Well well well, what do we have here? Its December 8th. Christmas is coming. So what? I dont have a job yet and i dont have money and my bf's allowance doesnt count cause its not mine.
My credit cards are maxed, my bank account is dry, and my car is slowly dying.
My will to wake up in the mornings is gone and everyones making money all around me.
My parents are supposively leaving to Nica ville for Xmas and my older brother wants to leave to NY, the other one will be somewhere drunk with his friends, and my bf will be working during christmas. And i dont really feel like chillin with his family alone. Thats something i need a tag team partner with.
I think i am going to have to go to my old job...like my old old job and work as customer service support again. that really really really sucks. I dont want to. I hate the phones. And i guess i have hit rock bottom cause i think i wont have a choice but to work as a teacher. So, when i get hired for this stupid customer service/sales rep i am gonna go buy the study guides to do the exam for the stupid teaching certification. I was really hoping to find something out there that was going to bring meaning to my future career. But i didnt get anything.
Whos to say it isnt my calling? Besides myself. There are school opening up like crazy all over my area and the one thing they need is teachers. I never even got an opportunity to do the substituting thing. Ugh...i was too lazy to drive downtown. So, here i go, finally, ive made my mind up.
Wish me luck...
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Selling Out
How bad is it to sell out a friend really?
See, I had told ya'll ealier in my posts that i am a very bad friend. I am lazy, i dont communicate too much, and when i do its bursts of truth that spew out into comedic slurs, i get lethargic when you tell me to go out with you, and it all stems from my anti-socialism. How i have friends now - i will never know. But i guess everyone is just used to me.
The thing is that this girl i have known since the 6th grade, asked a favor of me. In my defense she kept certain details of her favor secret upon my acceptance.
She told me she wanted me to judge a a debate tournamant at the college. I said yeah because she told me it wasnt a big deal. When it was time to meet her on the details of my job she came up with a whole spiel on the things i have to say, the time i have to keep, the need for a stop watch, and my inevitable advice to give to these poor souls who are in college and debating...all that and my need to wake up at 7 in the AM on a saturday. This was the toughie. Why? Well, because i dont work and i usually wake up at 4 or 5 pm. 7am is not my forte anymore...anyways, the thing is that i start frieking out and panicking on the things that i have to do, the dialogue i had to ensue, and the lie i would be giving to being a debate judge to all these kids. I frieked and when she called me 7 millions times in the morning i had the nerve to call her back and tell her that i am not an overachiever as she is, she will be the person who changes the world, and i will be the person who watched the changes come and go. I am not like her, and told her that i cannot make it.
During the time that i told her this, i was sitting in my fiances bed and tired from morning sex. Yes, people, i snuck out of my house and met up with my fiance in order to lay with him and consumate my marriage early hahah... Anyways, all day i have been feeling bad.
I have avoided her calls and i feel that she will never forgive me. She knows how i am, she knows how i can be, so why do i feel this guilt? Could it be because when i checked my messages she left me a pleading message in the phone around 8:30 saying that there were not enough judges and to please please please come to the college and help her because she was in too deep?
I dont know what to do the next time i talk to her. I dont know what to say to her, i dont even know if she will want to know me after i left her hanging high and dry. After all, she is even one of my brides maids. what to do what to do.....
So here i am, feeling bad about something i was lied into doing and everyone else didnt help her, and i was there willing to do it - to a degree that involved me actually doing things like talking and dressing up the part - oh and waking up early...Is is bad? Am i in the wrong?
Whats wrong with watching the world pass by? My mother taught me better than that, she taught me to change the world and make it my own...how could i be one of those people who do nothing. How? How did it all happen? I try to psychoanalyze it and i get clues here and there on where the parenting skills could have been different to make me a better person. But in the end..im just the leaves being picked up in the current of the wind, swirling around in the air without a care, and not taking control.
Selling out can hurt.. Admitting it to the one i did it to is not an option..
See, I had told ya'll ealier in my posts that i am a very bad friend. I am lazy, i dont communicate too much, and when i do its bursts of truth that spew out into comedic slurs, i get lethargic when you tell me to go out with you, and it all stems from my anti-socialism. How i have friends now - i will never know. But i guess everyone is just used to me.
The thing is that this girl i have known since the 6th grade, asked a favor of me. In my defense she kept certain details of her favor secret upon my acceptance.
She told me she wanted me to judge a a debate tournamant at the college. I said yeah because she told me it wasnt a big deal. When it was time to meet her on the details of my job she came up with a whole spiel on the things i have to say, the time i have to keep, the need for a stop watch, and my inevitable advice to give to these poor souls who are in college and debating...all that and my need to wake up at 7 in the AM on a saturday. This was the toughie. Why? Well, because i dont work and i usually wake up at 4 or 5 pm. 7am is not my forte anymore...anyways, the thing is that i start frieking out and panicking on the things that i have to do, the dialogue i had to ensue, and the lie i would be giving to being a debate judge to all these kids. I frieked and when she called me 7 millions times in the morning i had the nerve to call her back and tell her that i am not an overachiever as she is, she will be the person who changes the world, and i will be the person who watched the changes come and go. I am not like her, and told her that i cannot make it.
During the time that i told her this, i was sitting in my fiances bed and tired from morning sex. Yes, people, i snuck out of my house and met up with my fiance in order to lay with him and consumate my marriage early hahah... Anyways, all day i have been feeling bad.
I have avoided her calls and i feel that she will never forgive me. She knows how i am, she knows how i can be, so why do i feel this guilt? Could it be because when i checked my messages she left me a pleading message in the phone around 8:30 saying that there were not enough judges and to please please please come to the college and help her because she was in too deep?
I dont know what to do the next time i talk to her. I dont know what to say to her, i dont even know if she will want to know me after i left her hanging high and dry. After all, she is even one of my brides maids. what to do what to do.....
So here i am, feeling bad about something i was lied into doing and everyone else didnt help her, and i was there willing to do it - to a degree that involved me actually doing things like talking and dressing up the part - oh and waking up early...Is is bad? Am i in the wrong?
Whats wrong with watching the world pass by? My mother taught me better than that, she taught me to change the world and make it my own...how could i be one of those people who do nothing. How? How did it all happen? I try to psychoanalyze it and i get clues here and there on where the parenting skills could have been different to make me a better person. But in the end..im just the leaves being picked up in the current of the wind, swirling around in the air without a care, and not taking control.
Selling out can hurt.. Admitting it to the one i did it to is not an option..
Thursday, November 29, 2007
"My balls are burning"
A friend called me today. Lets call him Red Balls...
RED BALLS: Hi, I have a confession to make
ME: Ok, seriously, if its something stupid im killing your dog
RED BALLS: Ok, please dont laugh at me later, i kind of put Nair on my balls last night and it worked pretty good.
ME: hahahahahah Nair hahahah i dont think that goes on sensitive places such as your balls... hahahhahaahahha
RED BALLS: Seriously, listen, so i put some on and it really did work good. So today i figured i'd put some more on to fix some of the places that it didnt get...and i dont think youre supposed to put it two days in a row, and now my balls are on fire!
ME: hahahahahahahahah hahahahahahahahahahaha *falling off my chair* hhahahaah youre an idiot, didnt the first days burning sensations give you a clue for trying that a second time? How stupid are you? What possessed you to get that? And where did you find a bottle of Nair?
RED BALLS: Well, I bought it the other day, and now im in pain seriously, my balls are red and are burning, i can barely sit and walk....I kind of did it once when i was 21...back in the day my roommates gf had some of that stuff in our apartment and it worked then. And now, i was just wondering if it worked as good as before - but i wasnt supposed to try it two days in a row huh?? What do i do...?
ME: hhahahahahaha youre the biggest idiot ive ever known,,,,youre red balls!! hahahahahah
Well, all i can tell you is to stand naked in the shower and slap cold water onto your balls. hahahahhahahahaahah *he was getting more upset with the crazy laughter***
RED BALLS: Ok, im gonna call you back later...thanks for laughing at me...dont put this on your blog!!!
ME: ok, i wont, i wont put your NAME on my blog, but you can surely bet your ass im writing about it in the blog...read it later hahhahahha
Seriously, i dont know why people tell me things like this. Like are you serious that i wouldnt share this with anyone? Id rather share it to strangers than tell our friend about what his damn ass did. He should thank me that i didnt text it to everyone we knew... hahahah what a foolio. seriously. ahhh... that was great.
RED BALLS: Hi, I have a confession to make
ME: Ok, seriously, if its something stupid im killing your dog
RED BALLS: Ok, please dont laugh at me later, i kind of put Nair on my balls last night and it worked pretty good.
ME: hahahahahah Nair hahahah i dont think that goes on sensitive places such as your balls... hahahhahaahahha
RED BALLS: Seriously, listen, so i put some on and it really did work good. So today i figured i'd put some more on to fix some of the places that it didnt get...and i dont think youre supposed to put it two days in a row, and now my balls are on fire!
ME: hahahahahahahahah hahahahahahahahahahaha *falling off my chair* hhahahaah youre an idiot, didnt the first days burning sensations give you a clue for trying that a second time? How stupid are you? What possessed you to get that? And where did you find a bottle of Nair?
RED BALLS: Well, I bought it the other day, and now im in pain seriously, my balls are red and are burning, i can barely sit and walk....I kind of did it once when i was 21...back in the day my roommates gf had some of that stuff in our apartment and it worked then. And now, i was just wondering if it worked as good as before - but i wasnt supposed to try it two days in a row huh?? What do i do...?
ME: hhahahahahaha youre the biggest idiot ive ever known,,,,youre red balls!! hahahahahah
Well, all i can tell you is to stand naked in the shower and slap cold water onto your balls. hahahahhahahahaahah *he was getting more upset with the crazy laughter***
RED BALLS: Ok, im gonna call you back later...thanks for laughing at me...dont put this on your blog!!!
ME: ok, i wont, i wont put your NAME on my blog, but you can surely bet your ass im writing about it in the blog...read it later hahhahahha
Seriously, i dont know why people tell me things like this. Like are you serious that i wouldnt share this with anyone? Id rather share it to strangers than tell our friend about what his damn ass did. He should thank me that i didnt text it to everyone we knew... hahahah what a foolio. seriously. ahhh... that was great.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
"Alright, Seriously Im done!"
That title is a favorite quote from the idiot Audrina from The Hills.
It only took her about a year to figure out that deauche bag she was dating was a total idiot. I think the fact that a guy thinking hes a hippe in the year 2007 is a total idiot anyways. That, along with him calling himself "bobby" when their name is Justin...that and hes got the greasiest hair ever and he looks like he never bathes. I mean, if youre gonna look like a bum why bother even showering? Complete the look by actually doing it.
Ugh.... so im taking the reigns into my hands again and am going to go job shopping tomorrow. Imma go to Barnes and Nobles and getting the newspaper and searching and actually getting to it. I dont care what it is anymore. And after that failure im hitting the mall. Imma hit rock bottom and shooting the mall because its officially christmas shopping time and everyone is hiring. Im actually going to do an experiment with several places. On some applications im going to put that i do have a business degree and other places im going to omit that fact. I bet 100 million dollars that the one with no degree will get me a job.
With that in mind i am thinking of picking up this book that seems very interesting: Punching In by Alex Frankel. This guy actually went "under cover" to get into different places to see how commercial jobs do. Check it out, it seems very good. I cant wait to read it!
My birthday was nice. Theres nothing better than spending time with the ones that breed you and make you insane. Cause really in the end, they are the ones that will spoon feed you when youre in the hospital from a terrible car accident and your fiance leaves you because they dont want to marry a paraplegic. Im just sayin! Its true and you know it!
So yea, we went to a shmancy lil Nica restaurant. I even had a Toña. Ahhh yes, it brought back some Nica memories. God, for some reason i feel like its been a really long time since i was there... its kinda a bitter sweet memory with my granpas passing. I do miss him sometimes and think about how retarded he died. He was too young, and my dad had so much to say to him still. And he was supposed to come to my wedding and ship me boatloads of money...and i was going to be the first in the family to get married in a church. Thats why when i saw him in his coffin i promised him id complete that dream, so 2 days laters i confirmed my catholism and also had my first communion. I got yelled at by the priest for waiting so long, but because he knew my grandfather and all his great work with the churches and because he guided my father all that side of the family religiously he understood. But that didnt avoid him yanking out his last two hairs as i messed up the "Our father" and the Creed....i was too nervous...especially when i confessed - i was crying like a baby. Crazy crying...he must get that all the time...
It only took her about a year to figure out that deauche bag she was dating was a total idiot. I think the fact that a guy thinking hes a hippe in the year 2007 is a total idiot anyways. That, along with him calling himself "bobby" when their name is Justin...that and hes got the greasiest hair ever and he looks like he never bathes. I mean, if youre gonna look like a bum why bother even showering? Complete the look by actually doing it.
Ugh.... so im taking the reigns into my hands again and am going to go job shopping tomorrow. Imma go to Barnes and Nobles and getting the newspaper and searching and actually getting to it. I dont care what it is anymore. And after that failure im hitting the mall. Imma hit rock bottom and shooting the mall because its officially christmas shopping time and everyone is hiring. Im actually going to do an experiment with several places. On some applications im going to put that i do have a business degree and other places im going to omit that fact. I bet 100 million dollars that the one with no degree will get me a job.
