Tuesday, November 27, 2007

"Alright, Seriously Im done!"

That title is a favorite quote from the idiot Audrina from The Hills.

It only took her about a year to figure out that deauche bag she was dating was a total idiot. I think the fact that a guy thinking hes a hippe in the year 2007 is a total idiot anyways. That, along with him calling himself "bobby" when their name is Justin...that and hes got the greasiest hair ever and he looks like he never bathes. I mean, if youre gonna look like a bum why bother even showering? Complete the look by actually doing it.

Ugh.... so im taking the reigns into my hands again and am going to go job shopping tomorrow. Imma go to Barnes and Nobles and getting the newspaper and searching and actually getting to it. I dont care what it is anymore. And after that failure im hitting the mall. Imma hit rock bottom and shooting the mall because its officially christmas shopping time and everyone is hiring. Im actually going to do an experiment with several places. On some applications im going to put that i do have a business degree and other places im going to omit that fact. I bet 100 million dollars that the one with no degree will get me a job.

With that in mind i am thinking of picking up this book that seems very interesting: Punching In by Alex Frankel. This guy actually went "under cover" to get into different places to see how commercial jobs do. Check it out, it seems very good. I cant wait to read it!

My birthday was nice. Theres nothing better than spending time with the ones that breed you and make you insane. Cause really in the end, they are the ones that will spoon feed you when youre in the hospital from a terrible car accident and your fiance leaves you because they dont want to marry a paraplegic. Im just sayin! Its true and you know it!
So yea, we went to a shmancy lil Nica restaurant. I even had a Toña. Ahhh yes, it brought back some Nica memories. God, for some reason i feel like its been a really long time since i was there... its kinda a bitter sweet memory with my granpas passing. I do miss him sometimes and think about how retarded he died. He was too young, and my dad had so much to say to him still. And he was supposed to come to my wedding and ship me boatloads of money...and i was going to be the first in the family to get married in a church. Thats why when i saw him in his coffin i promised him id complete that dream, so 2 days laters i confirmed my catholism and also had my first communion. I got yelled at by the priest for waiting so long, but because he knew my grandfather and all his great work with the churches and because he guided my father all that side of the family religiously he understood. But that didnt avoid him yanking out his last two hairs as i messed up the "Our father" and the Creed....i was too nervous...especially when i confessed - i was crying like a baby. Crazy crying...he must get that all the time...

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