Before, you read this, I want you to keep in mind that this is to EDUCATE people - not offend them. These are things that are said on a daily basis all over the world so don;t come up in here trying to tell me that it isnt true. I found this web sie Urban Dictionary and it so happens to have all the derrogatory comments/racial slurs that you can think of. You might find it funny, or you might now. Well, here goes nothing....if your an activist I wrote my disclaimer above sooo just deal with it or go to another blog....Go to the web site see for yourselves....
1. porch monkey 1471 up, 327 down
A person who sits on the porch and watches the neighbors.
A small child that enjoys being on the porch.
And what can I get for you, little porch monkey? Oh its okay, I'm taking it back.
tags porch monkey clerks ii nigger nigga slang racial slurs slurs cracker cracka coon
2. porch monkey 1131 up, 449 down
a derogatory way of describing an person of African decent
hey porch monkey--you got the money you owe me for the crack rock I sold you?
3. porch monkey 641 up, 171 down
A derogatory for a person of african or african american decent. BUT it could also mean a generally lazy person. This term came to be when you think of african americans sitting on there porch chatting it up. Also in the movie Clerks II, the sequal to Clerks, Randal tries to reclaim it as a new term for lazy people. And thus offends several customers and his boss.
*Police Officer sees Porch Monkey 4 Life written on the back of Randal's Mooby Uniform and looks flabbergasted*
Randal: Im taking it back!
Racist: You filthy crack smoking porch monkey!
4. Porch Monkey 783 up, 434 down
a black person that sits on his porch all day
you will find them anyplace u find blackpeople
5. porch monkey 391 up, 93 down
in the past, porch monkey has a term used when referencing someone of african american decent...on July 21, 2006 Randle Graves altered the meaning of porch monkey for the better...he reclaimed the term and changed its meaning to not be a racial slur against african americans but a mere term to discribe any lazy or white
Yesterday, my cousin sat on the couch and watched tv all day long, he can be such a porch monkey sometimes
6. porch monkey 445 up, 192 down
someone without a job that sits on their porch all day drink'n 40's, and trading food stamps for crack.
your next door neighbor
7. Porch Monkey 449 up, 233 down
A person, of African descent, usually found in the Southern states of the United States. Porch Monkeys were commonly found sitting on their porches doing little or nothing all day. Usually found on Plantations or large land lots with a house/shack of some sort including a porch.
I know what you're thinking..."Oh no she didnt!" But I did, I did. I was curious as to where this term came from exactly and as I was reading in article in Yahoo I found that they were talking about this Web site called Urban and its got these amazing terms for words that we use everyday. I am going to put up some other two derrogatory "words" before Istart getting hate mail. THink of it as educational. Plus I had never heard of this word until my fried uttered it (calm down people she is half black, it was one of those black on black things) (plus, I would never use this word - this is really evil) (well....) Anyways, I am going to look for "cracka or cracker" and "Spic" ...Lets see what the dictionary says about those.
Aren't you atleast a little curious as to where these derrogatory comments come from? I know I am!
1. spic 1050 up, 349 down
A highly offensive term referring to a Spanish-speaking person from Mexico, Central or South America, Spain, or Portugal
2. spic 598 up, 179 down
racial slur for people of Latino descent
3. spic 426 up, 162 down
A highly offensive term referring in a derogatory manner to a Hispanic person, i.e. born or descendant of natives of Spain and/or any Spanish-speaking country or territory in Central America, South America or the Caribbean.
You spics are worthless -- why can't you learn English like everyone else?
4. spic 363 up, 180 down
An offensive word used to describe hispanic people. Comes from a shortening of the word "hispanic".
Those dumb spics are trying to take our jobs
5. spic 130 up, 64 down
A derogatory comment towards people of hispanic decent.
How come Hispanic people are allowed to say 'nigga', but if somebody says the word 'spic', they get stabbed?
6. spic 43 up, 42 down
An ignorant hispanic; Similar to the word nigga (an ignorant black person)
1. Hey, that spanish guy stole my bike.
2. That damn spic
7. spic 82 up, 137 down
A highly offensive term referring to a Spanish-speaking person from Mexico, Central or South America, Spain.
1. What a spic! Dumping his girl just because christmas is coming.
2. What a spic! Dumping his girl just because it´s her birthday.
1. Cracker 2471 up, 547 down
Originally the white slave driver because he would "crack" the whip, hence the noun cracker.
Yo homey pick the cotton faster cuz here comes ole Mr.Cracker with his whip!
2. cracker 1534 up, 395 down
Noun. Slang word used to refer to those of European ancestry. The word is thought to have either derived from the sound of a whip being cracked by slave owners, or because crackers are generally white in color.
I'm still waiting for the word "Cracker" to be referred to as the "C-word" the way the word "Nigger" is constantly referred to as the "N-word".
3. cracker 1838 up, 835 down
opposite of nigger, an insult to whites... except white people aren't dumb enough to walk around calling each other that word because it's intended to be demeaning
break yo self cracker!
what chu want cracka?!
4. Cracker 1839 up, 914 down
A racist insult used by blacks against white people that seemingly isn't wrong, yet it is illegal for us to defend ourselves and call them darkies or nigger. Racism against whites is racism just the same, people. Get some common sense. If black people think they are the shit like they're better than everyone else, they are mistaken.
No one is fuckin better than anyone they are equal, until your actions or reputation lowers your social status and respect, of course.
Synonym: Honkey
5. cracker 763 up, 285 down
1:A firecracker
2:A thin, crisp wafer
3:One whom cracks illegally into another's computer or network
4:A racist term used against Caucasians/Whites
The word cracker has many meanings.
6. Cracker 796 up, 352 down
An unsweetened biscuit.
Dya want cheese on your cracker.
7. cracker 601 up, 204 down
Racist term for a white person
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