With that in mind i am thinking of picking up this book that seems very interesting: Punching In by Alex Frankel. This guy actually went "under cover" to get into different places to see how commercial jobs do. Check it out, it seems very good. I cant wait to read it!
My birthday was nice. Theres nothing better than spending time with the ones that breed you and make you insane. Cause really in the end, they are the ones that will spoon feed you when youre in the hospital from a terrible car accident and your fiance leaves you because they dont want to marry a paraplegic. Im just sayin! Its true and you know it!
So yea, we went to a shmancy lil Nica restaurant. I even had a Toña. Ahhh yes, it brought back some Nica memories. God, for some reason i feel like its been a really long time since i was there... its kinda a bitter sweet memory with my granpas passing. I do miss him sometimes and think about how retarded he died. He was too young, and my dad had so much to say to him still. And he was supposed to come to my wedding and ship me boatloads of money...and i was going to be the first in the family to get married in a church. Thats why when i saw him in his coffin i promised him id complete that dream, so 2 days laters i confirmed my catholism and also had my first communion. I got yelled at by the priest for waiting so long, but because he knew my grandfather and all his great work with the churches and because he guided my father all that side of the family religiously he understood. But that didnt avoid him yanking out his last two hairs as i messed up the "Our father" and the Creed....i was too nervous...especially when i confessed - i was crying like a baby. Crazy crying...he must get that all the time...
Saturday, November 24, 2007
#96 Getting older, family, turkey day, fritanga. What more could you want?
Post # 96 is underway. Tomorrows my birthday. Im officially turning 24. I already told my friends im not celebrating it. This year doesnt count. Next yr will. I will be married on Nov. 15 and imma be the luckiest woman in the world. We will actually be hosting our first thanks giving that year too. Mixin the family up is always fun.
My side of the family keeping the liqour from my dad so he wont say anything innapropriate - and my older sister in law will keep the liqour away from her husband so he doesnt do anything innapropriate hahah its gonna be great.
Its gonna be wonderful...i can see it now: plates breaking now as we speak - and my brothers shipping off my dad to the car - while my brother in law gets his ass kicked into the back of the family van to sleep off his drinkin ... yes. its gonna be great!
Now for Christmas? I dont know - i think it will be a lot just to have family so near during the holidays - its gonna be crazy. Too much familyness going on.. I think i will leave that up to someone else. I only submitted my request for thanksgiving you know?
i wonfer if every other hispanic household does thanks giving like my family does? We mix it up a bit with our culture. Like, we get gallo pinto aka: Kidney-Bean Rice; maduro aka: Ripe-fried Plantains; vigoron aka: Yucca, Pork Rinds & Salad; corn tortillas toasted over a grill; quajada, quesillo, crema aka: Special Nicaraguan Cheese; with the turkey; Nicarguan relleno aka stuffing; some cabbage salad; mash potatoes with gravy; corn; and cranberry sauce.
Yeap, thats what we eat on thanks giving. At my boyfriends house its very American, the only cuban spin they put on it is the leg of pork, and their black beans. The rest is very traditional. Not much too it. But atleast i get the best of both worlds at my house. I remember when my bf had our Nicaraguan thanks giving for the first time. He didnt know what to do with himself. Hed never tasted so many different things in one sitting. lol It was great. Im just happy that i converted him into a Nicaraguan- atleast when it comes to the food. He just loves our food.
If you guys want to know more about Nica food. Check out this web site http://www.fritanga.com/menu/menu.htm its the well known small chain stores that run all over South Florida.
My side of the family keeping the liqour from my dad so he wont say anything innapropriate - and my older sister in law will keep the liqour away from her husband so he doesnt do anything innapropriate hahah its gonna be great.
Its gonna be wonderful...i can see it now: plates breaking now as we speak - and my brothers shipping off my dad to the car - while my brother in law gets his ass kicked into the back of the family van to sleep off his drinkin ... yes. its gonna be great!
Now for Christmas? I dont know - i think it will be a lot just to have family so near during the holidays - its gonna be crazy. Too much familyness going on.. I think i will leave that up to someone else. I only submitted my request for thanksgiving you know?
i wonfer if every other hispanic household does thanks giving like my family does? We mix it up a bit with our culture. Like, we get gallo pinto aka: Kidney-Bean Rice; maduro aka: Ripe-fried Plantains; vigoron aka: Yucca, Pork Rinds & Salad; corn tortillas toasted over a grill; quajada, quesillo, crema aka: Special Nicaraguan Cheese; with the turkey; Nicarguan relleno aka stuffing; some cabbage salad; mash potatoes with gravy; corn; and cranberry sauce.
Yeap, thats what we eat on thanks giving. At my boyfriends house its very American, the only cuban spin they put on it is the leg of pork, and their black beans. The rest is very traditional. Not much too it. But atleast i get the best of both worlds at my house. I remember when my bf had our Nicaraguan thanks giving for the first time. He didnt know what to do with himself. Hed never tasted so many different things in one sitting. lol It was great. Im just happy that i converted him into a Nicaraguan- atleast when it comes to the food. He just loves our food.
If you guys want to know more about Nica food. Check out this web site http://www.fritanga.com/menu/menu.htm its the well known small chain stores that run all over South Florida.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Traveling Anyone?
Anyonene traveling since its the holidays? Well, I found an excellent site that you can check out. Its got everything you need to travel !! Flights, cars, hotels, cruises, vacation packages, excursions at the places you vacation at, you can order flowers on the site to send to anyone, you can even buy a car - and better deals than the actualy car places. My cousin bought a car on this site and they got a hell of a deal and also got it delivered to their HOUSE. What more would you want people?
What I like the most about the site - is that there this section on the right hand side where you can sign up your email to get all these announcements on cheap flight information and vacation specials.
You can also go back on the site n double check your interary whenever you want.
I got great deals for January when i go back to Nicaragua.
Check it out guys !!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
2 Girls 1 Cup
Must watch....
okay, so there i was minding my own business when my boyfriend tells me that he finally found the clip that everyone has been talking about on the web -
See, he really looks at Youtube, and break.com a lot. And hes been finding these reacion videos:
Suffice to say - that you guys will need to surf it up yourselves. What does it contain? Think youve seen it all? I thought i had seen it all when i saw the video of a guy taking it in the ass by a horse - to this day it haunts my dreams...
Suffice to say that if you have a weak stomache this video is not for you.
Its literally called "2 Girls, 1 Cup"
Its sick - its nasty - and you cant turn away....why? because you need to keep watching to believe it. I put some videos up of the actual reactions of people watching this sick shit...honestly people...take it like a man and watch. Buck up cause your dreams will never remove these images from your head...
Ok, seriously what does it contain? Without giving too much away:
1 - Two girls...
2- some what naked
3- getting it on - literally
4- an ass
5- regurgitation....
okay, so there i was minding my own business when my boyfriend tells me that he finally found the clip that everyone has been talking about on the web -
See, he really looks at Youtube, and break.com a lot. And hes been finding these reacion videos:
Suffice to say - that you guys will need to surf it up yourselves. What does it contain? Think youve seen it all? I thought i had seen it all when i saw the video of a guy taking it in the ass by a horse - to this day it haunts my dreams...
Suffice to say that if you have a weak stomache this video is not for you.
Its literally called "2 Girls, 1 Cup"
Its sick - its nasty - and you cant turn away....why? because you need to keep watching to believe it. I put some videos up of the actual reactions of people watching this sick shit...honestly people...take it like a man and watch. Buck up cause your dreams will never remove these images from your head...
Ok, seriously what does it contain? Without giving too much away:
1 - Two girls...
2- some what naked
3- getting it on - literally
4- an ass
5- regurgitation....
Friday, November 16, 2007
Democratic Debate 11/2008
I am watching the Democratic Debate, cause if Id vote id be voting for my Man Hillary Clinton, i dont care what you say but she the man. She knows what she is talking about unlike "mud-slinger " Edwards.
Though, i rather have enjoyed the views of these Democrats and it has opened my eyes to many about their issues better. And when Hilary exed out against illegal immigrants, that hurt a bit. I am an immigrant - legal not illegal, but people come for many reasons and if someone wants to come here and enforce the work force through back breaking labor they should be given rights for something they have brought to the table. She killed me with her views on that. Other than that i liked everything she said expecially this whole issue about teachers that other candidates tried to dingle dangle, and to actually have the debate even discuss her gender being an issue was brilliant with her response, she couldnt have smacked them on the face better :) RAaar hear women roar.
But - the one who surprisingly hit me was Dennis Kucinich. This man, has brought up some great points and the debate, and didnt allow anyone 2 shut his mouth or his views. Im keeping my eyes on him!
Barack, hes a whiney mother fu*ker. I couldnt hear one minute of him just whining all over the stage. That and his lil cat and mouse game that he has going on with each of his answers. Face it buddy, it aint gonna happen - i dont like your issues. He says the same shit over and over and over again.
Bill Richardson interested me enough to listen.
Joe Biden was racist from his immigrants standpoints but hes got great views, i cant just hate on him cause of those issues. He brought up smart answers and guess what, i paid attention. So i can possibly change my mind about certain candidates.
Christopher Dodd is just smart, and i liked what i heard to an extent...
As for Mr Edwards....my god talk about a tattle tale. What the fuck is his point to only through mud at Clinton? All he did was spike everyones ears on Clinton - he doesnt even realize that his finger pointing "debate" is getting her acclaim when she corrects him. He looks like a smiling dwindling idiot. Tahnk you very much - my views have been expressed. i cant wait to see the next Republican debate to hear what mochary they will try to make of the US again...
Can you tell imma democrat?
Though, i rather have enjoyed the views of these Democrats and it has opened my eyes to many about their issues better. And when Hilary exed out against illegal immigrants, that hurt a bit. I am an immigrant - legal not illegal, but people come for many reasons and if someone wants to come here and enforce the work force through back breaking labor they should be given rights for something they have brought to the table. She killed me with her views on that. Other than that i liked everything she said expecially this whole issue about teachers that other candidates tried to dingle dangle, and to actually have the debate even discuss her gender being an issue was brilliant with her response, she couldnt have smacked them on the face better :) RAaar hear women roar.
But - the one who surprisingly hit me was Dennis Kucinich. This man, has brought up some great points and the debate, and didnt allow anyone 2 shut his mouth or his views. Im keeping my eyes on him!
Barack, hes a whiney mother fu*ker. I couldnt hear one minute of him just whining all over the stage. That and his lil cat and mouse game that he has going on with each of his answers. Face it buddy, it aint gonna happen - i dont like your issues. He says the same shit over and over and over again.
Bill Richardson interested me enough to listen.
Joe Biden was racist from his immigrants standpoints but hes got great views, i cant just hate on him cause of those issues. He brought up smart answers and guess what, i paid attention. So i can possibly change my mind about certain candidates.
Christopher Dodd is just smart, and i liked what i heard to an extent...
As for Mr Edwards....my god talk about a tattle tale. What the fuck is his point to only through mud at Clinton? All he did was spike everyones ears on Clinton - he doesnt even realize that his finger pointing "debate" is getting her acclaim when she corrects him. He looks like a smiling dwindling idiot. Tahnk you very much - my views have been expressed. i cant wait to see the next Republican debate to hear what mochary they will try to make of the US again...
Can you tell imma democrat?
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Woah...Aging Sucks
So i did not realize how the hell thanksgiving was next weekend, that means the enivitable is becoming a reality....im turning 24 people.
im 24 and with a degree and unemployed, atleast i paid my car note, yeap thats me with no car payments. I thought my car insurance was supposed to go down dramatically...it didnt - all i get for being 24 is $2.11 discounted from my car insurance...woopppeee!!!
Anywho...im supposed to go out with my sister n law aka maid of honor-zilla, and her friends this SAturday. We are all pretty much born around the same time and plan to celebrate together. Check out the dates:
Me - the 25th
Maid of honor-zilla - the 28th
Her friend Kelly - the 15th
Her friend Guillermo - the 29th
And the other guy - Dec whatever...
So we are supposed to celebrate at howl at the moon, some bar that gives ridiculously large BUCKET DRINKS. Thats right people a bucket of liqour of whatever the hell ya want! And im ready for that Motherfu*ker..the best part? My sista in law is paying my way - woo hooo im readyy to get tipssyyyy..
So i figured id make some posts about the jobs that have actually called back for me to get in their payroll. Some i called back others i changed my mind...
1 - For Fun: Sales agent at city furniture hahahah i didnt get it,....Funny story actually - cause i got an email to set up an interview but the email didnt have a date, so i called back to find out the date, and the lady called me back and told me she sent the email to the wrong person - Bitch
2- I applied for a training management trainee position at enterprise rent a Car - they called me back and emailed me....but i didnt want to get back to them , just thinking about renting out cars to people that might actually kill somebody and leave the body in the trunk and ditch the car kept playin in my mind..plus can you imagine how many discounts id have to give my friends....i said pass
3- i applied at Allstate to be a claims adjuster - they called me back, i actually had a pre-interview over the phone today with them, the lady said they would send out my profile to the hiring manager and if they dont send me an email in two weeks to keep looking - great....
4 - i actually applied for teaching positions hahah i actually had the audacity, but i got emailed back - seems like i need some type of certification - im leaving that on the back burner for emergencies, i kinda decided i didnt really want to deal with kids until it was completely NECESSARY to make a paycheck....me and 30 lil rug rats ....ugh who knows..
