Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Church Blues

Oh my goodness, if the stress can get any higher my head will explode. Wedddings suck, i swear...well atleast the planning of it does. I got a call from my church that the chapel my not be ready by November. The thing is, that the church got vandilized and got burned down by these two bored stupid fucking kids, ages 12 and 13. They got really bored one day and decided to burn down the fucking chapel. Nice huh? Now, the church is saying that it could possibly not be ready in time and that we are gonna need a back up church by getting situated somewhere else. Its kind of upsetting because i want this church...its my parents church, my brothers and i got baptized there and its just depressing really. I dont understand what the fuck is going on here.

In better news, im losing more weight everyday and im very happy about that. Work is better. I had a situation but it got fixed... hhahahah eeekkkk....

Today was my fiances bday, he turned 33 and hes more handsome and wiser than ever. I got to get outta my house really early and bought him some balloons to make him feel youthful.

Our credit scores are up and i think by October we will definitely be getting a house to call our own. That will be the 2nd greatest adventure yet.

This past weekend we played guitar hero with my sister n law and her friend. we were like 10 yrs old all over again. It was like that stupid gun game on Nintendo and we had to shoot the ducks excitement....it was price less...

This past weekend i got to see my friends new place with her man n baby. Its a great place to entertain, but in a really bad neighborhood, i am worried, but i hope it works out.
Bad news? her bf told my man that a guy died there, and thats why it was being rented out. And while we sat outside, we heard gub shots, it was scarry....
Worse part, she doesnt know that the guy that sued to live there (literally....) had died there, i wonder when he will tell heR...i worry about that reaction..

Better news!!! 5 de Mayo is my engagement anniversary. Its gonna really be a year since i got asked to marry the man of my dreams.... oh gawd im getting Mc Cheesy....yuck!


im in deep love mode...

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Wedding Highs

OMG!! I totally forgot to mention the wedding plans that have been going on for the past 4 months. Cause, I only really started in January...you know late January when i finally got work. tee-hee-hee

Anywho, my man and i finally were able to book the hall we are gonna have the reception at. Full blown party time.

Its getting even more real day by day. i KINDA FRIEKED OUT TEE HEE HEE After I bought my wedding dress. I had a mini panich attack due to the fact that what i once knew to really really be my single life is finally coming to a close. Yeah, sure, im totally upside down, ridiculously, retardedly (is that a word? so what, if i made it up) crazily, and madly in love with my bubby but.... these days that are getting closer to the wedding date jsut honestly scare the shit outta me. I ask him if hes feeling thiis way, and he tells me "nope, im ready to officially love you and take care of you for the rest of my life". How can i compete with that? Jesus, we are really getting married...

Anyways, my dress is off the chain gorgeous. I dont have any pics to compare it to to blast here, but then again, i cant take that risk. The only person who has seen my dress is my moms and she helped me pick it. I love it so much. I just hope my weight loss is going to be effective. Ive already lose a few inches from my waist and i can definetly see it in my old clothes. I am waiting to lose another ten pounds before i buy new clothes. After that it should be weight loss heaven. I even went and put on my old dusty bikiny for a lil tanning in the loving sun of Miami. This Sunday is part deux of sun tanning time. I gotta nice for the wedding and fix up some of the tan mess i had from last year.

Theres officially 7 months to the wedding and i will be nervously meeting up with the wedding coordinator for the next few months leading to the wedding, and the photographers, and the flower people and the wedding dress people.

This Saturday i was able to get 4 of the 6 bridesmaids to go to the dress place to try on some dresses. Thats going to be fun and exausting all at the same time.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Brides Maid drama

I always said that I wouldnt surround myself with people who werent real with me or real friends. And with life has taught me, ive learned to get rid of those i dont need. So I had a bridesmaid who wasnt up to par. And on top of that i started thinking that she never wanted to be in the wedding at all. So the signs showed me what was up - that and i ran a few tests just to make sure it wasnt just me being a girl and over sensitive. This fucking chic tried to merry go round me and i caught her at her game.

The first thing i did with everyone i asked was a very honest question: "Do you want to be part of the wedding or would you like to just go to the wedding?" I think thats me being super fucking fair. Right?

I thought I was even being thoughful, because i know that not a lot of people want to pay for the dresses or really spend money to go to this wedding crap. I didnt even want a party/reception i just wanted to get married by church and them buy my house. But my fiance wants the whole shabang, and all of a sudden i find myself 10 grand down the whole with this thing. So yea, its a big fucking deal, when you tell the bride that your gonna be in the wedding.

Anyways, I was nice about it really, especially after their daunting text about, maybe not being able to be in the wedding, to im not gonna be in the weddin anymore. Whatever.

