus HBO usually gets it right with their series. so i did and now i love the show - and i cant wait to see the new season.
If no one knows about this than i suggest you watch it. Drama is the only word that comes to mind when you have three wives sharing one man. Where jealousy and anger have to be kept secret...but when it shows...oh boy. Sex is only supposed to be for breeding not pleasure...pleaaaaaase if i were a man - id be hitting up all my bitches lol
I am sure many of them do...anyways the polygamy people are supposed to stay in their "compound" because its against the law to be married to more than one woman in the real world. So there is this family that leaves that compound and tries to live a normal life, without getting caught.
Big Love revolves around modern-day Utah polygamist Bill Henrickson and his three wives: Barb (the legal wife/first wife), Nicki (the second wife) and Margene (the third wife), and their extended family of seven children. As the owner of a growing chain of home improvement stores, Bill struggles to meet the financial and emotional needs of his three wives, while trying to keep their family arrangement a secret. Big Love looks at marriage through a typical atypical family.
Can you imagine dealing with three women's shit? I don't know why a man would want to voluntarily put himself through that torture.
Well, im off to go return $200 bucks worth of crap i bought while shopping online out of boredom from Macys.com.....its was like 3 am when i did it. Oh what to do what to do...my fiance is gonna be pissed when he finds out that i ran my card through that....eeeeeeek lol
i only care cause hes paying my bills for now ** lol
i veer toward ms. clinton too. :)
Ao - its only the right thing and right way to go...
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