im 24 and with a degree and unemployed, atleast i paid my car note, yeap thats me with no car payments. I thought my car insurance was supposed to go down didnt - all i get for being 24 is $2.11 discounted from my car insurance...woopppeee!!! supposed to go out with my sister n law aka maid of honor-zilla, and her friends this SAturday. We are all pretty much born around the same time and plan to celebrate together. Check out the dates:
Me - the 25th
Maid of honor-zilla - the 28th
Her friend Kelly - the 15th
Her friend Guillermo - the 29th
And the other guy - Dec whatever...
So we are supposed to celebrate at howl at the moon, some bar that gives ridiculously large BUCKET DRINKS. Thats right people a bucket of liqour of whatever the hell ya want! And im ready for that Motherfu*ker..the best part? My sista in law is paying my way - woo hooo im readyy to get tipssyyyy..
So i figured id make some posts about the jobs that have actually called back for me to get in their payroll. Some i called back others i changed my mind...
1 - For Fun: Sales agent at city furniture hahahah i didnt get it,....Funny story actually - cause i got an email to set up an interview but the email didnt have a date, so i called back to find out the date, and the lady called me back and told me she sent the email to the wrong person - Bitch
2- I applied for a training management trainee position at enterprise rent a Car - they called me back and emailed me....but i didnt want to get back to them , just thinking about renting out cars to people that might actually kill somebody and leave the body in the trunk and ditch the car kept playin in my can you imagine how many discounts id have to give my friends....i said pass
3- i applied at Allstate to be a claims adjuster - they called me back, i actually had a pre-interview over the phone today with them, the lady said they would send out my profile to the hiring manager and if they dont send me an email in two weeks to keep looking - great....
4 - i actually applied for teaching positions hahah i actually had the audacity, but i got emailed back - seems like i need some type of certification - im leaving that on the back burner for emergencies, i kinda decided i didnt really want to deal with kids until it was completely NECESSARY to make a and 30 lil rug rats ....ugh who knows..
5- I applied for a Patient Financial Rep at a Hospital - im so excited about this one, cause i get to be the annoying person that comes into your room when you just found out that you died and tell you, that you need to pay the ridiculous amount of money just charged to you for taking that advil they gave you for your headache beacuse you been crying all day....because you found out you were dying... yeah...tsk thats me ! i really want this one!
6 - im taking this tax class for tax preparation and the teacher ( the store manager) offered me to work for her since i speak spanish and shes a gringa...she said it jsut like that too. I will work for her - but she better pay me more since i got a degree... dammit...
7 - And actually im going to a job fair tomorrow for some gym, imma apply for the membership sales counselor , doesnt that sound nice? That or the front desk receptionist, im only applying because i get a free membership and ive been working out but its kinda been raining and getting cold outside...i wanna a nice gym to work out in. That and i get to be around eye candy all DAY! Who wouldnt want to see some nice firm asses,,,,um i mean abs...hahahah hmmm
8- Not to mention all those weird life insurance sales companies that emailed me back - i dont know if im the right person to sell insurance for your life...i wouldnt make any money cause if you die...whats the point?F the loved ones that survive your death - id want the money for myself! thats just the sagitarius greed in me lol
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