5- I applied for a Patient Financial Rep at a Hospital - im so excited about this one, cause i get to be the annoying person that comes into your room when you just found out that you died and tell you, that you need to pay the ridiculous amount of money just charged to you for taking that advil they gave you for your headache beacuse you been crying all day....because you found out you were dying... yeah...tsk thats me ! i really want this one!
6 - im taking this tax class for tax preparation and the teacher ( the store manager) offered me to work for her since i speak spanish and shes a gringa...she said it jsut like that too. I will work for her - but she better pay me more since i got a degree... dammit...
7 - And actually im going to a job fair tomorrow for some gym, imma apply for the membership sales counselor , doesnt that sound nice? That or the front desk receptionist, im only applying because i get a free membership and ive been working out but its kinda been raining and getting cold outside...i wanna a nice gym to work out in. That and i get to be around eye candy all DAY! Who wouldnt want to see some nice firm asses,,,,um i mean abs...hahahah hmmm
8- Not to mention all those weird life insurance sales companies that emailed me back - i dont know if im the right person to sell insurance for your life...i wouldnt make any money cause if you die...whats the point?F the loved ones that survive your death - id want the money for myself! thats just the sagitarius greed in me lol
im 24 and with a degree and unemployed, atleast i paid my car note, yeap thats me with no car payments. I thought my car insurance was supposed to go down dramatically...it didnt - all i get for being 24 is $2.11 discounted from my car insurance...woopppeee!!!
Anywho...im supposed to go out with my sister n law aka maid of honor-zilla, and her friends this SAturday. We are all pretty much born around the same time and plan to celebrate together. Check out the dates:
Me - the 25th
Maid of honor-zilla - the 28th
Her friend Kelly - the 15th
Her friend Guillermo - the 29th
And the other guy - Dec whatever...
So we are supposed to celebrate at howl at the moon, some bar that gives ridiculously large BUCKET DRINKS. Thats right people a bucket of liqour of whatever the hell ya want! And im ready for that Motherfu*ker..the best part? My sista in law is paying my way - woo hooo im readyy to get tipssyyyy..
So i figured id make some posts about the jobs that have actually called back for me to get in their payroll. Some i called back others i changed my mind...
1 - For Fun: Sales agent at city furniture hahahah i didnt get it,....Funny story actually - cause i got an email to set up an interview but the email didnt have a date, so i called back to find out the date, and the lady called me back and told me she sent the email to the wrong person - Bitch
2- I applied for a training management trainee position at enterprise rent a Car - they called me back and emailed me....but i didnt want to get back to them , just thinking about renting out cars to people that might actually kill somebody and leave the body in the trunk and ditch the car kept playin in my mind..plus can you imagine how many discounts id have to give my friends....i said pass
3- i applied at Allstate to be a claims adjuster - they called me back, i actually had a pre-interview over the phone today with them, the lady said they would send out my profile to the hiring manager and if they dont send me an email in two weeks to keep looking - great....
4 - i actually applied for teaching positions hahah i actually had the audacity, but i got emailed back - seems like i need some type of certification - im leaving that on the back burner for emergencies, i kinda decided i didnt really want to deal with kids until it was completely NECESSARY to make a paycheck....me and 30 lil rug rats ....ugh who knows..
5- I applied for a Patient Financial Rep at a Hospital - im so excited about this one, cause i get to be the annoying person that comes into your room when you just found out that you died and tell you, that you need to pay the ridiculous amount of money just charged to you for taking that advil they gave you for your headache beacuse you been crying all day....because you found out you were dying... yeah...tsk thats me ! i really want this one!
6 - im taking this tax class for tax preparation and the teacher ( the store manager) offered me to work for her since i speak spanish and shes a gringa...she said it jsut like that too. I will work for her - but she better pay me more since i got a degree... dammit...
7 - And actually im going to a job fair tomorrow for some gym, imma apply for the membership sales counselor , doesnt that sound nice? That or the front desk receptionist, im only applying because i get a free membership and ive been working out but its kinda been raining and getting cold outside...i wanna a nice gym to work out in. That and i get to be around eye candy all DAY! Who wouldnt want to see some nice firm asses,,,,um i mean abs...hahahah hmmm
8- Not to mention all those weird life insurance sales companies that emailed me back - i dont know if im the right person to sell insurance for your life...i wouldnt make any money cause if you die...whats the point?F the loved ones that survive your death - id want the money for myself! thats just the sagitarius greed in me lol
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
I think I have come up with a really good list this year for what I want for me Birf-Day. Its the best one ive ever made....
My List
1- The new IPOD waterproof belt
Its awesome I swear! You can wrap this band around your waist, and buy this IPOD holder, and buy IPOD waterproof earphones and go in the water with it. I am a sucker for anything that is for IPOD.
See, I wouldnt normally ask for such ridiculous things but, i have been actually working out for the past two weeks, and yesterday when i was finally able to use my IPOD i didnt have an arm band thing, so i put in in my sports bra....at the end of the work out it was soaked! This will save me from it frying up. Also, its been raining lately and i cant go out and run with it and pray to the lord that the rain doesnt come and fuck up my IPOD.
2. A job
Seriously, I need one, im not kidding anymore - or my Fiance will leave my ass....I think this one is something i need to get myself...
3. Payment of all my Credit Cards...
Especially, the cruel Victoria Secret card...
4. To be taken out to wine and dine...
impossible my fiance is always working. and my friends are broke poeple
5. An IPOD jack in the car
that holds my IPOD so i can hear the damn thing in the car already...everyone has one but me!
My List
1- The new IPOD waterproof belt
Its awesome I swear! You can wrap this band around your waist, and buy this IPOD holder, and buy IPOD waterproof earphones and go in the water with it. I am a sucker for anything that is for IPOD.
See, I wouldnt normally ask for such ridiculous things but, i have been actually working out for the past two weeks, and yesterday when i was finally able to use my IPOD i didnt have an arm band thing, so i put in in my sports bra....at the end of the work out it was soaked! This will save me from it frying up. Also, its been raining lately and i cant go out and run with it and pray to the lord that the rain doesnt come and fuck up my IPOD.
2. A job
Seriously, I need one, im not kidding anymore - or my Fiance will leave my ass....I think this one is something i need to get myself...
3. Payment of all my Credit Cards...
Especially, the cruel Victoria Secret card...
4. To be taken out to wine and dine...
impossible my fiance is always working. and my friends are broke poeple
5. An IPOD jack in the car
that holds my IPOD so i can hear the damn thing in the car already...everyone has one but me!
6. All the Seinfeld box sets.
My Birfdays on the 25th of this month. And i feel so old and like i havent accomplished anything. I know things will soon change...ughh
Friday, October 26, 2007
I just saw the News....
WTF!!!?? Has American football hit a new low? I just saw the news. The Dolphins (0-5) are in London playing the NY Giants. Why the Fuck are we in London in the first place? If the Us didnt think that pushing around country's wasnt enough, why the hell would they place an American sport in the city of London? Especially when Rugby and soccor are the sports of the land...besides cricket...anyways - is it really that bad? ReallY?
All the business classes i took only direct me to the fact that marketing is trying to think of a scheme to get football more viewers.
I am seriously upset about the NFL's actions. Its totally uncalled for.
p.s. prayers to the ones who have lost their lives in Cali ,,,
All the business classes i took only direct me to the fact that marketing is trying to think of a scheme to get football more viewers.
I am seriously upset about the NFL's actions. Its totally uncalled for.
p.s. prayers to the ones who have lost their lives in Cali ,,,
# 89 - Seems likes posts are getting better....
Who'da ever thought that I would be on my 89th post eh?
Anyways, im just sitting here upset, while jamming to Barbara Streisand's - Poppa Can you Hear Me? I love that movie, Yentl, gets me crying everytime. Thank god for Ipods cause my brother would not appreciate this music.
Anyways, I was going through Netflix movies, and was curious to see that there was Superman IV. I was crazy right? Everyone knows theres like 4 of them right ? Now, remember Im talking about Christopher Reeve's Superman - you know the REAL Ones. Anyways, i couldnt get past the fact that I hadnt seen part three. It totally blew my mind. Then I started reading what other people who actually saw it had to say. Heres what i read:
Inhabitants of the Planet Houston: After the end of Superman II: Triumph of Zod, the son of our jailer, “Superman”, became our slave forever. To further humiliate him, we decided to force him to partake in the worst "movie" we could think of, Superman III. Unbeknownst to us, the movie wound up being worse than even I, General Zod, your Rightful Ruler, had planned. It is so bad, Zod cannot even stand to watch it. The movie even has a silly message, namely, technology is dangerous and you must be careful with it. Yet, as all of you know, the only message you need is this: General Zod is dangerous, and therefore you must KNEEL BEFORE ZOD!
DT 958819
Even if you love the Superman genre, there is no compelling reason to waste your time with this film. Poorly written, bad campy acting, without even the bit of chemistry between Reeves and Kidder of the original film (her role is basically non-existent in this one). This one is really an embarrassment from 1983. We hope this one is deleted from the resumes of Robert Vaughn and Richard Prior. Only item of interest, Annette OýTool, who currently portrays Martha Kent in the Smallville television show, has the role of Laura Lang in Superman III.
nxp 301540
One of the worst films ever produced, directed, lensed, or dreamed up. Destroyed what could have been a decent franchise in my opinion. Every time I see Richard Pryor on the cover I wince. Tragic!
In reading the reviews, i kept hearing one thing, and I just had to retaliate. SUPERMAN is NOT a COMEDY. Ever. The fact that this is even being concidered an addition to a Superman collection is as rediculous as Richard Lester directing it. Lester lacks what Donnar had: Magic. When you see the first two films, they are like flying through the air with Superman. You feel loved, appreciated, and that your intelligence hasn't been compromised. Watching Superman Three, however, is like having that same feeling shot out of the sky, rolled into the mud, and spat on. The only saving quality this movie has is Annette O'Toole who did a fantastic job as Lana Lang. However, she played a small part in the film, and what was left for the rest of us fans was complete campy crap.
AV 1609224
Having Richard Pryor be the star of the film was a BIG mistake. Having him be this goof ball computer wiz was redicilous. I thought that the opening sequence credits were funny to a degree, but I think they kinda went overboard. I thought the scens with the chemical plant was decent and the chemistry between Christopher Reeve and Annette O'Toole was good stuff.I also like the Superman splitting in two idea. I thought that scene in the junkyard where bad Sups fights good Clark was the highlight of the movie. The major problem with this film was that the villians and the whole plot about the computer that could control/make weather was just flat out stupid. The end where Superman "fights' the "Ultimate Computer" that was a fricking giant sized arcade game was completely idiotic! It seemed like whoever wrote this film tried to make it both a comedy and an action adventure, so they tried both and the result was a mixed bag. Sure it was hard to top Superman 2, which was easily the best of the 4 films, but common, they dould put more effort into it. If they wanted a computer to be the villan they should have had it be Brainiac. If you haven't seen this movie and are curious, watch the scenes Reeve and O'Toole and the Clark vs. bad Superman scene. Skip the rest!
Seriously, these are real reviews. So of course instead of heading the advice that is pretty much leading to the same reaction of most people who saw it, I had to watch it to see how bad it was....Man, am i disappointed about this fucking movie. I loved part 1, and 2, and 4.....after watching 3 very painfully, and with many breaks in between, i have to so that it sucks serious ass man. Im talking about, it just really sucked badddd.....Its possibly the worst movie i have ever seen,.....ever.....ever...ever...ever... i think you get the point. I warn you...do not ever watch that movie. EVER....
Its just funny that only Richard Pryor could nick name Super Man "Sup"....i mean seriously....
The only cool revelation about that movie is that in this movie - i found out that Lana Lang is actually Clark Kents mother in the tv series Smallville, I was so blown away when i saw that. It was awesome, the awesome feeling that a Superman comic friek could enjoy...narf....
Anyways, im just sitting here upset, while jamming to Barbara Streisand's - Poppa Can you Hear Me? I love that movie, Yentl, gets me crying everytime. Thank god for Ipods cause my brother would not appreciate this music.
Anyways, I was going through Netflix movies, and was curious to see that there was Superman IV. I was crazy right? Everyone knows theres like 4 of them right ? Now, remember Im talking about Christopher Reeve's Superman - you know the REAL Ones. Anyways, i couldnt get past the fact that I hadnt seen part three. It totally blew my mind. Then I started reading what other people who actually saw it had to say. Heres what i read:
Inhabitants of the Planet Houston: After the end of Superman II: Triumph of Zod, the son of our jailer, “Superman”, became our slave forever. To further humiliate him, we decided to force him to partake in the worst "movie" we could think of, Superman III. Unbeknownst to us, the movie wound up being worse than even I, General Zod, your Rightful Ruler, had planned. It is so bad, Zod cannot even stand to watch it. The movie even has a silly message, namely, technology is dangerous and you must be careful with it. Yet, as all of you know, the only message you need is this: General Zod is dangerous, and therefore you must KNEEL BEFORE ZOD!
