f-ck off
Used in the imperative as a signal of angry dismissal. 2. To spend time idly. 3. To masturbate.
Fuck off.
F-ck Off
Go away!!!!!!!!!!! AND LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!
Benny told Jimmy to "Fuck off!".
f-ck off
An exclamation of anger.
"Excuse me, would you like to buy a copy of The Big Issue?""No. Fuck off!"
f-ck off
Insult; To request that someone leave, go away, retreat, begone. 2/To refute. 3/Used to ephasise size or import.
"You can fusk off, going on about that shit again. I've got a big fuck off plate of lasagne to get through."
f-ck off
1. Go away.2. No.
1. No I don't want like jazz, fuck off!2. Do you like jazz? Fuck off!
F-ck off
1] telling someone to go away.2]Use to descibe something big and/or indimidatingand usualy used in a sentence after describing something as big.as if the object was telling you to fuck off simply by being.
1] "fuck off, wanker".2] "He had a big Fuck off gun.""I got a big Fuck off Amp for my birthday." - simon (lol)
I am really liking this Urban Dictionary.com site. It is realy hilarious....
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