Someone told me at the beginning of this whole wedding planning that i will find out who my true friends really are and i will see who the slackers are. Because the last thing i ever want is to have someone walk my wedding and then never be able to hear from them again. Its disappointing and its just not me. I want to be surrounded by those who love me and my man. And love that we are finally together.

I dont want half ass friends. I dont need that at all. So i simply wont have it. Its fine that everyone has their own shit to do, thats totally understandable but having someone around that doesnt give a shit is a totally different. Being at different points in your life is great, thats what makes up different people, but never contacting someone or ever making an effort to show that you care is different too.

Anyways, i was real cool about it, and i told her no prob, i got someone else to replace you and that i hope they get what they wanted.. as per the text they sent me. I wasnt rude or a bitch as i usually am. And i didnt say my peace really either, because honestly i dont give a shit anymore. If that person doesnt give a shit about me i wont make it known to her that i do. So i left it at that. I deleted her from my myspace, my emails, my cell phone, and my life pretty much. And if she were to read this blog before she finds out - even though she wouldnt because she never calls me anyways or picks up my calls, so there it is...shes outta my life. And if she reads this, she wont care anyways.

The saddest part about this, is that she was the one who got me and my fiance together in the first place, hhahah so sad.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

I told You So

I been saying for 2 years that we were going to end up in a recession at one point or another due to many factors that have affected our economy and everyone told me i was crazy. But mark my words, there will be a very bad recession - maybe even a depression if we get another republican in the white house. And i will be standing here with my newly thinned ass, and my hands resting on my hips saying loud "I told you so".. you shall see, oh and thanks Bush, i really appreciate it all.

Church Run down

I was thinking about doing a run down on the things that I have to put up with in order to get married at a Catholic Church...not just any church, but this one is where my brothers and I got baptized at, my brothers got their communion at, and most importantly because my parents got married there :)

1. A booking date that is 6 months to a year in advance in order to get the date AND the time. I had to change my wedding date (by the by its Nov 8)3 times in order to get the latest time, which is 6:30pm. I got yelled at by family for even thinking about getting it at 2:30, and honestly seeing as to how many Cubans / Hispanics are attending i had to be honest with myself too and change the time, cause we Latin people tend to run late...a lot... more often then not...um mm yeah.

2. A ridiculous $300 deposit to hold the date and a deposit you DON'T GET BACK!

3. Signing up for a course called "A Walk Through Marriage"....which i would like to add has to be MAILED ALONG WITH A $95 MONEY ORDER) 6 mths in advance....This wonderferous course will be for two days, and to my of course joy, is on a Sat and Sun, (our sacred days off) its a program that will assist couples that plan to get married, to discuss everything there is about marriage...the last day, Sunday, after mass, we get to get our certificates and RUN.

The upside about this? Well, we get discounted for when we get our marriage license for the state. Yeap, we get it $30 off.

Oh and our parents have to go to a gathering too. suckers!

4. We get a handout called "An Introduction to Natural Family Planning"...as my fun loving, Ninja friend commented, its basically a handbook about how to bang my man without a contraceptive and allowing him to spew in my pure innocent body. First of all, eww, and second of all, theres picture people, pictures! On how i can tell "the signs of fertility" through cervical mucus....we all know what that is, but theres PICTURES on how i know the difference between ovulation days and "peak" days of fertility by seeing how sticky my "cervical mucus" is......umm yeah

This is what the handbook says are the :

BENEFITS of NFP (Natural Family Planning)

- Based on scientific fact;
-Cooperates with natures design and treats each menstrual cycle as unique;
- Is effective for achieving or avoiding pregnancy;
- Can be used throughout a womans reproductive life-time;
- Has no harmful side effects;
-Values children;
-Requires mutual responsibilities by husband and wife;
-Encorages cuopes communication;
-Fosters respect for and acceptance of the total person.
-Co-operates with Gods design for spouses

Im sorry, but i dont plan on touching and looking at my "cervical mucus" before i chitty chitty bang bang, im just wanna get it going....know what im saying? Strap that condom on and lets ride....

5. A pamphlet on instructions for the wedding at the church and for the wedding in particular....

6. Marriage license information...

7. A book filled with passages from the bible i would assume...and this is so that we can choose the readings that will be read at the church...but they all seem wack, i gotta read through it again. Well, then again, the passages sound better in spanish, the English version loses its umph.

8. 8 forms that will be used for 4 people we know to give out witness testimonys for the couples, 2 per each.....and i have to bring that in...

9. And the big dipper of em all.... $1200 or 1000 for the "DONATION" to the church...

I dont even wanna talk about that so called donation.... my man was not happy about that...