DT 958819
Even if you love the Superman genre, there is no compelling reason to waste your time with this film. Poorly written, bad campy acting, without even the bit of chemistry between Reeves and Kidder of the original film (her role is basically non-existent in this one). This one is really an embarrassment from 1983. We hope this one is deleted from the resumes of Robert Vaughn and Richard Prior. Only item of interest, Annette OýTool, who currently portrays Martha Kent in the Smallville television show, has the role of Laura Lang in Superman III.
nxp 301540
One of the worst films ever produced, directed, lensed, or dreamed up. Destroyed what could have been a decent franchise in my opinion. Every time I see Richard Pryor on the cover I wince. Tragic!
In reading the reviews, i kept hearing one thing, and I just had to retaliate. SUPERMAN is NOT a COMEDY. Ever. The fact that this is even being concidered an addition to a Superman collection is as rediculous as Richard Lester directing it. Lester lacks what Donnar had: Magic. When you see the first two films, they are like flying through the air with Superman. You feel loved, appreciated, and that your intelligence hasn't been compromised. Watching Superman Three, however, is like having that same feeling shot out of the sky, rolled into the mud, and spat on. The only saving quality this movie has is Annette O'Toole who did a fantastic job as Lana Lang. However, she played a small part in the film, and what was left for the rest of us fans was complete campy crap.
AV 1609224
Having Richard Pryor be the star of the film was a BIG mistake. Having him be this goof ball computer wiz was redicilous. I thought that the opening sequence credits were funny to a degree, but I think they kinda went overboard. I thought the scens with the chemical plant was decent and the chemistry between Christopher Reeve and Annette O'Toole was good stuff.I also like the Superman splitting in two idea. I thought that scene in the junkyard where bad Sups fights good Clark was the highlight of the movie. The major problem with this film was that the villians and the whole plot about the computer that could control/make weather was just flat out stupid. The end where Superman "fights' the "Ultimate Computer" that was a fricking giant sized arcade game was completely idiotic! It seemed like whoever wrote this film tried to make it both a comedy and an action adventure, so they tried both and the result was a mixed bag. Sure it was hard to top Superman 2, which was easily the best of the 4 films, but common, they dould put more effort into it. If they wanted a computer to be the villan they should have had it be Brainiac. If you haven't seen this movie and are curious, watch the scenes Reeve and O'Toole and the Clark vs. bad Superman scene. Skip the rest!
Seriously, these are real reviews. So of course instead of heading the advice that is pretty much leading to the same reaction of most people who saw it, I had to watch it to see how bad it was....Man, am i disappointed about this fucking movie. I loved part 1, and 2, and 4.....after watching 3 very painfully, and with many breaks in between, i have to so that it sucks serious ass man. Im talking about, it just really sucked badddd.....Its possibly the worst movie i have ever seen,.....ever.....ever...ever...ever... i think you get the point. I warn you...do not ever watch that movie. EVER....
Its just funny that only Richard Pryor could nick name Super Man "Sup"....i mean seriously....
The only cool revelation about that movie is that in this movie - i found out that Lana Lang is actually Clark Kents mother in the tv series Smallville, I was so blown away when i saw that. It was awesome, the awesome feeling that a Superman comic friek could enjoy...narf....
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
TV Links Shut Down
This is worse than not having job. Why? Because all I use to do was go on Tv-Links (because I didnt have a job) in order to watch tv shows and cartoons & movies that are no longer played and pretty much hate myself for not bringing in money while laughing histarically at the old Alf episodes, and wondering what the hell went wrong with the movie I loved as a little girl : Howard the Duck. And if you never saw it - it was better as a kid! TRust me, its so campy and terrible that its those movies you dont realize suck until you watch them grown.
Anyways, the past few weeks Ive been trying to locate the site - maybe wondering if it was my ISP that didnt allow me to log in because it was with a glitch (Comcast - because its so cheap always loses its signal for liek an hour or two)
So today, I finally start googling it (like everyone else does because google is now the Internet super power - they buy everthing) and this article came out:
And there you will read what happened to our dear Tv-Links people. I dont understand why people are so shocked that people pirate all these tv shows, maybe if the sets werent so fucking expensive people would actually go out of their way to buy them and not sit on their ass, log into a site, smoke a dooby, and scratch their ass in private to a free watch-a-thon of Grey's Anatomy.
I mean seriously!! Make it cheaper and we will actually go out of our way of spending our hard earned money and wasting our precious and depleting gas to drive to the frieken Best Buy to actually buy it!
I would like to thank Federation Against Copyright Theft for disallowing the improperiety of people like Tv-Links and thanking them in advance for the Entertainment Execs that will be pocketing millions in the next few months - oh lucky for them - Holiday season is right around the corner - oh me oh my.
Good thing they dont know about SSUpload.com because that would suck -wink wink....
Oh well - how bout a round of applause to Ronald McDonald....

Um, i was looking up a funny pic for an arrested cartoon and look what came out! A guy that looks like Beavis from Beavis and Butthead hahahahah enjoy and good night ya'll!
Anyways, the past few weeks Ive been trying to locate the site - maybe wondering if it was my ISP that didnt allow me to log in because it was with a glitch (Comcast - because its so cheap always loses its signal for liek an hour or two)
So today, I finally start googling it (like everyone else does because google is now the Internet super power - they buy everthing) and this article came out:
And there you will read what happened to our dear Tv-Links people. I dont understand why people are so shocked that people pirate all these tv shows, maybe if the sets werent so fucking expensive people would actually go out of their way to buy them and not sit on their ass, log into a site, smoke a dooby, and scratch their ass in private to a free watch-a-thon of Grey's Anatomy.
I mean seriously!! Make it cheaper and we will actually go out of our way of spending our hard earned money and wasting our precious and depleting gas to drive to the frieken Best Buy to actually buy it!
I would like to thank Federation Against Copyright Theft for disallowing the improperiety of people like Tv-Links and thanking them in advance for the Entertainment Execs that will be pocketing millions in the next few months - oh lucky for them - Holiday season is right around the corner - oh me oh my.
Good thing they dont know about SSUpload.com because that would suck -wink wink....
Oh well - how bout a round of applause to Ronald McDonald....
Um, i was looking up a funny pic for an arrested cartoon and look what came out! A guy that looks like Beavis from Beavis and Butthead hahahahah enjoy and good night ya'll!
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Trying on Dresses was the best!
I loved it so much. I have to say that trying on the dresses is truely the best part of the whole wedding process. I got to try on quite a few dresses and i was able to take 4 of my brides maids too to look at what dresses they would like. Im actually being pretty good about it too. I am letting them see what kind of dress they like and IF I APPROve i pick it. Luckily at the end of the day we found a store that had the answer to our questions. We found a perfect bridesmaids dress with the perfect color. And atleast it is not too far from my original color scheme. I was going for a gold yellow. But since my cousin decided to steal my color - i had to change it. It was looking grim for a minute - from brown, to doo doo grey, and then navy blue. But thankfully i found a champagne color that mactched my dress and that way it will all tie in together and at the same time - it will match with my wedding theme.
The theme - hahahah that i will keep to myself until after the wedding. Sorry ladies, but one lesson that you need to learn in order to have the wedding of your dreams is to keep your wedding designs and schemes a secret. I might have told you the color but you dont know that the color looks like. I might have told you that it matches my dress, but it doesnt mean you know what the dress looks like, aaaaaaannndd i might have put a clip up of me trying ona dress but that doesnt mean that IS the dress.
Why you even bother writing about it then>? Because i feel like. Thats why lol. Anyways, the first thing you need to know is that you cannot share your wedding stuff with anyone because people have no shame in stealing it from you. I told my cousin about my color schemes and thems, and he blatantly stole them. Thats why God punished him with a wack wedding.
I told one of my bf's friends my colors and scheme and she went to JAmaica to steal my colors. THats why God punished her with a bad body. Im just saying, stealing never pays, keep your ideas to yourself! And never ever ever, do something that someone else has done before. Its truely tacky.
Why O Why?
Why was i seeing people try on things without losing 200 lbs or so. I know im not no skinny minney, but holy shit. What was the deal with the 400lbs whales that went to the beauty stores uninvited mind you. I say uninvited because nobody likes to voluntarily invite fat people to parties. I know i know, im going to hell for half the shit imma say up in here, and who am i to say them? But somebodys got to. And you all think the same shit when things like that happen to you too.
For example, my sister-in-law was trying to shut my face when in the middle of Coral Gables, Miracle Mile a tardy started walking down the street. I think he was just physically handicapped but he was all over the place. Like he had a ship up his ass and everything.
I felt a little bad cause you never really know what might have happened to these individuals. But hell, my mind cant help getting all mean n synical about things. HE kinda looked like he was walking like this picture up above....I know I know...I'll stop while im ahead.
Anywho, next, on my list is getting a J-O-B on Monday. Im going to try to get this financial rep gig at one of the hospitals around here. Hopefully it'll work out. I cant wait to see if i can actually get it. Maybe my degree will help me out for once. I was so desperate that i even applied at a circuitcity. If you dont know what that is , then laugh at my expense please by clicking here CITYFURNITURE.COM
Yeah, thats right i applied to be a sales person for CityFurniture. Im sure there must be money in it. The commission must be really good actually.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Having been unemployed now for about 4 months, I should really have been on top of my game for the wedding plans. But unfortunately I havent done diddily squat.
So I figured that if I actually wrote about the steps i've actually taken, it will be better to organize myself and at the same time help someone else out there that needs to plan a wedding of their own.
Today is officially a year for my wedding. And there are several things on a list that I need to get done! The following:
1. Envisioning set up for wedding, colors, decor, dresses, theme...
So far I have changed colors twice...now im in between silver, and chocolate.
2. Budget...my original budget was 10,000 but ive moved to range from 12,000-15,000.
Whos paying out? groom n bride, and possible others..need to find out who..
3. Still have not ensured my engagement ring!! Yikes
4. Wedding date - OCT 18,2008 :)
5. Styles for wedding gown, I know what I want - the first wedding dress that that chick Donna had in real life from 90210...
6. Need to start finding venues, churches, caterers, reception sites..
7. need to find an officiant - possibly my hubby 2 b's friend lol
8. noooo engagement party, dont need one!
9. booling the reception site :(
So i need to get on the ball with these must dos!!
So I figured that if I actually wrote about the steps i've actually taken, it will be better to organize myself and at the same time help someone else out there that needs to plan a wedding of their own.
Today is officially a year for my wedding. And there are several things on a list that I need to get done! The following:
1. Envisioning set up for wedding, colors, decor, dresses, theme...
So far I have changed colors twice...now im in between silver, and chocolate.
2. Budget...my original budget was 10,000 but ive moved to range from 12,000-15,000.
Whos paying out? groom n bride, and possible others..need to find out who..
3. Still have not ensured my engagement ring!! Yikes
4. Wedding date - OCT 18,2008 :)
5. Styles for wedding gown, I know what I want - the first wedding dress that that chick Donna had in real life from 90210...
6. Need to start finding venues, churches, caterers, reception sites..
7. need to find an officiant - possibly my hubby 2 b's friend lol
8. noooo engagement party, dont need one!
9. booling the reception site :(
So i need to get on the ball with these must dos!!
Friday, October 12, 2007
I cant get no..sleeepppp
I am currently in a mansion in Orlando that my fiance's family has rented for our family trip to Halloween Horror Nights. Its got 6 rooms a game room, two dining tables, a huge family room, and a heated pool, with a jacuzzi. Of course, my fiance and I have the biggest master bedroom with the king size bed, and his sister and the three babies have the 2nd master bedroom. But for some ungodly reason we both have been tossing and turning the whole time. Finally my hubby-to-b called me and said "babe? Can you sleep" And im like "no motherfucker i keep thinking of foooooooooooood".
So we are both up now. But we went to go check if anyone else was up like us....OUt of 14 people we are the only fools awake with insomnia. The plan for tomorrow night? SLEEPING PILLS!!!
Its 5:46am now. And we need to get on the road by 7am to eat breakfast and hit Sea World. Few of us have gone. And my mother in law wants to go. We wanna keep her happy, she deserves it.
Its been a great time that we've had jsut getting over here and everything. Even though it seemed liked forever - which is odd considering ORlando is only like 3 1/2 hours away. Thats not that long at all..
But with six kids two old ladys and my sissy of a bladder - it will seem long !
So here i am, in this lovely crib - i will try to post up some pics of it. It beats any hotel in any area of Orlando. Suggestion to people who come on vaca to Orlando? Rent a HOUSE. Its so worth it. Its clean and its sanitary and its cheaper and worth it.
Ok....imma go get breakfast now. CAuse my hubbe-to-b is reading over my shoulder and I cannot stand that shit....
So we are both up now. But we went to go check if anyone else was up like us....OUt of 14 people we are the only fools awake with insomnia. The plan for tomorrow night? SLEEPING PILLS!!!
Its 5:46am now. And we need to get on the road by 7am to eat breakfast and hit Sea World. Few of us have gone. And my mother in law wants to go. We wanna keep her happy, she deserves it.
Its been a great time that we've had jsut getting over here and everything. Even though it seemed liked forever - which is odd considering ORlando is only like 3 1/2 hours away. Thats not that long at all..
But with six kids two old ladys and my sissy of a bladder - it will seem long !
So here i am, in this lovely crib - i will try to post up some pics of it. It beats any hotel in any area of Orlando. Suggestion to people who come on vaca to Orlando? Rent a HOUSE. Its so worth it. Its clean and its sanitary and its cheaper and worth it.
