Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Work Making You Unhappy? Join the Club.

I know, I know, I haven't been writing for some time now. But really, I haven't been up to it, until today.

I have been pretty bummed about where my career is going in this "hard economic times".
I started noticing the economy was going to shit a few years back when I realized Bush's extension on the war was only creating a greater debt in the coutry's economy.
Then, I graduated college. Received a Bachelors degree for Business Administration in Management, went on into the "real world" with my joyous sparkling enthusiasm, only to find myself getting rejected in the job market. Miami was going on downturn in jobs and I was in the middle of it. It has been two years since I received my degree. I wasn't hired at any of the company's that I really wanted and ended up at a bank job. Keeping my enthusiasm high, I figured, "This is okay, I will make the best of this and make a career out of it" " I will climb this career ladder and be very succesful"

Guess what? 6 Months later, the economy took a turn for the worse and the banking industry went to shit. Just my luck of the draw. Here I am now, two years later after becoming a teller. I am still a teller, making $10.30/hour trying to make something good out of a bad thing. But there are no job opportunities in banking.

So this brings me to job satisfaction. I do not have any. Then I ran into this article on yahoo! AMERICANS' JOB SATISFACTION FALLS TO RECORD LOW.

Yeah,,,, I am going to Jerry Maguire myself out of my job pretty soon. Just not yet.

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