Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Call Me Teacher Lady

I figured my major and degree didnt so shit for me so now I am left with no choice but to enter the education world. I feel I should give back to my fellow Miami'ans... Maybe help them learn valid things that were not taought to me in school.
Besides helping to educate the future governors and deliquents of our nation I found that I need a steady paycheck. And the easiest and most sought after position now in Florida is teachers.
What I am doing to become this new educator? Well, I have already taken courses in the summer to learn more about being a teacher and I am currentyl enlisting to be a substitute. I want to get a little bit more experience with the kids. I decided on doing elementary education because it runs from grades K-6th grade and I want to concentrate on 2nd or 3rd graders because I will be dealing with less attitude and more healthy brain cells. I cannot wait its going to be great and easy.

Positives to being a teacher?

1 - EAsy Money : range of $30,000 - $60,000
2 - Benefits, Florida Retirement system
3 - Work with young kids 2 nd 3 rd graders - easier to manage
4 - Change of pace - something different and something new every day not a boring desk job.
5 - Paid days off for all holidays, Summers off!! And if I want more money then I work a summer term
6 - Lateral movement, bigger pay, even administrative postions ($70,000 to $90,000)
7 - Possible positions in local Colleges!! (thanks MOMMA!)
8 - Work less hours - days will end at 2 or 3 and the rest will be for leisure or for now making more money
9 - Because my major didnt offer me shit :(
10 - Will have time to juggle family and social life with out so much stress when i start having babies :)

Other than that i dont see why not to just do it. I mean I am only 23 and maybe better things will come from this!

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