Ok....imma go get breakfast now. CAuse my hubbe-to-b is reading over my shoulder and I cannot stand that shit....
Sunday, September 30, 2007
My Kinda Beer
I wanted to talk about how yummy this beer was in Nicaragua. I liked it. And i am not a beer drinker. And the top reasons why i enjoyed it was because it was smooth, tasty, and the easiest drunkenest ever.
You can click here if you want to find out about the beer.
Its made in Nicaragua and its become one of the most hightech breweries in Latin America. :)
The best way to get drinking in Nica-ville is when you buy 10 one liter bottles and head out to the mountains to the farm and hang out with the horses and all your cousins and you are drunk and riding like cowboys and cowgirls....
I recommend this beer to everyone. They have actually started exporting it to the US since '03. Try it out and tell me what ya'll think
Friday, September 28, 2007
Dont Like Change
Why i ask is MSN changing hotmail procedures? I do not like change when it comes to technology and its hurting me. Now i have to be reading the updates to the system and all the "cool, new, fresh" updates. This is stupid. I dont care about the color of the background for my email. Who does? I dont.
Its just like when Blogger decided to change up the system. Though it has made this whole blogging easier it was hard at first. I had to get a new background and learn how to paste my html codes, and i also had to admit that it was easier to use. And theres nothing worse than admitting that something new is easier to use.
I have also been noticing that my reading blogs are slowing up on their writing... Whats up with that. Its like everyone is moving on and having something better to do with their lives than to post for strangers all over the world. What kind of insult is that to their readers? Hmph....I am not happy about going to my favoritve blogs and seeing 2-3 week old posts up. Im not one to talk, but to my defense i was out of the country for the death of my grandfather....
My trip to Nicaville, has enlightened my senses of my religion. I was baptised a Catholic and made it official entering Christ into my life by being confirmed and having my first communion. I have to say that noone ever prepared me for doing my first confession. It was more like a sob fest. And to a priest non the less. Im just glad i was able to know a little more about my religion. Its like i took it for granted all these years. Now, im on a mission to finding a church to attend. Why? Well, i want to be closer to the all mighty and also i need a place to get married at. I figure a year is a good sign of my faith. After all, i am recently confirmed.
I got yelled at by the priest on how unbelievable it was for him to believe that i didnt know my prayers at the age of 23. He was shocked that i hadnt done it sooner.
Now, i know all of them in Spanish. I need to learn them in English....I need to get my fiance confirmed and deal with the aftermath of his familys bullshit to my choices. They were very anti-catholic, but atleast this will be one more way of me getting a jab in eh? lol Whatever. I have to have something that they dont like. And i like to keep it that way.
Its just like when Blogger decided to change up the system. Though it has made this whole blogging easier it was hard at first. I had to get a new background and learn how to paste my html codes, and i also had to admit that it was easier to use. And theres nothing worse than admitting that something new is easier to use.
I have also been noticing that my reading blogs are slowing up on their writing... Whats up with that. Its like everyone is moving on and having something better to do with their lives than to post for strangers all over the world. What kind of insult is that to their readers? Hmph....I am not happy about going to my favoritve blogs and seeing 2-3 week old posts up. Im not one to talk, but to my defense i was out of the country for the death of my grandfather....
My trip to Nicaville, has enlightened my senses of my religion. I was baptised a Catholic and made it official entering Christ into my life by being confirmed and having my first communion. I have to say that noone ever prepared me for doing my first confession. It was more like a sob fest. And to a priest non the less. Im just glad i was able to know a little more about my religion. Its like i took it for granted all these years. Now, im on a mission to finding a church to attend. Why? Well, i want to be closer to the all mighty and also i need a place to get married at. I figure a year is a good sign of my faith. After all, i am recently confirmed.
I got yelled at by the priest on how unbelievable it was for him to believe that i didnt know my prayers at the age of 23. He was shocked that i hadnt done it sooner.
Now, i know all of them in Spanish. I need to learn them in English....I need to get my fiance confirmed and deal with the aftermath of his familys bullshit to my choices. They were very anti-catholic, but atleast this will be one more way of me getting a jab in eh? lol Whatever. I have to have something that they dont like. And i like to keep it that way.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Thy hype around the Sex and the City Movie is insane and i will be on top of the foilming process constantly. I cannot wait to see the frieking finished touch of theis awesome series. If you have never seen an episode i suggest you go here. Watch as many as you can or buy the damn seasons. They are worth every penny.
You can also check out PEOPLES small article about it online. I am really excited about this movie. I loved the show so much. Its got everything a person needs to be entertained. Its good for men and women. I got my bf watching it after this one episode where Samantha was complaining about how bad one of her lovers blowjobs cum tasted really bad. And the way she thought she could convince him of not swallowing any more was by making him taste it. Little did she know he would stoop as low as to actually taste his cum ....that she had to keep blowing him and swallowing hahahaahah
It sounds bad but if you watch it its priceless. I swear.
Here is a sneak peak of my lovely ladies.
Sweet huh? If you are a big fan than you are waiting impatiently like i am. Especially since filming has actually started only last week. I wonder how long it will take the to film? And how long it will be until the plot is leaked out? And i wonder if Carry Bradshaw is married with Mr. Big in the film??? OHhhhhhhhhhhh i cannot wait!
Oh p.s.
Later later later, i will write about my grandfathers burial. Not now....ill post up photos of it. His burial was better than princess Diana's it was beautiful.
Thy hype around the Sex and the City Movie is insane and i will be on top of the foilming process constantly. I cannot wait to see the frieking finished touch of theis awesome series. If you have never seen an episode i suggest you go here. Watch as many as you can or buy the damn seasons. They are worth every penny.
You can also check out PEOPLES small article about it online. I am really excited about this movie. I loved the show so much. Its got everything a person needs to be entertained. Its good for men and women. I got my bf watching it after this one episode where Samantha was complaining about how bad one of her lovers blowjobs cum tasted really bad. And the way she thought she could convince him of not swallowing any more was by making him taste it. Little did she know he would stoop as low as to actually taste his cum ....that she had to keep blowing him and swallowing hahahaahah
It sounds bad but if you watch it its priceless. I swear.
Here is a sneak peak of my lovely ladies.
Oh p.s.
Later later later, i will write about my grandfathers burial. Not now....ill post up photos of it. His burial was better than princess Diana's it was beautiful.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
When someone dies
Like i told you the other day, my grandfather was bad. He past away at 1pm on September 11....what a day huh?
Yeah, my family and I are heading to Nicaragua. My mom and brother are there already, and im going to accompany my dad. My dad is doing okay, but i know tomorrow is going to be rough. My whole family will be there and its going to be a serious cry fest...
Keep the ones you love close. You never know when their last day will be.
Tell them that you love them all the time, every second that you can.
Yeah, my family and I are heading to Nicaragua. My mom and brother are there already, and im going to accompany my dad. My dad is doing okay, but i know tomorrow is going to be rough. My whole family will be there and its going to be a serious cry fest...
Keep the ones you love close. You never know when their last day will be.
Tell them that you love them all the time, every second that you can.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Not a Great Friend
I was just thinking about this the other day while having lunch with a friend of mine. See, it was her birthday and i didnt remember cuz....well, its not important. My fiance should be lucky i remember his at all...Anyways, she calls me up to see what i was doing, and i was like "um, nothing i dont have a jobbbb u know that". Anyways, she blatantly reminds me of her 30th bday...and i was forced to be overjoyed about her being an old ass lady. So i was like "oh, happy birthday Lisa" "Hope you feel youngeR". Anywho she waits on the phone and im like "soooo wanna get something to eat" and shes like "yea, im not hungry but we can sit and talk".
I didnt believe her cuz shes like the size of my house and shes always hungry. Anyways, we go and meet up and im eating and she orders a beer and a plate of fries. So we are talking, and all of a sudden we get the bill and shes like "oh by the way, your paying for me"
I was not happy, and she saw it on my face too. This bicth knows i aint working, she aint working, and shes meeting people to hang to pay for her??? !! I was like oh whattt.....
So i tell her, " Lisa, you know im not working, what would you have done if i didnt have money (luckily my mom had given me a $20 for gas) on me? I mean, you cant just spring that up on an unemployed person, you most of all should know that" (did i mention shes not working either? She got fired )
So shes all like, "oh thats ok, ill just pay with my credit card". I got mad but i atleast gave her my evil eye look and let her ass know i was displeased. Her bill came out to 5 bucks so i paid it. But she knows not to be doing that shit to me. I dont roll that way.
Thats when it dawned on me that i am truely a bad person to be friends with. I mean honestly, friends are so self-involved and are too time consuming. It is rare to first of all, have me open up enough to care about you as a friend of mine and hard enough for me to show any compassion, but thank god my fiance has broken some of those walls i had put up. But seriously, its tiresome sometimes.
Lately, i have been eliminating people from my life that are useless and who exhaust the life out of me. Its like im turning into the girl i used to know in high school. That was not a nice person, fun to be with, but not nice at all. Its just that people are taking advantage of the nice me from the past few years and i cant have that happening to me at this stage in my life.
Anyways, i started thinking about all these things. I like to hang on to my old friends, but i dont like to call because i dont want to hear about their problems. Everybody has problems i accept that but my momma always told me not to talk about my problems, because people throw it in your face later on. And of course, true as gold that shit happened to me. Did you know that youre not even supposed to tell your man personal secrets? Cause that shit will get thrown back at you when you least expect it. So im changing it up a bit and starting to be picky about who i chill with lately and analyzing now that my wedding is getting closer that some people are even worth paying for. Its really upsetting because this is when you really start noticing shit and its getting me pissed.
The upside? I get to be surrouned by people who i love and love me for the way i am...im kinda a bitch if you havent caught on from all my posts....I even have this cute little tag on my myspace page that reads "I dont know what your problem is, but i bet its hard to pronounce" And this cute wheel of fortune type of spin the wheel with different levels of bitchyness.
Bad News from my Homeland
My mothers traveling with my brother at our homeland in Nicaragua, it was my cousins wedding and she had to handle some stuff about her houses. And she called today notofying my dad and my other brother and I about my grandfather, my dads dad. Hes finally looking like hes gonna kick it. Hes apparently in agony now, cant speak, cant see, the dimentia he had sort of controlled last year when i saw him.
He was walking and talking, and still so full of life, and most of the time hes knew what he was saying. But then he would talk off topic. It was so scary then, because this was such a great big man in our world, and i hate seeing him that way. In a way, im glad i hadnt seen him like that because i would have lost my shit. Im gonna miss him and its going to suck asshole when we go to the funeral in Nicaragua. Last tiem i went to a funeral there was for his wife and i was 8 years old. That was my first funeral, my second funeral was with my father in law about a year ago. And, i can honestly say, that i hate funerals with all my heart.... its incredibly heart breaking. This death of his, is going to be the 2nd most traumatic death in MY lifetime of my family. We are not a family that is surrounded in death.
You know what i mean? Those people you know that have someone die in their family like every other day and it gets to the point that they are so immune to it that they dont even bother to show up and mourne but show up for the free drinks and snacks before dinner.
Better Knews
My fiance and i have been always talking about how we want to be active people, and enjoy the outside party life that is miami, and enjoy the parks. We have always been wanting to go biking but we never really took the initiative to do it. Anyways, he bought our bikes the other day and we went trail riding all over this beautiful park near Coral Gables. Its called Matheson Hammocks Marina. Its a lovely place, and somewhere that is close to my heart. Back in the late 80's and early 90's my family would wake up very early in the morning and pack up the deviled ham-mustard sandwhiches and ride to that beach in Matheson Hammock Park. I remember that it was the funnest time in my childhood. Something that i will definetly pass on to my gorgeous children. My Fiance loves the place and its a nice family beach. Far from the hoochies and wanna be gangstas of south beach. Far from fake ass ghetto miamians. Far away from drunk drivers, and ridiculous tourists. Its a beack located centrally in the area of the lavish and ridiculously rich people of miami. The area of Coral Gables is just insanely drowing of rich original snobs. Its fabulous.
Needless to say the drive on the way over there leaves you gawking at the insanely huge mansions that you pass by. Its great, i always see one that i missed.
Anyways, back to the point that we rode there in these fabulous trails that lead us to our little beach and we got to bike ride next to the beautiful ocean of Biscayne. We sat down to rest and smoke 3 ciggerettes and drowned in water, we saw some rich old man trying to get lessons in surfing with a glider. It was great watching him bust his ass. In the distance we saw down town and miami beach i think....
I think we rode out for about 2 or three hours. It was wonderful, bad news is i forgot to bring my camera. We got to see crazy Florida iguanas, they were running around everywhere, and they are HUGE. We got to see what seemed to be an alligator and i yelled at my hubby to pedal faster and away the water, we got to see a family of racoons - the mom and her two babies. Oh!! we got to ride in this awesome but creepy trail that is 3 feet wide and its in between growing mangroves, and there were baby crab everywhere, we killed like half of the zillion we saw. It was a lot of fun. So, thats going to be our new thing, riding bike and finding trails all over Miami. Its gonna be a blast.
Thats all i got for now...Im jamming to foo fighters just now...love them. And for some reason they were all over the VMA Awards this year, whats up with that? Anyways, im gonna talk about Britney Spears later later. Not now, now...next time kiddies!
