Though, i rather have enjoyed the views of these Democrats and it has opened my eyes to many about their issues better. And when Hilary exed out against illegal immigrants, that hurt a bit. I am an immigrant - legal not illegal, but people come for many reasons and if someone wants to come here and enforce the work force through back breaking labor they should be given rights for something they have brought to the table. She killed me with her views on that. Other than that i liked everything she said expecially this whole issue about teachers that other candidates tried to dingle dangle, and to actually have the debate even discuss her gender being an issue was brilliant with her response, she couldnt have smacked them on the face better :) RAaar hear women roar.
But - the one who surprisingly hit me was Dennis Kucinich. This man, has brought up some great points and the debate, and didnt allow anyone 2 shut his mouth or his views. Im keeping my eyes on him!
Barack, hes a whiney mother fu*ker. I couldnt hear one minute of him just whining all over the stage. That and his lil cat and mouse game that he has going on with each of his answers. Face it buddy, it aint gonna happen - i dont like your issues. He says the same shit over and over and over again.
Bill Richardson interested me enough to listen.
Joe Biden was racist from his immigrants standpoints but hes got great views, i cant just hate on him cause of those issues. He brought up smart answers and guess what, i paid attention. So i can possibly change my mind about certain candidates.
Christopher Dodd is just smart, and i liked what i heard to an extent...
As for Mr god talk about a tattle tale. What the fuck is his point to only through mud at Clinton? All he did was spike everyones ears on Clinton - he doesnt even realize that his finger pointing "debate" is getting her acclaim when she corrects him. He looks like a smiling dwindling idiot. Tahnk you very much - my views have been expressed. i cant wait to see the next Republican debate to hear what mochary they will try to make of the US again...
Can you tell imma democrat?
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