I didnt believe her cuz shes like the size of my house and shes always hungry. Anyways, we go and meet up and im eating and she orders a beer and a plate of fries. So we are talking, and all of a sudden we get the bill and shes like "oh by the way, your paying for me"
I was not happy, and she saw it on my face too. This bicth knows i aint working, she aint working, and shes meeting people to hang to pay for her??? !! I was like oh whattt.....
So i tell her, " Lisa, you know im not working, what would you have done if i didnt have money (luckily my mom had given me a $20 for gas) on me? I mean, you cant just spring that up on an unemployed person, you most of all should know that" (did i mention shes not working either? She got fired )
So shes all like, "oh thats ok, ill just pay with my credit card". I got mad but i atleast gave her my evil eye look and let her ass know i was displeased. Her bill came out to 5 bucks so i paid it. But she knows not to be doing that shit to me. I dont roll that way.
Thats when it dawned on me that i am truely a bad person to be friends with. I mean honestly, friends are so self-involved and are too time consuming. It is rare to first of all, have me open up enough to care about you as a friend of mine and hard enough for me to show any compassion, but thank god my fiance has broken some of those walls i had put up. But seriously, its tiresome sometimes.
Lately, i have been eliminating people from my life that are useless and who exhaust the life out of me. Its like im turning into the girl i used to know in high school. That was not a nice person, fun to be with, but not nice at all. Its just that people are taking advantage of the nice me from the past few years and i cant have that happening to me at this stage in my life.
Anyways, i started thinking about all these things. I like to hang on to my old friends, but i dont like to call because i dont want to hear about their problems. Everybody has problems i accept that but my momma always told me not to talk about my problems, because people throw it in your face later on. And of course, true as gold that shit happened to me. Did you know that youre not even supposed to tell your man personal secrets? Cause that shit will get thrown back at you when you least expect it. So im changing it up a bit and starting to be picky about who i chill with lately and analyzing now that my wedding is getting closer that some people are even worth paying for. Its really upsetting because this is when you really start noticing shit and its getting me pissed.
The upside? I get to be surrouned by people who i love and love me for the way i am...im kinda a bitch if you havent caught on from all my posts....I even have this cute little tag on my myspace page that reads "I dont know what your problem is, but i bet its hard to pronounce" And this cute wheel of fortune type of spin the wheel with different levels of bitchyness.
Bad News from my Homeland
My mothers traveling with my brother at our homeland in Nicaragua, it was my cousins wedding and she had to handle some stuff about her houses. And she called today notofying my dad and my other brother and I about my grandfather, my dads dad. Hes finally looking like hes gonna kick it. Hes apparently in agony now, cant speak, cant see, the dimentia he had sort of controlled last year when i saw him.
He was walking and talking, and still so full of life, and most of the time hes knew what he was saying. But then he would talk off topic. It was so scary then, because this was such a great big man in our world, and i hate seeing him that way. In a way, im glad i hadnt seen him like that because i would have lost my shit. Im gonna miss him and its going to suck asshole when we go to the funeral in Nicaragua. Last tiem i went to a funeral there was for his wife and i was 8 years old. That was my first funeral, my second funeral was with my father in law about a year ago. And, i can honestly say, that i hate funerals with all my heart.... its incredibly heart breaking. This death of his, is going to be the 2nd most traumatic death in MY lifetime of my family. We are not a family that is surrounded in death.
You know what i mean? Those people you know that have someone die in their family like every other day and it gets to the point that they are so immune to it that they dont even bother to show up and mourne but show up for the free drinks and snacks before dinner.
Better Knews
My fiance and i have been always talking about how we want to be active people, and enjoy the outside party life that is miami, and enjoy the parks. We have always been wanting to go biking but we never really took the initiative to do it. Anyways, he bought our bikes the other day and we went trail riding all over this beautiful park near Coral Gables. Its called Matheson Hammocks Marina. Its a lovely place, and somewhere that is close to my heart. Back in the late 80's and early 90's my family would wake up very early in the morning and pack up the deviled ham-mustard sandwhiches and ride to that beach in Matheson Hammock Park. I remember that it was the funnest time in my childhood. Something that i will definetly pass on to my gorgeous children. My Fiance loves the place and its a nice family beach. Far from the hoochies and wanna be gangstas of south beach. Far from fake ass ghetto miamians. Far away from drunk drivers, and ridiculous tourists. Its a beack located centrally in the area of the lavish and ridiculously rich people of miami. The area of Coral Gables is just insanely drowing of rich original snobs. Its fabulous.
Needless to say the drive on the way over there leaves you gawking at the insanely huge mansions that you pass by. Its great, i always see one that i missed.
Anyways, back to the point that we rode there in these fabulous trails that lead us to our little beach and we got to bike ride next to the beautiful ocean of Biscayne. We sat down to rest and smoke 3 ciggerettes and drowned in water, we saw some rich old man trying to get lessons in surfing with a glider. It was great watching him bust his ass. In the distance we saw down town and miami beach i think....
I think we rode out for about 2 or three hours. It was wonderful, bad news is i forgot to bring my camera. We got to see crazy Florida iguanas, they were running around everywhere, and they are HUGE. We got to see what seemed to be an alligator and i yelled at my hubby to pedal faster and away the water, we got to see a family of racoons - the mom and her two babies. Oh!! we got to ride in this awesome but creepy trail that is 3 feet wide and its in between growing mangroves, and there were baby crab everywhere, we killed like half of the zillion we saw. It was a lot of fun. So, thats going to be our new thing, riding bike and finding trails all over Miami. Its gonna be a blast.
Thats all i got for now...Im jamming to foo fighters just now...love them. And for some reason they were all over the VMA Awards this year, whats up with that? Anyways, im gonna talk about Britney Spears later later. Not now, now...next time kiddies!
Saturday, September 08, 2007
It might just happen to be because my bf came to save me from making dinner tonight and watching High Fidelity just a little while ago that Im feeling Garth Brooks right now.
I know, if you dont like country, then youre like "oh my god". But i never liked him either, because i thought it was stupid white trash music with the "doin e doink" music. But this guy has got something. His stories really are beautiful. Theres this one song that i have in the soundtrack playing because it really speaks about how i feel about my love. (im in sappy mood now...must be because its gonna be that time of the month) Check out the lyrics if you want a preview of what im takling about.
Sometimes late at night
I lie awake and watch her sleeping
Shes lost in peaceful dreams
So I turn out the lights and lay there in the dark
And the thought crosses my mind
If I never wake up in the morning
Would she ever doubt the way I feel
About her in my heart
If tomorrow never comes
Will she know how much I loved her
Did I try in every way to show her every day
That shes my only one
And if my time on earth were through
And she must face the world without me
Is the love I gave her in the past
Gonna be enough to last
If tomorrow never comes
cause Ive lost loved ones in my life
Who never knew how much I loved them
Now I live with the regret
That my true feelings for them never were revealed
So I made a promise to myself
To say each day how much she means to me
And avoid that circumstance
Where theres no second chance to tell her how I feel
So tell that someone that you love
Just what youre thinking of
If tomorrow never comes
Arent those lyrics seriously sappy? But beautiful i have to say....hmm g'night ya'll
I know, if you dont like country, then youre like "oh my god". But i never liked him either, because i thought it was stupid white trash music with the "doin e doink" music. But this guy has got something. His stories really are beautiful. Theres this one song that i have in the soundtrack playing because it really speaks about how i feel about my love. (im in sappy mood now...must be because its gonna be that time of the month) Check out the lyrics if you want a preview of what im takling about.
Sometimes late at night
I lie awake and watch her sleeping
Shes lost in peaceful dreams
So I turn out the lights and lay there in the dark
And the thought crosses my mind
If I never wake up in the morning
Would she ever doubt the way I feel
About her in my heart
If tomorrow never comes
Will she know how much I loved her
Did I try in every way to show her every day
That shes my only one
And if my time on earth were through
And she must face the world without me
Is the love I gave her in the past
Gonna be enough to last
If tomorrow never comes
cause Ive lost loved ones in my life
Who never knew how much I loved them
Now I live with the regret
That my true feelings for them never were revealed
So I made a promise to myself
To say each day how much she means to me
And avoid that circumstance
Where theres no second chance to tell her how I feel
So tell that someone that you love
Just what youre thinking of
If tomorrow never comes
Arent those lyrics seriously sappy? But beautiful i have to say....hmm g'night ya'll
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Anyways, I also wanted to apologize about the past few posts being on the negative side. I dont want to make this all about venting my girly emotions about my sucky situation in this fucked up world.
I got to see the Reaping yeterday. I just want to say that the movie was absolutely terrible. It sucked official ass and was boring as all hell. Dont know which movie the Reaping is because it was such a bad movie and didnt even have enough money to market it? Well let me enlighten you.
In the wake of a devastating tragedy that killed every member of her family, Christian missionary Katherine Morrissey (Hilary Swank) loses her faith in God, devoting the rest of her life to debunking religious phenomena with the principles of science. But when she's called to a small Southern town to investigate a series of strange occurrences that appear to be biblical plagues, she runs out of logical explanations.
NETFLIXER's Hate quotes:
P. Murray
The first 30 minutes of this film are very promising, but thereafter begins to rapidly disintergrate. What could have been a great film turns into nothing more than a visual joke, and you're left with the feeling that the director gave up just under half way through.
i am nothing (Funniest and most original review that i have found yet.)
Oddly enough, during and after watching this movie, I couldn't help but think that I had seen it before. Was it because the best scenes in the movie were included in the trailer that's been running on repeat since last fall? Perhaps it's because there was absolutely nothing original about this movie's plot or it's execution. Probably some of both, but also given that everything was so damned predictable that it made me feel telepathic. This film suffers from a case of the four U's: unbelievable, uninteresting, unoriginal and unacceptable! 1 star
Movie I want to see:
Sounds pretty good eh? I hope it is..
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Funny eh?
Yeah, I am going to officially stop worrying about shit, and stop worrying enough to pay some $25.00 on some fake ass Santeria Babalao telling me my worst enemy is me. I already know that shit - im a pessimist i can live with it. If i happen to walk down one road, and see only danger, and the negative what ifs, atleast im prepared mentally when it happens...right?
Anyways, im not sick anymore though----i still have a dry cough...anyways back to what i was saying before i got all sidetracked in my mental notes....Okay, so i figured i shouldnt worry and overanalyze everything so much on how much of a bad streak of bad luck ive been running on.
What was the last straw? Well, the day my car broke down and just a few days before i had gotten notice that it was only a month away from paying off my car. The first car (ive ever bought on my own) ive ever paid off. You dont understand...i got that car before i even had a license...literally - in high school i thought it was a waste a time to learn how to drive...anyways its better being passenger when all illegal substances* are running through your veins.. I got that car and worked part time for $6.00 an hour at a communicty college and had to go to school full time....im talking about a time when i held on to my beeper cause i couldnt afford a cell phone...im talking about a time i would rather buy a pack of cigs and a dimebag of bud** than to pay for a toll....... sigh
ANYWHO - i got that notice in the mail and then my car's starter or doo-da thing dies and my parents had to replace it...cause i dont got a job...and then today, lol i love this part. I left my house at 6 AM because my fiance was coming outta work at that time and i couldnt sleep, and i didnt feel like sleeping alone - so i drove over to his house. We go out (in his car cause im not allowed to drive in his car nor mine...machista! Guys whats up with that? ) we get some drinks with some of his friends, we go to the mall, and i get pampered. Get back to his house...around 1:45AM im ready to go back home, when my car doesnt start...its aint the battery, its the stupid starter thingy doo-da. So my mans gotta drive me back home...and now im pissed. Cause i didnt expect to be worrying about my car when i just finished paying it off... Plus, i usually dont worry about my car...my daddy does...hes the mechanic...(oh yeah, its not the starter doo-da its the alternator, my dad bought a new alternator for it..i wonder whats wrong with it then? ) So now my car "PEPE" is his name, cause his gangtsa..lol I see my KIA sportage for some reason as a MExican thug from California...hmmm dotn ask cause the cars Korean... lol
Anyways, because of so many roadblocks ive been having to a financial/career success i decided to live up to the "college years" i missed while actually in college cause i was working full time and paying my own schooling that seems to be worthless to the realistic job world....So i have engaged in maxing some credit cards, partying late until the wee hours of the morning, drinking to get stupified, and sleeping all day to wake up to Oprah at 4pm...
Im sinking now...and i plan to get back up my getting rid of my car and leasing some cheapo one till i gets my job-on... and in the middle of all this i gotta plan a wedding, a honeymoon, purchase a house to live in and wait to get call backs on jobs or getting my teaching gig...
Oh poo is all i can say...
* ignore lol i was 16 anyways, cant people go on wild streak?
Anyways robin Williams was talking about how his teachers in highschool were on acid... im not doing that ! And thats worse
** i do not condone this anymore...ignore :) shhhhh...
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
OMG, im so sick people. I could not sleep last night. I ate a stupid twinkie and i got nauseous and had a headache all night, and my tummy hurt....I took Excedrin and it made it worse. Then i read the bottle and it said it had caffeine.. :(
I woke up this morning with strep throat. And i have a test tomorrow on this stupid substitute teaching seminar. If i dont pass the exam i have to take this crap again...
The lady about the job offer hasnt called me all week. She said she would call me to tell me when to start. Maybe she found someone better?
Oh what does the twinkie have to do with me feeling bad? Well, the last time i felt that sick was when i ate four strawberry frosted donuts and the sugar rush gave me the same sideeffects and i was sick for a long time. I cant eat too much sugar because it makes me sick. Thats why i dont eat candy, cake, cookies, or sweets period. The only sweet thing i do intake is Coke Cola...and that hasnt helped my figure nore my cavaties...ewww the dentist appointment is on 9/11 :(
Hpmh.... hope i feel better cause i gotta be in that seminar from 9 - 4pm tomorrow :(
I woke up this morning with strep throat. And i have a test tomorrow on this stupid substitute teaching seminar. If i dont pass the exam i have to take this crap again...
The lady about the job offer hasnt called me all week. She said she would call me to tell me when to start. Maybe she found someone better?
Oh what does the twinkie have to do with me feeling bad? Well, the last time i felt that sick was when i ate four strawberry frosted donuts and the sugar rush gave me the same sideeffects and i was sick for a long time. I cant eat too much sugar because it makes me sick. Thats why i dont eat candy, cake, cookies, or sweets period. The only sweet thing i do intake is Coke Cola...and that hasnt helped my figure nore my cavaties...ewww the dentist appointment is on 9/11 :(
Hpmh.... hope i feel better cause i gotta be in that seminar from 9 - 4pm tomorrow :(
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Running Like a Chicken W/out a Head
Hah! how bout that!? I love it....oh man..im so cracking up.. I need it after having a bad day yesterday... See I left ya'll with a post about how I was gonna go return some merchandise...but really i was gonna exchange it and then i almost died AGAIn. Its odd, ive been having some bad ass luck - like a streak of bad luck. Its like someone put some bad Ju-Ju or bad santeria on my ass. Well I need them to knock that crap off. Sad part is that i know people who do that shit...imma have to fight back... maybe i do need a chicken with out a head and get a cleaning.
So this was me yesterday....stranded and scared outta my mind. Except i was in the bad neighborhood mall (its cheaper! More sales go figure...) and i wasnt in a business suite...and my car wasnt smokey...Anyways, I was driving on my merry way over there braggin to my broke friends on how imma spend my money that i dont have when suddenly i was at the light (its green) and im waiting to make my left turn when my car starts stalling. Problem? My car isnt stick shift and im stepping on the gas and my car doesnt budge....WTF!! I yell...loudly, then i tell my friend peace out cause cars are coming and im going to die.
So, I keep jammin my foot on the gas enough to avoid oncoming traffic and enough to slowly roll into the shopping center into the lonely parking lot. (Good thing it was daylight!) As i put it on park it dies. It wont start and im pissed. Good news? Well, my dads a mechanic! Other good news? He was off of work in 15 mins and on his way. Bad news? The neighborhood gangsta's and predators are driving by slowly watching me....so i call my sister n law and she was luckily just getting off the exit that is next to the mall (she was getting home from work ...and we live 2.6 miles of each other). So she hung out with me till my daddy came. And he tried to see if it was the battery---no it was the alternator.
So, $180 dollars later and driving home with my foot on the break and simultaneously pressing the gas, driving at 30 miles an hour in rush hour traffic...not good. But i made it home with a high-five from my dad. He knows im a chicken shit for that kinda stuff. But we made it. And so i had to drive my mothers death trap of a Mini Cooper.....to my substitute training course this morning from 9am to 2:30pm.
Got home and took my monkey
Anyways, better news, I got a message while in my course and it was from a job place i had applied for early last week. I got an interview tomorrow, and honestly i think im going to get it. Afterwards im thinking about applying at some card store. Yeah, like a part time after i get outta my other job. I figure their gonna pay me dirt...so i wanna have two jobs. Plus, i cannot stand being home for too long. Then i think im going to take a few more education courses...maybe diversity populations and classroom management. Hmmpph who knows...
Lets see what happens tomorrow.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Funny Picture of the Week
If you want to see funnier shit and laugh a bit. you can click on this web site. wayodd.com
Thats a web site i like to frequent on those days that i run out of things to do online.
I cant wait to get another president. I preferably would like to have Mrs. Clinton as our new leader, so that we can knock some sense into the system. But i'd rather stay out of the whole political talk.
Religion and politics - man those two will seriously get you into trouble when you talking to people. Especially if you are at odds. I just think that its hilarious that I veer toward democrats and my fiance veers towards republicans. Its gonna be a very very funny household. I can imagine our political discussions ending in me calling him a moron and a plate being thrown at this head. And him closing the door just in time to catch the hit. Ohh....i cant wait for those days lol.
big Love
Has anyone else been following this show? I tried hard for some reason to fight it. But it just started to intrigue me more when i saw a HBO special call it a polygamy Sopranos...and I lovvvvvvvvee the Sopranos so i figured id give it a try. plus HBO usually gets it right with their series. so i did and now i love the show - and i cant wait to see the new season.
If no one knows about this than i suggest you watch it. Drama is the only word that comes to mind when you have three wives sharing one man. Where jealousy and anger have to be kept secret...but when it shows...oh boy. Sex is only supposed to be for breeding not pleasure...pleaaaaaase if i were a man - id be hitting up all my bitches lol
I am sure many of them do...anyways the polygamy people are supposed to stay in their "compound" because its against the law to be married to more than one woman in the real world. So there is this family that leaves that compound and tries to live a normal life, without getting caught.
Big Love revolves around modern-day Utah polygamist Bill Henrickson and his three wives: Barb (the legal wife/first wife), Nicki (the second wife) and Margene (the third wife), and their extended family of seven children. As the owner of a growing chain of home improvement stores, Bill struggles to meet the financial and emotional needs of his three wives, while trying to keep their family arrangement a secret. Big Love looks at marriage through a typical atypical family.
Can you imagine dealing with three women's shit? I don't know why a man would want to voluntarily put himself through that torture.
Well, im off to go return $200 bucks worth of crap i bought while shopping online out of boredom from Macys.com.....its was like 3 am when i did it. Oh what to do what to do...my fiance is gonna be pissed when he finds out that i ran my card through that....eeeeeeek lol
i only care cause hes paying my bills for now ** lol
Friday, August 17, 2007
Music Makes Life a music video
Sometimes, i get so into the music and what im doing i start spacing out - thinking im in a music video. Shooot if i could do some dancing like (So you Think You can Dance, dancers - you know people with natural dancing abilities) crazy breakdancing or something... I find myself moving to the beat .... i walk with a funk.. lol funky town in my ears - im in a music video...i start thinking if i had a camera and could place this song that im listening to people could understand what im talking about ....
Hmmm... I wonder if anyone else has this happen to them ? I think everyone goes thru this - if not they wouldnt have those trendy lil IPOD commercials that attracted so many of us to buy them lol
Apple Marketing staff was like : "Here watch this commercial of a shadow dancing and jamming to the hottest or oldest tracks of time, enjoy yourself at every moment of the day...watch it ,,,,now you want to be that person jamming to music so hard they start dancing erratically...come spend the $300 $200 bucks it costs...come one you can be the shadow too!"
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Call Me Teacher Lady
Besides helping to educate the future governors and deliquents of our nation I found that I need a steady paycheck. And the easiest and most sought after position now in Florida is teachers.
What I am doing to become this new educator? Well, I have already taken courses in the summer to learn more about being a teacher and I am currentyl enlisting to be a substitute. I want to get a little bit more experience with the kids. I decided on doing elementary education because it runs from grades K-6th grade and I want to concentrate on 2nd or 3rd graders because I will be dealing with less attitude and more healthy brain cells. I cannot wait its going to be great and easy.
Positives to being a teacher?
1 - EAsy Money : range of $30,000 - $60,000
2 - Benefits, Florida Retirement system
3 - Work with young kids 2 nd 3 rd graders - easier to manage
4 - Change of pace - something different and something new every day not a boring desk job.
5 - Paid days off for all holidays, Summers off!! And if I want more money then I work a summer term
6 - Lateral movement, bigger pay, even administrative postions ($70,000 to $90,000)
7 - Possible positions in local Colleges!! (thanks MOMMA!)
8 - Work less hours - days will end at 2 or 3 and the rest will be for leisure or for now making more money
9 - Because my major didnt offer me shit :(
10 - Will have time to juggle family and social life with out so much stress when i start having babies :)
Other than that i dont see why not to just do it. I mean I am only 23 and maybe better things will come from this!
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Anyways, it has been about 1 month that i havent had a job and it looks like its nearing to be 2 months....My Fiance is feeling the blow...hes been paying all my bills...shhiit he needs to get used to it! Right? Im just getting him use to what is coming in the near future.
Besides all that - Lets talk about this World Music Award show. I dont give a shit what anybody says about Michael Jackson - that man is a living legend and is the best mother fucking singer out there. He got the diamong award and also a guiness book of records plaque for being one of the most famous i dontknow what that is living. He wasnt even able to speak from all the cheering and love that he received. Why is it that AMericans are so adament about fucking his name up - what about all the amazing things that he has done for the world and its people? What about all those good things? The news never reveres him for all his good....
Oh my gaw...No they did not have Rihanna sing at this award show...why is she there? She cant sing for shit. Why is it that so many people are up and coming when that cant sing worth shit? I dont get it. What are your opinions on this nonsense we call music? Sometimes i cant even have the radio on anymore because theres so much crap on the radio being labled as "music". I find myself hanging around the oldies stations to catch real music. Not this rihanna and beyonce bull shit..
Oh wait wait... Micahel is on the stage...total mayhem when he went and threw his jacket into the crowd. You know someone is losing an eye tonight. Where are there people crying? What sensation and emotion are they going through that they are crying?
I like the way hes holding a mike in one hand and the award in another with the crumbled flag...what message is he secretly sending? Hmm...
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Being Engaged
Its been now 3 months now that ive been engaged and its hard work let me tell you. So i have complied a list of the ups n downs of being engaged...
1 - It is exciting for the first few weeks. The love is growing and the relationship takes a turn for the best. We are in a bliss as if though we first started dating again - totally Giddy n Extatic.
2 - Pressure mounts to new level of stress. Wedding plans need to be started, dates need to be arranged, and reality kicks in.
3 - Talking and making appointments with all kinds of wedding preparations suck ass.
4 - Quit talking about wedding stuff because you realize you cant afford the kind of wedding that you are dreaming of.
5 - Start fighting with lover because you need him to cut down his wedding praty list...its ridiculously long and you cant afford to invite so many people!
6 - Cry when you find out you need a better job in order to pay for all these future expenses: wedding, decorations, house, cars, house insurance, honey moon.....
7 - Glee with happiness when you start bridal gown shopping....cry again from joy...
8 - Get depressed when you leave your old job and cant find a new job for the past....um 1...2.. 5 weeks.....narf...
9 - Get really excited when a house comes along that looks like its perfect.
10 - And the cycle begins all over again.
See, noone tells you how stressful it is to start a life with the one you love. Noone ever talks about the starting troubles that come with getting married or getting a house or getting the stupid wedding party started or any of that.... People need to be more open to it - because if i would have known i would have tried to be more prepared. But in the end its still fun and exciting i guess..
I will try to post more later. Its been a awhile since ive had internet and im getting back into the swing of things
Thursday, June 07, 2007
So my little children of the corn. I have not had Internet for well over a month now...and its caused me to get several problems emotionally. I have gone through a personal rehab and just now ive taken up the drug again lol
Internet crack is a serious problem. It causes you to not concentrate at work, forget or neglect friends and family members (your new friends & family come from the Internet world like local and foreign chat rooms as well as local and foreign blogs).
Your free time is consumed by the almighty speed of Internet connection. You check your 6 different e-mails, myspace, porn, dirty jokes, world news, educational technology sites, bank accounts, credit cards, department stores, ebay, weather nationally and internatinally, and celebrity news all at a touch of a few buttons.
Where else would anyone want to be almost 24/7?
Anyways I went through several withdrawals syndromes and it wasnt pleasant. It was much like a crack head i tell you. The first week I would get ancy and twitchy. I tended to roam and walk around my room and wander out to the house aimlessly. No matter the time, I would call up my mother in law and tell her i was coming over to use the computer for school. In reality i would surf the net.... One time i went and stayed at the house until 4 am...thats when i knew i had a problem...
I began to have sleepless nights wishing and thinking about who else i can use for their Internet connection....when i couldnt go to anyone elses house i would go back to my mother-in-laws and use my fiancee's laptop and sit in the dark in their backyard stealing wireless connection so that she wouldnt be walking in on me.
When that got old and my neck began to soar unbearablly i began to stay at home...thinking about all the sites i hadnt been to in such a long time, and i also remembered how annoying it is to call my bank & credit card #'s by phone with their stupid automative systems. The ease and swiftness was gone and the phone payment charges were unbearable.
Anyways, i resorted to depression after the 4th week and began to be lethargic. (not to mention the depression of not being able to find a better place of employment than where i am now...i have a degree and nothing to show for it...) I never used to take naps in the afternoon after work because i saw it as a waste of time....but it all changed. I started to sleep for hours on end.
At the same time i stopped eating, worst of all i started reaching out to all the loved ones i had left behind. My family and friends...they all seemed so surprised to hear from me....that sucked cause you had to seem like you hadnt skipped a beat...
I watched more television programs that sucked...i didnt miss out on award shows...because i watched so much tv i started to miss work to catch things that were on or to just not go ---since i hate my job it didnt hurt me ...only on my paycheck ...but i could bare the sting as long as i didnt have to see the face of the old hag that works with me...
I became more violent like a rabid animal....i was really testy with no patience.
My sisterinlaw works with me.....and she hogs the computer sooo now today for the first time she left early and i enjoyed the internet. and now im leaving cause my boss kicked me out.
Good bye---until next time.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Talk about a writing hiatus!! SOrry for not writing but ive been busy adn events have occured....
Anyways i have grand news for all.... Where should i start?
- I graduated. WOOPEEE Thanks to everyone who was there and to everyone who thanked me. Its been great except for the part where i still dont have a good job to show for it.
- I graduated on a MOnday, and that Saturday was my graduation party at my house. It was a fucking blast!! I got drunk and loved every minute of the night.
- My bf of 5 1/2 years proposed to me the following SAturday - 5 de MAYO lol The MExican holiday will never be the same. I would go into details but i wouldnt want to bore you with the cornyness of it all....ok maybe i will
It all started when we first dated. We had always wanted to go to the Air and Sea show that is given yearly in Ft Lauderdale. ITs something we have always wanted to do but never really found the time to do it. So my bf and i decide to make a thing out of it. We brought our closests friends that happen to be married and headed out there. It was only the hottest days ever and the sunniest as well. The show was amazing and throught it all my bf kept telling me "wait until the end of the show its gonna be something you will never forget. I am so happy that we came".
I didnt think anything of it. Because during the show it was just unbelievable.
After the show i see that Manny looks at his best friend, and his friend gives him something. I dont think anything of it and pose for a picture that his friends wife was taking of me. Then all of a sudden in my bikini - freshly tanned skinned, and in the midst of a crowd of 100,000's of people (in our section there was atleast 50 people packed like sardines) I see MAnny my bf, get on bended knee and ask for my hand in marriage.
What did i do? I called him crazy, punched his shoulder, cried, said yessssss, and began to have a panic attack. Im not kidding. It was so completly unexpected, and i had absolutely no idea that he was gonna ask me. Especially after our talk from the previous night.
The talk went something like this:
ME: Babe, seriously when are we going to get married?
BF : Listen hunny, (muting the television) you just graduated, and i still have to pay off some bills. Lets just wait till we are more settled and i get my family ready for us to leave to live together. Im in no rush and you still have to get a good job and start your masters. We love eachother and we can wait another 2 or 3 years. I love you.
ME: I understand, i still gotta get my shit together before we do it. I love you too.
BF: (unmutes television and lights us a cigarette) The airshow is going to be awesome, I cant believe that after 5 1/2 years we are finally going. I cant believe it took us this long. I love you and youre never going to forget the show, its really amazing. (side not: as a kid he use to see the show with his father back in JErsey)
ME: Yeah, im excited to, love you boobies...
- Thats the premise people...thats why i had a fucking panic attack. Anyways, everyone around us clapped and cheered us and it was like out of a movie. It was dreamiscle....i loved it. I cried all saturday and ended up finding out that everyone knew except for me. Aint that some shit? And the only reason why he wasnt able to propose to me at my graduation party was because my custom-made-ring wasnt ready that day lol.
- So i love my life right now. I am a graduate, im engaged, and im only 23 lol 24 in NOv.
- the best part is that i still got a whole lotta life ahead of me and im just so happy
- oh and if anybody wants to hook me up with a job maybe in banking. I would really appreciate it. :)
- Thanks for keeping in touch people!
I swear once i get internet back at my house i will be able to write more posts....
----loving life-------
Anyways i have grand news for all.... Where should i start?
- I graduated. WOOPEEE Thanks to everyone who was there and to everyone who thanked me. Its been great except for the part where i still dont have a good job to show for it.
- I graduated on a MOnday, and that Saturday was my graduation party at my house. It was a fucking blast!! I got drunk and loved every minute of the night.
- My bf of 5 1/2 years proposed to me the following SAturday - 5 de MAYO lol The MExican holiday will never be the same. I would go into details but i wouldnt want to bore you with the cornyness of it all....ok maybe i will
It all started when we first dated. We had always wanted to go to the Air and Sea show that is given yearly in Ft Lauderdale. ITs something we have always wanted to do but never really found the time to do it. So my bf and i decide to make a thing out of it. We brought our closests friends that happen to be married and headed out there. It was only the hottest days ever and the sunniest as well. The show was amazing and throught it all my bf kept telling me "wait until the end of the show its gonna be something you will never forget. I am so happy that we came".
I didnt think anything of it. Because during the show it was just unbelievable.
After the show i see that Manny looks at his best friend, and his friend gives him something. I dont think anything of it and pose for a picture that his friends wife was taking of me. Then all of a sudden in my bikini - freshly tanned skinned, and in the midst of a crowd of 100,000's of people (in our section there was atleast 50 people packed like sardines) I see MAnny my bf, get on bended knee and ask for my hand in marriage.
What did i do? I called him crazy, punched his shoulder, cried, said yessssss, and began to have a panic attack. Im not kidding. It was so completly unexpected, and i had absolutely no idea that he was gonna ask me. Especially after our talk from the previous night.
The talk went something like this:
ME: Babe, seriously when are we going to get married?
BF : Listen hunny, (muting the television) you just graduated, and i still have to pay off some bills. Lets just wait till we are more settled and i get my family ready for us to leave to live together. Im in no rush and you still have to get a good job and start your masters. We love eachother and we can wait another 2 or 3 years. I love you.
ME: I understand, i still gotta get my shit together before we do it. I love you too.
BF: (unmutes television and lights us a cigarette) The airshow is going to be awesome, I cant believe that after 5 1/2 years we are finally going. I cant believe it took us this long. I love you and youre never going to forget the show, its really amazing. (side not: as a kid he use to see the show with his father back in JErsey)
ME: Yeah, im excited to, love you boobies...
- Thats the premise people...thats why i had a fucking panic attack. Anyways, everyone around us clapped and cheered us and it was like out of a movie. It was dreamiscle....i loved it. I cried all saturday and ended up finding out that everyone knew except for me. Aint that some shit? And the only reason why he wasnt able to propose to me at my graduation party was because my custom-made-ring wasnt ready that day lol.
- So i love my life right now. I am a graduate, im engaged, and im only 23 lol 24 in NOv.
- the best part is that i still got a whole lotta life ahead of me and im just so happy
- oh and if anybody wants to hook me up with a job maybe in banking. I would really appreciate it. :)
- Thanks for keeping in touch people!
I swear once i get internet back at my house i will be able to write more posts....
----loving life-------
Sunday, April 29, 2007
My goodness what a total fresh of breath air. I don't know what to say or to expect. What i do know is that i am coming to another chaper.
See, tomorrow is my graduation for my bachelors - some people dont see it as a big deal, some others go to school to get a degree and dont see it as an accomplishment, others are just retards with degrees. The point im making is that i do care. Its a big deal to my family and they proved it to me this weekend. Yesterday was what i labeled the "Graduation Celebration". It was my graduation party and my family and a close friends showed their love. And i couldn't have asked for anything more. I will put some of the ignorant pictures up later. Like the ones where i could kodak of poeple being sick lol.
I got so fucked up, its not even fuuny.
Party started at 8:30 -9:00pm and quit at 4:30, and my brother mom and i stayed up until 6:30am. We saw the sun rise and talked beautifully and were emotional. My dad was passed out drunk and my other brother was lights out at 4am. It was cool and it was fun and I couldnt be more happy. I was so stressed from the party buying and planning that i dont feel the joy for the commencement tomorrow. Its going to be weird. Maybe tomorrow i will be able to get nervous.
But for now i am excited and i feel free. Even though later on i will be doing my masters - i try not to think of that.
Till then I feel like a butterfly....
Saturday, April 14, 2007
So if you've seen this movie, you know that its not the greatest movie in the world. In fact it sucks a lotta Peter. Well, since i couldnt find the movie Bats in netflix (that movie is just free material on hilarious netflix reviews - how these bad movies get made i will never know!)i decided to go for a more action film. Its like the director didnt know how to write a script adn direct. This was a movie that was not thought out at all. Lets see what other NetFlixers think about the movie...Too Funnny.
Review by: Idge888
I laughed when I read the critics' reviews of this movie because I think they missed it entirely. My review can be summed up in one scene - when Maria Bello's character finds out her husband is not who she thought he was - she becomes violently ill; emphasis on the 'violently'. You see, there is a natural flow to life - and the way people respond to certain situations is pretty predictable - but not in this movie - the response of these characters is so off the charts you can't help but be turned off by it. Initially, we are introduced to the Stall family - who are so touchy-feely sweet you just want to slap them. The son is overly sensitive, the wife is lovey-dovey and the daughter is one "God bless us, everyone" from being Tiny Tim. It's just too much to swallow. This movie starts out Little House On The Prairie and moves to Texas Chainsaw Massacre. It loses touch with reality and in doing so, loses its audience.
Review by: AK from Seattle, WA
How did this movie gets so much critical acclaim is beyond me. Ive never seen such bad directing, acting or dialog. The concept was pretty good, but it was butchered in the end. So many good actors directed in such a way they look like robots. William Hurt in paricular. The movie starts out with a family that only exists in 1950s sit-coms ala Leave it to Beaver. They are so wholesom its almost sickening. I kept waiting for it to pick up... Get good... Something. A few scenes shine through, but they equate to about 3 minutes of the 90+ overall. David Cronenberg has a few good movies under his belt (Dead Zone and Naked Lunch in particular), but this one just had to be a bad day at the office or something, because faltering with such strong cast seems immposible. He did though. Congrats David you took what could have been good and turned it into a steaming pile...
Next we have the painful movie that i saw: My Super Ex Girlfriend
God this was such a bad movie. I love Luke Wilson and he usually plays odd-ball roles but this was just...too much too late. I am sick of these crap films. Lets see what Netflixers had to say:
REview by:DW from Dallas, TX 2
Super BAD! This movie had no redeeming qualities. Had I paid to see it in the theaters, I would have requested my movie back. The acting was dreadful. The dialogue was worse! I felt like I was watching one of the spoof movies!
REview By: Madeline Baia
An extremely over the top movie with lackluster performances. A nap was more entertaining.
Review By: Me from IL
This is crap. I think it was a good idea for a movie (a jealous superhero girlfriend), but it turned out to be very corny, especially the ending! And Luke Wilson's best friend in the movie is just a total pervert, which to me is a turn off, not even funny. I didn't laugh much.
So much for those movies....God they were just so bad!
So if you've seen this movie, you know that its not the greatest movie in the world. In fact it sucks a lotta Peter. Well, since i couldnt find the movie Bats in netflix (that movie is just free material on hilarious netflix reviews - how these bad movies get made i will never know!)i decided to go for a more action film. Its like the director didnt know how to write a script adn direct. This was a movie that was not thought out at all. Lets see what other NetFlixers think about the movie...Too Funnny.
Review by: Idge888
I laughed when I read the critics' reviews of this movie because I think they missed it entirely. My review can be summed up in one scene - when Maria Bello's character finds out her husband is not who she thought he was - she becomes violently ill; emphasis on the 'violently'. You see, there is a natural flow to life - and the way people respond to certain situations is pretty predictable - but not in this movie - the response of these characters is so off the charts you can't help but be turned off by it. Initially, we are introduced to the Stall family - who are so touchy-feely sweet you just want to slap them. The son is overly sensitive, the wife is lovey-dovey and the daughter is one "God bless us, everyone" from being Tiny Tim. It's just too much to swallow. This movie starts out Little House On The Prairie and moves to Texas Chainsaw Massacre. It loses touch with reality and in doing so, loses its audience.
Review by: AK from Seattle, WA
How did this movie gets so much critical acclaim is beyond me. Ive never seen such bad directing, acting or dialog. The concept was pretty good, but it was butchered in the end. So many good actors directed in such a way they look like robots. William Hurt in paricular. The movie starts out with a family that only exists in 1950s sit-coms ala Leave it to Beaver. They are so wholesom its almost sickening. I kept waiting for it to pick up... Get good... Something. A few scenes shine through, but they equate to about 3 minutes of the 90+ overall. David Cronenberg has a few good movies under his belt (Dead Zone and Naked Lunch in particular), but this one just had to be a bad day at the office or something, because faltering with such strong cast seems immposible. He did though. Congrats David you took what could have been good and turned it into a steaming pile...
Next we have the painful movie that i saw: My Super Ex Girlfriend
God this was such a bad movie. I love Luke Wilson and he usually plays odd-ball roles but this was just...too much too late. I am sick of these crap films. Lets see what Netflixers had to say:
REview by:DW from Dallas, TX 2
Super BAD! This movie had no redeeming qualities. Had I paid to see it in the theaters, I would have requested my movie back. The acting was dreadful. The dialogue was worse! I felt like I was watching one of the spoof movies!
REview By: Madeline Baia
An extremely over the top movie with lackluster performances. A nap was more entertaining.
Review By: Me from IL
This is crap. I think it was a good idea for a movie (a jealous superhero girlfriend), but it turned out to be very corny, especially the ending! And Luke Wilson's best friend in the movie is just a total pervert, which to me is a turn off, not even funny. I didn't laugh much.
So much for those movies....God they were just so bad!
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